
San Francisco County

Special Meeting on Free City College Fund Charter Amendment

A special meeting of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors was held on December 18, 2018, focusing on the Charter Amendment for the Free City College Fund. Supervisor Jane Kim was appointed President Pro Tempore due to Board President Malia Cohen's absence. The Board voted to submit the Charter Amendment to the ballot for the November 2019 election. The public provided comments on the budget, education, funding, and appreciation for Supervisor Kim's service. Supervisors Cohen, Peskin, and Tang were excused.

Search for Specific Moments

Committee of the Whole

Appointment of President Pro Tempore for the special meeting.

Due to the absence of Board President Malia Cohen, Supervisor Yee, seconded by Supervisor Safai, nominated and appointed Supervisor Kim as President Pro Tempore for the special meeting held on December 18, 2018. The motion carried with 8 ayes (Brown, Fewer, Kim, Mandelman, Ronen, Safai, Stefani, Yee) and 3 excused absences (Cohen, Peskin, Tang).

Committee of the Whole

Excusal of Supervisors Cohen, Peskin, and Tang from the meeting.

Supervisor Ronen, seconded by Supervisor Brown, moved to excuse Supervisors Cohen, Peskin, and Tang from attending the meeting. The motion passed with 8 ayes (Brown, Fewer, Kim, Mandelman, Ronen, Safai, Stefani, Yee) and 3 excused absences (Cohen, Peskin, Tang).

Unfinished Business

Discussion and vote on the Charter Amendment for the Free City College Fund.

The Board considered the third draft of the Charter Amendment to establish the Free City College Fund, which aims to defray certain costs for City College students and require annual appropriations in designated amounts. The amendment is slated for an election on November 5, 2019. The Board voted to submit the amendment with 7 ayes (Brown, Fewer, Kim, Mandelman, Ronen, Safai, Yee), 1 no (Stefani), and 3 excused absences (Cohen, Peskin, Tang).

Public Testimony

Public comment on budget, education, funding, and Board member appreciation.

Several members of the public offered comments. Mr. Wright voiced concerns regarding the budget and inequity in education. Tom Gilberty shared concerns regarding funding and government matters. One speaker generally thanked the Board of Supervisors. Jordan Davis thanked Supervisor Jane Kim for her work during her tenure as a Member of the Board.