
San Francisco County

Meeting on Funding, Public Health Initiatives, and Code Changes

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors convened on November 19, 2024, addressing a wide array of issues including funding allocations, public health initiatives, and various code changes. Key actions included approving increases to enterprise funding programs, retroactively authorizing grant acceptance for HIV prevention programs, approving agreements for engineering services and plumbing supplies, and authorizing the issuance of various general obligation bonds for earthquake safety and affordable housing. The board also heard from Mayor Breed regarding immigrant community support and recognized community leaders with Certificates of Honor. Several ordinances were passed on the first reading, related to public bath houses, firearms procurement policies, and protections for reproductive health facilities. Furthermore, the board initiated a hearing to review the progress of the Mental Health SF initiative.

Search for Specific Moments


Acknowledging the Ramaytush Ohlone and welcoming the public.

President Peskin acknowledged the Ramaytush Ohlone as the original inhabitants of the San Francisco Peninsula, followed by leading the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Angela Calvillo, Clerk of the Board, welcomed the public, informed them of meeting access options (in-person, SFGovTV,, and provided contact information for interpretation services and written comment submissions.

Consent Agenda

Approving meeting minutes from October 8th and 15th.

The Board approved the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on October 8, 2024, and the Special Board Meeting on October 15, 2024, without any corrections requested. Supervisor Stefani seconded by Supervisor Preston, moved to approve the minutes. The motion carried with a vote of 11-0.

Committee of the Whole

Mayor Breed addressed the Board regarding immigrant community support.

Mayor London Breed appeared before the Board and congratulated Supervisor Stefani on her election to the California State Assembly. The Mayor addressed the Board regarding concerns and fears of the immigrant community in anticipation of the incoming Presidential Administration. She detailed the City's plan to provide support to the immigrant community including expanding the legal defense fund, purchasing real property, and increasing funding for services and the Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs.

Consent Agenda

Approving increases to the Wastewater, Water, and Power Enterprise Interim Funding Programs.

The board approved an ordinance authorizing an increase to the Wastewater Enterprise’s Interim Funding Program from $750,000,000 to $1,250,000,000; an increase to the Water Enterprise’s Interim Funding Program from $500,000,000 to $750,000,000; and an increase to the Power Enterprise’s Interim Funding Program from $250,000,000 to $450,000,000. These increases will finance short-term capital projects for each enterprise. The ordinance was designated as Ordinance No. 269-24 and FINALLY PASSED.

Consent Agenda

Amending the Administrative Code regarding Catastrophic Illness Programs.

The board approved an ordinance amending the Administrative Code to authorize the Department of Human Resources to carry out various functions in the administration of the T.J. Anthony Employee Catastrophic Illness Program for City employees and the Catastrophic Illness Program for Family Members of City employees. This fulfilled the Meet and Confer requirement, and was designated Ordinance No. 270-24 and FINALLY PASSED.

Consent Agenda

Approving a surveillance technology policy for the Juvenile Probation Department.

The Board approved an ordinance approving the Surveillance Technology Policy for the Juvenile Probation Department’s use of web filtering software. The ordinance was designated as Ordinance No. 272-24 and FINALLY PASSED.

Consent Agenda

Approving an amendment to the Development Agreement for the 3333 California Street project.

The Board approved an ordinance amending the Development Agreement for the 3333 California Street project. This amendment extends the term of the Development Agreement by eight years to September 11, 2043, modifies affordable housing requirements, allows the project to qualify for the Temporary Fee Reduction Program, and includes a finance plan to use incremental property tax revenue for public capital facilities and affordable housing. The ordinance was designated Ordinance No. 271-24 and FINALLY PASSED with a vote of 11-0.

New Business

Appropriating interest earnings for Emergency Firefighting Water System projects and authorizing the sale of various General Obligation Bonds.

The Board discussed and approved several financial resolutions. First, an ordinance appropriating $6,181,212.25 in interest earnings from the 2010 and 2014 Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response (ESER) Bonds to fund planning and design phases of the Emergency Firefighting Water System (EFWS) projects at the Public Utilities Commission in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025, PASSED ON FIRST READING with a vote of 11-0. Then, a resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds for Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response (Resolution No. 560-24), Affordable Housing (Resolutions No. 576-24 and 561-24), and Proposition A, 2024 (Resolution No. 562-24) all were ADOPTED with a vote of 11-0.

New Business

Approving an agreement amendment for engineering services for transmission pipelines.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to execute Amendment No.1 to Contract No. PRO.0168.B with Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, Inc., and AGS, Inc., Joint Venture, increasing the contract by $10,000,000 for a total not to exceed amount of $17,000,000 with no changes to the eight year term to provide additional engineering design and support services for five transmission pipeline capital improvement projects funded by the Water Enterprise Capital Improvement Program, pursuant to Charter, Section 9.118(b). This was designated Resolution No. 563-24 and ADOPTED with a vote of 11-0.

New Business

Approving the acquisition of real property from Kaiser Foundation Hospitals.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Easement Deeds with Kaiser Foundation Hospitals for the acquisition of easements for an underground water pipeline, electrical utilities, and temporary construction easements at 1200 El Camino Real, South San Francisco, California 94080 for $266,100. The item was designated as Resolution No. 564-24 and ADOPTED with a vote of 11-0.

New Business

Approving retroactive grant acceptance and expenditure for HIV prevention and surveillance programs.

The Board approved two retroactive resolutions related to HIV prevention and surveillance. Resolution No. 565-24 authorized the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant increase of $648,354 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for a total of $5,701,459. Resolution No. 566-24 authorized the Department of Public Health to submit an application to continue receiving funding and requesting $5,909,395 in HIV Emergency Relief Program funding. Both resolutions were ADOPTED with a vote of 11-0.

New Business

Approving an agreement for plumbing supplies with Underground Republic Water Works, Inc.

The Board approved a resolution approving an Agreement between the City and Underground Republic Water Works, Inc. for plumbing supplies, for a term of seven years and for a total not to exceed amount of $50,400,000 and to authorize the Office of Contract Administration to make necessary, non-material changes to the Agreement. This was designated Resolution No. 567-24 and ADOPTED with a vote of 11-0.

New Business

Approving an Airport Professional Services Agreement modification with Professional Business Providers, Inc.

The Board approved a resolution approving Modification No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with Professional Business Providers, Inc. to extend the contract term two years for a total contract term of August 1, 2022, through July 31, 2027, and to increase the contract amount by $13,349,549 for a total not to exceed contract amount of $26,464,164. This was designated Resolution No. 568-24 and ADOPTED with a vote of 11-0.

New Business

Approving contract amendments with Richmond Area Multi Services, Inc. and the San Francisco AIDS Foundation.

The Board approved two contract amendment resolutions. Resolution No. 569-24 approved an amendment to the agreement with Richmond Area Multi Services, Inc. to provide vocational rehabilitation employment and training programs, extending the term by three years and six months and increasing the amount by $22,039,855 for a total not to exceed amount of $38,083,630. Resolution No. 570-24 approved an amendment to the agreement with San Francisco AIDS Foundation to provide mental health and substance abuse treatment services, extending the term by three years and six months and increasing the contract amount by $9,965,200 for a new total not to exceed amount of $19,635,695. Both resolutions were ADOPTED with a vote of 11-0.

New Business

Approving an agreement with Hitachi Rail GTS USA Inc. for a Communications-Based Train Control System.

The Board approved a resolution approving an agreement between the City and Hitachi Rail GTS USA Inc. for design, furnishment, system implementation, support and related services for a Communications-Based Train Control System, for a contract term of up to 29 years, and for a total contract amount of $563,845,651. This was designated Resolution No. 571-24 and ADOPTED with a vote of 11-0.

New Business

Approving retroactive grant acceptance and expenditure for the Automobile Insurance Fraud Program.

The Board approved a resolution retroactively authorizing the Office of the District Attorney to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $318,857 from the California Department of Insurance for the Automobile Insurance Fraud Program. This was designated Resolution No. 572-24 and ADOPTED with a vote of 11-0.

New Business

Approving the official naming of streets within the Hunters View Phase III Project.

The Board approved a resolution approving the official naming for two street segments within the Hunters View HOPE SF Infrastructure Phase III Project, which was Resolution No. 559-24 and ADOPTED with a vote of 11-0.

New Business

Reappointing Supervisor Rafael Mandelman to the California State Association of Counties.

The Board approved a motion reappointing Supervisor Rafael Mandelman to the California State Association of Counties, with term ending December 1, 2025 (Motion No. M24-114). Supervisor Mandelman was excused from voting on this item. APPROVED with a vote of 10-0.


Recognizing Antonio Diaz and Roberto Zenteno, Sr. with Certificates of Honor.

Supervisor Ronen introduced and presented a Certificate of Honor to Antonio Diaz, Organizational Director (PODER), for his accomplishments as an advocate for environmental and economic justice. Supervisor Safai introduced and presented a Certificate of Honor to Roberto Zenteno, Sr. (Zentcorp, Inc.) for providing tax guidance to constituents of the Excelsior and San Francisco.

Committee of the Whole

Passing ordinances on first reading related to public bath houses, firearms procurement, and reproductive health facilities.

The Board discussed and approved several ordinances on the first reading. An ordinance repealing Article 26 of the Police Code to delete the City’s regulations governing public bath houses PASSED ON FIRST READING with a vote of 11-0. An ordinance amending the Administrative Code to set an end date of June 24, 2025, to the time period within which the City may purchase firearms and ammunition from a supplier from whom it had previously purchased such goods PASSED ON FIRST READING with a vote of 11-0. Lastly, an ordinance amending the Police and Administrative Codes to protect access to reproductive health facilities, and Supervisor Safai requested to be added as a co-sponsor PASSED ON FIRST READING with a vote of 11-0.

Committee of the Whole

Authorizing state and federal background checks for massage permits and adopting the Mental Health Services Act Annual Update.

The Board authorized the Department of Public Health to access state and federal level summary criminal history for the licensing, permitting, and/or certification of massage business applicants (Resolution No. 574-24). Additionally, they authorized adoption of the San Francisco Mental Health Services Act Annual Update Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025 (Resolution No. 573-24). Both resolutions were ADOPTED with a vote of 11-0.

Public Testimony

Members of the public shared concerns and comments on various topics.

The board heard public comment on a range of issues. Speakers expressed concerns regarding vaccinations, art not being accepted to showcase at a pop-up event, a complaint filed with various oversight bodies, the Covered California enrollment period, ranked choice voting, personal financial experiences, personal belongings lost in City Hall, and black plastics. One speaker expressed gratitude to Supervisor Stefani for her leadership and work on the Board.

Consent Agenda

Approving a retroactive extension for Planning Commission review of commercial development requirements.

The Board approved a retroactive extension for Planning Commission review of Planning Code and Zoning Map amendments related to Central SoMa and Transit Center District commercial development requirements (Resolution No. 575-24). The item was ADOPTED with a vote of 11-0.

Consent Agenda

Honoring Supervisor Catherine Stefani with a resolution.

The Board approved a resolution honoring Supervisor Catherine Stefani for her service as Supervisor and declaring November 19, 2024, as Supervisor Catherine Stefani Day in San Francisco (Resolution No. 558-24). The item was ADOPTED with a vote of 11-0.

Legislation Introduced

Introducing ordinances related to lawsuit settlements, grants, and amendments to various codes.

The board RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED ordinances concerning the following topics: Settlements of lawsuits filed by Park Hotels & Resorts Inc. (File Nos. 241115 and 241116) to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. An ordinance regarding grants from the California Department of Insurance. and an amendment to the Annual Salary Ordinance to Budget and Finance Committee. An ordinance amending the Administrative Code to establish an Office of Citywide Food Coordination to Rules Committee. An ordinance regarding 99 Rhode Island Street was SUBSTITUTED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use and Transportation Committee, and one for the Leland Avenue Neighborhood Commercial District was ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Transportation Committee, expires on 12/19/2024.

Legislation Introduced

Introducing resolutions related to grants, agreements, housing, and capital expenditure plans.

A series of resolutions were RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee: retroactive grant acceptance and expenditure for the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation (241122); retroactive grant acceptance and expenditure from the Health Resources and Services Administration (241123); retroactive acceptance and expenditure of an in-kind gift from the California Department of Public Health (241124); grant agreement amendment with Episcopal Community Services (241125); retroactive agreements with Community Youth Center of San Francisco (241126, 241127) and Instituto Familiar de la Raza Inc (241128) and Richmond District Neighborhood Ctr Inc (241129); a sole source agreement with Low Income Investment Fund (241130); retroactive acceptance and expenditure from the Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (241131) and Health Resources Services Administration (241132); loan amendment - 2530 18th, LLC (241135); as well as housing (241133) and agreements (241136) related business. Also, an agreement with Potrero Neighborhood Collective, LLC (241136) an Implementation Memorandum of Understanding (241137) as well as a Capital Expenditure Plan Amendment (241138). Also, there was a lease agreement for a training facility (241139), a property lease from MacLean Properties (241140) and the Key Terms for Jackson Street (241141). Lastly, there was a contract with Recology San Francisco(241142) as well as an acceptance and expenditure of a grant to the Public Defender (241145) and Statement of Purpose from Public Works (241146).

Legislation Introduced

Motions introduced include a reappointment and a contract amendment.

Motions were introduced including one reappointing Deval Patel to the Park, Recreation and Open Space Advisory Committee (241109) was REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING. A motion authorizing the Clerk of the Board to exercise a final option to extend the term for Budget and Legislative Analyst Services with Harvey M. Rose Associates, LLC (241147) was RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

Legislation Introduced

A request for a hearing on the progress of Mental Health SF.

A request for a hearing (241148) to discuss the progress, successes, and provisions left to implement of Mental Health SF RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee.