
San Francisco County

Meeting on City Budget, Legislation, and Community Recognition

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors convened on October 18, 2016, addressing a diverse agenda that included budgetary matters, legislative updates, and community recognitions. The board approved ordinances related to prevailing wages for security guards and rezoning, and they deliberated on financial agreements and contracts, including those concerning inmate telephone services and public amenities. A major focus was also placed on issues related to homelessness, with discussions and approvals for temporary shelters and navigation centers. Additionally, the board addressed public safety concerns through the establishment of Neighborhood Property Crime Units. During the meeting, the board also engaged in a discussion about settlements relating to previous lawsuits, and the review of Civil Grand Jury reports. Supervisor Campos, Tang, Mar and Cohen shared remarks for various local heroes from San Francisco in honor of their accomplishments to improve the lives of San Franciscans. The board also introduced legislation pertaining to the SFPD and the implementation of an oversight committee from their Blue Ribbon Panel.

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Consent Agenda

The board approved prevailing wages for security guard services and rezoned 2070 Folsom Street.

The Board approved Ordinance No. 211-16, which amends the Administrative Code to require prevailing wages in City contracts for security guard services and at certain events on City property. The ordinance also clarifies worker retention requirements for security guards in the Police Code. The Board also approved Ordinance No. 209-16, which amends the Planning Code to rezone 2070 Folsom Street from Public (P) and 50-X to Urban Mixed Use (UMU) and 85-X. This action also includes affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act, and making findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare, as well as consistency with the General Plan and priority policies.

Unfinished Business

The board rescinded and then passed an ordinance waiving competitive process requirements for a lease agreement for an interim employee café at Airport Terminal 1.

The Board initially passed an ordinance waiving the competitive process requirement for a lease agreement between Amoura International, Inc., and the City and County of San Francisco, through its Airport Commission, for an interim employee café at Airport Terminal 1, with 8 ayes and 3 noes. Subsequently, a motion was made and passed to rescind the previous vote. The ordinance was then finally passed with a vote of 7 ayes and 4 noes, finalizing the waiver for the lease agreement.

New Business

The board authorized a contract amendment for inmate telephone services, approved an amendment to the revenue agreement for the Automatic Public Toilet and Public Service Kiosk Program, and authorized a grant application for the Ryan White Act HIV/AIDS Emergency Relief Grant Program.

The Board adopted Resolution No. 445-16, retroactively authorizing the Sheriff’s Department to enter into a fourth amendment to the contract with Global Tel*Link for inmate telephone services. This amendment reduces calling rates and fees and modifies the commission paid to the Sheriff’s Department, anticipating $34,000 per month in revenue for the Inmate Welfare Fund. They adopted Resolution No. 447-16, approving the second amendment to the revenue agreement between Public Works and JC Decaux San Francisco, LLC, extending the agreement for the Automatic Public Toilet and Public Service Kiosk Program by one year, through October 17, 2017. Additionally, they adopted Resolution No. 448-16, authorizing the Department of Public Health to submit an application for $16,654,711 in funding for the Ryan White Act HIV/AIDS Emergency Relief Grant Program for the San Francisco Eligible Metropolitan Area, covering March 1, 2017, through February 28, 2018.

New Business

The board passed the first reading of an ordinance appropriating $100,000 for earthquake relief in Italy, referred without recommendation from the Government Audit and Oversight Committee.

The board passed on first reading an ordinance appropriating $100,000 from the General Reserve to the Department of Emergency Management for earthquake relief in Italy for FY2016-2017, but it was referred without recommendation from the Government Audit and Oversight Committee, indicating there were reservations or concerns regarding the appropriation.

New Business

The board amended and passed on the first reading an ordinance creating Neighborhood Property Crime Units in the Police Department.

The Board amended and passed on first reading an ordinance amending the Administrative Code to create Neighborhood Property Crime Units at District stations in the Police Department. Amendments included improving coordination among different divisions of the Department, including the Patrol Bureau Task Force and the Crime Analysis Unit. The other amendments included working with other City departments and streamlining the sharing of information and data with other City departments responsible for law enforcement, including the District Attorney’s Office to investigate property crimes in a timely manner.

New Business

The board continued to the Board of Supervisors meeting of October 25, 2016, an ordinance amending the Administrative Code to update job classifications and bargaining units.

The Board discussed an ordinance amending the Administrative Code to reflect changes in job classifications in bargaining units. Suzanne Mason from the Department of Human Resources was granted the privilege of the floor to answer questions. Ultimately, the board voted to continue the item to the Board of Supervisors meeting of October 25, 2016, indicating further review and discussion were needed.

New Business

The board passed on the first reading an ordinance authorizing the settlement of a bankruptcy claim filed by the City against Compania Mexicana de Aviacion S.A. de C.V.

The Board passed on first reading an ordinance authorizing the settlement of the bankruptcy claim filed by the City and County of San Francisco, through its Airport Commission, against Compania Mexicana de Aviacion S.A. de C.V., doing business as Mexicana Airlines, for $110,249.74. The bankruptcy case was filed on August 2, 2010. Supervisor Avalos was absent during this vote and then returned.

New Business

The board adopted resolutions responding to Civil Grand Jury reports on San Francisco County Jails and Drinking Water Safety, and approved the settlement of an unlitigated claim filed by Darleen Lau.

The Board adopted Resolution No. 442-16, responding to the Civil Grand Jury Report on San Francisco County Jails, urging the Mayor to implement accepted findings and recommendations through his/her department heads. They adopted Resolution No. 443-16, responding to the Civil Grand Jury Report on Drinking Water Safety, also urging the Mayor to implement accepted findings and recommendations. They also adopted Resolution No. 444-16, approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim filed by Darleen Lau against the City and County of San Francisco for $140,000, involving an alleged personal injury on a City street. The board also approved Motion No. M16-140, responding to a Civil Grand Jury report update for the San Francisco’s Crime Lab.

New Business

The board passed on the first reading ordinances amending the Planning Code to allow temporary homeless shelters in certain industrial and mixed-use districts and ordering the summary street vacation of a portion of 25th Street for a temporary Navigation Center.

The board passed on first reading Ordinance No. 160960 amending the Planning Code to allow temporary Homeless Shelters in the Production, Distribution, and Repair, the WSoMa Mixed Use-Office, and the Service/Arts/Light Industrial zoning districts, subject to conditional use authorization. Also passed on first reading was Ordinance No. 160961 ordering the summary street vacation of a portion of 25th Street to facilitate construction of a temporary Navigation Center for homeless residents and authorizing the operation of the Navigation Center on the vacated portion of 25th Street for more than two years.

New Business

The board adopted a resolution urging the establishment of the LGBTQ Nightlife and Culture Working Group.

The Board adopted Resolution No. 446-16, urging the establishment of the LGBTQ Nightlife and Culture Working Group, and urging the Office of Economic and Workforce Development and the Entertainment Commission to convene the working group with a goal of protecting, preserving, and expanding LGBTQ nightlife, including drafting and enacting a plan to create the Citywide LGBTQ Cultural Heritage Strategy.


The board presented Certificates of Honor to Brenda Way, Shannon Rowbury, Ezra Rapport, and Kathryn J. Summers.

Supervisor Campos presented a Certificate of Honor to Brenda Way of ODC for dance accomplishments and work teaching dancers. Supervisor Tang presented a Certificate of Honor to Shannon Rowbury for athletic achievements, with Supervisor Wiener and Aimee Alden (Office of Assemblymember Phil Ting) sharing in the commendation. Supervisor Mar presented a Certificate of Honor to Ezra Rapport for his retirement from the Association of Bay Area Governments, and Supervisor Campos shared in this commendation. Supervisor Cohen presented a Certificate of Honor to Kathryn J. Summers for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Public Testimony

Members of the public shared thoughts and concerns on various topics, including homelessness, discrimination in housing, air pollution, domestic violence, and refugees.

The Board heard from Abdalla Meghed, who shared various thoughts and experiences. Jennine Jacob expressed concerns regarding homelessness in the Mission. A female speaker shared experiences with discrimination in housing applications. Other speakers included a male speaker sharing religious thoughts, Andrew Yip sharing thoughts and experiences, Christopher Dahl expressing concerns about air pollution, a male speaker raising concerns about domestic violence, Tom Gilberty sharing ideas regarding homelessness and concerns about Wells Fargo, the Falun Gong, and refugees, and Otto Duffy expressing concerns about homelessness.

Consent Agenda

The board adopted resolutions approving an extension for Planning Commission review of medical service use in the Sacramento Street Neighborhood Commercial District and declaring October 18, 2016, as Shannon Rowbury Day.

The Board adopted Resolution No. 449-16, approving a 60-day extension for the Planning Commission to review Ordinance File No. 160656, which amends the Planning Code to prohibit a change of use from a business or professional service use to a medical service use on the first floor or below in the Sacramento Street Neighborhood Commercial District. The Board also adopted Resolution No. 450-16, declaring October 18, 2016, as Shannon Rowbury Day in the City and County of San Francisco.

Consent Agenda

The board approved an amended motion directing the Clerk of the Board to schedule quarterly Committees of the Whole hearings on the Blue Ribbon Panel on Transparency, Accountability, and Fairness in Law Enforcement.

The board approved an amendment to the motion (M16-142) to direct the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to schedule Committees of the Whole hearings on the first Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors every third month beginning in February 2017, to hear and receive an update on the final report, findings, and recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Transparency, Accountability, and Fairness in Law Enforcement; and requesting the Police Department and Police Commission to report. The new motion was approved as amended.

Consent Agenda

The board approved an amended motion scheduling a joint Committee of the Whole meeting with the Police Commission on November 15, 2016, to consider findings and recommendations related to the Police Department.

The Board approved an amended motion (M16-141) scheduling the Board of Supervisors to sit as a Committee of the Whole on November 15, 2016, at 5:00 p.m., in a joint meeting with the San Francisco Police Commission, to hold a public hearing to consider the findings and recommendations of the Department of Justice Initial Assessment Report of the San Francisco Police Department, the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing, Civil Grand Jury, and Blue Ribbon Panel on Transparency, Accountability, and Fairness in Law Enforcement. The amendments changed the date and time.

Consent Agenda

The board tabled a motion adopting the Planning Department’s report on the interim zoning moratorium to prohibit the conversion or replacement of Production, Distribution, and Repair uses in the proposed Central South of Market Plan Area.

The Board voted to table Motion No. 161092, which sought to adopt the Planning Department’s report on the interim zoning moratorium to prohibit the conversion or replacement of Production, Distribution, and Repair uses in the proposed Central South of Market Plan Area. This indicates that the board opted to postpone discussion or action on the matter for a future meeting.

New Business

The board found a need for immediate action under the Brown Act and declared October 18, 2016, Ezra Rapport Day.

The board found that the resolution being considered was purely commendatory and adopted a Brown Act finding that there was a need to take immediate action. President Breed inquired as to whether any member of the public wished to address the Board relating to October 18, 2016, as Ezra Rapport Day as referenced in File No. 161107. There were no speakers. The President declared public comment closed. Resolution No. 451-16 was then adopted declaring October 18, 2016, Ezra Rapport Day in the City and County of San Francisco.

Legislation Introduced

Supervisors introduced ordinances related to fossil fuel leases, sign regulations, alternate water sources, library fines and fees, Treasure Island infrastructure and revitalization financing, short-term residential rental limits, the Geary-Masonic Special Use District, communication service providers in multiple occupancy buildings, and the Tall Building Structural and Seismic Safety Advisory Committee, as well as related appropriations and resolutions.

Various supervisors and the Mayor introduced a range of ordinances and resolutions. These included ordinances addressing topics such as prohibiting fossil fuel leases on City-owned land, sign regulations, alternate water sources, library fines and fees, forming an Infrastructure and Revitalization Financing District for Treasure Island (and levying special taxes), limiting short-term residential rentals, establishing the Geary-Masonic Special Use District, communications service providers in multiple occupancy buildings, and establishing a Tall Building Structural and Seismic Safety Advisory Committee, as well as related budget appropriations and resolutions about special elections and taxation.

Legislation Introduced

Resolutions were introduced concerning residential mortgage revenue bonds, a library fee amnesty program, grants for the San Francisco Public Library, Treasure Island revitalization financing, the Peninsula Corridor Electrification Project, grants for the District Attorney's Office, Mills Act historical property contracts, ending business with Wells Fargo, condemning hate speech targeting Muslims, reviewing executive compensation for the San Francisco Employees Retirement System, and supporting the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Resolutions introduced covered topics like approving the issuance and sale of residential mortgage revenue bonds for low income housing and the issuance of bonds by the Association of Bay Area Governments for financing the costs of acquiring, construction, or renovation of educational facilities. Also there was discussion of creating a library fee amnesty program, various financial issues related to the City and Treasure Island, acceptance of grants by the San Francisco Public Library and the District Attorney’s Office, contracts concerning historical buildings, and the San Francisco Employee Retirement System Board needing to review it's executive compensation. Discussions also commenced regarding ending business with Wells Fargo, condemning hate speech, and supporting indigenous communities.

Legislation Introduced

A motion was introduced amending Board Rules regarding the administration of oaths, and a hearing was requested on the Work Group to Re-Envision the Jail Replacement Project.

A motion was introduced to amend the Board of Supervisors Rules of Order to set forth the process for the administration of oaths to individuals testifying before the Board, and to authorize committees to administer oaths. A hearing was requested on the outcomes and recommendations from the Work Group to Re-Envision the jail Replacement Project; and requesting the Department of Public Health, the Sheriff's Department, and San Francisco Taxpayers for Public Safety to report.

Legislation Introduced

Proposed ordinances were introduced related to sidewalk width changes, short-term rental registration fees, and settlement of various lawsuits.

Proposed ordinances at the request of departments were introduced for changes in sidewalk width, short-term rental fees, and various lawsuits. These ordinances covered settling lawsuits concerning property damage arising from water pipe leaks. The ordinances were designed to simplify city processes and handle legal resolutions.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinances amending various codes were introduced for nonsubstantive clean-up and to repeal and enact the San Francisco Fire Code.

Additionally, the city attorney introduced "clean-up" ordinances that make nonsubstantive changes. The Fire Department introduced an ordinance which would repeal the entire current San Francisco Fire Code, introduce a new 2016 San Francisco Fire Code (amended from the California Fire Code and the International Fire Code), direct the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to forward San Francisco’s amendments to the California Building Standards Commission and State Fire Marshal; and making environmental findings.

Legislation Introduced

A proposed resolution was introduced for the settlement of an unlitigated claim filed by Lisa Sarto.

A proposed resolution was introduced regarding settling an unlitigated claim with Lisa Sarto concerning an employment dispute.


The board acknowledged the passing of Wayne Friday, Laurie Southgate, and Richard "Specs" Simmons.

The meeting included "In Memoriam" remarks for Wayne Friday by the entire board, for Laurie Southgate by Supervisor Mar, and for Richard “Specs” Simmons by Supervisor Peskin, recognizing their passing and contributions.