The San Francisco Board of Supervisors meeting on October 2, 2018, covered a range of topics from approving settlements for several lawsuits against the City to debating and amending a resolution in support of California State Proposition 10. The Board also addressed issues related to minimum wage, film commission programs, and various contracts and grants. A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to the India Basin Mixed-Use Project, with appeals and certifications related to the project's environmental impact report being discussed and continued to a subsequent meeting. Multiple hearings were opened to the public. Several new ordinances and resolutions were introduced. Finally, the board moved to recognize members of the community.
Consent Agenda
Approval of settlements for several lawsuits against the City and County of San Francisco.
The Board approved settlements for several lawsuits: Terrance Heyward ($37,500 for a sidewalk injury), Patricia Gambino ($50,000 for a sidewalk injury), Sam Percival Stewart ($150,000 for an alleged civil rights violation), Juanita Stockwell, et al. ($400,000 for an employment dispute), Cui Ying Zhou, et al. ($14,500,000 for an alleged personal injury in Washington Square Park), Nikolas P. Lemos ($100,000 for an employment dispute), and Quincy Lewis ($60,000 for an alleged civil rights violation).
Unfinished Business
Approval of an ordinance to increase the minimum hourly compensation rate for employees of City contractors.
The Board approved an ordinance amending the Administrative Code to increase the minimum hourly compensation rate for employees of City contractors (excluding nonprofits/public entities) to $17.00 per hour, with annual cost-of-living increases. It also increases the rate for employees under contracts with nonprofits/public entities to minimum wage and requires all City contractors to pay the minimum hourly rate for work funded by City contracts.
Unfinished Business
Approval of fee waivers for tree maintenance and banner placement.
The Board approved an ordinance waiving temporary street space occupancy fees for tree maintenance activities by the Greater Rincon Hill Association and an ordinance waiving banner fees for the Filipino American Arts Exposition to publicize the Pistahan Festival and Parade.
Unfinished Business
Approval of an ordinance to administer the Early Care and Education Commercial Rents Tax.
The Board approved an ordinance amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code to add provisions to administer the Early Care and Education Commercial Rents Tax, increase the payment required for extensions of time to file business tax returns, and make other non-substantive changes.
Unfinished Business
Tabled a resolution urging Kaiser Permanente to protect certain employee positions from being outsourced.
The Board tabled a resolution urging Kaiser Permanente to protect its messenger driver, parking attendant, licensed vocational nurse, and department secretary employees from being outsourced.
New Business
Passed on first reading an ordinance amending the Administrative Code to modify film commission programs.
The Board passed on first reading an ordinance amending the Administrative Code to modify daily use fees for film production, extend the Film Rebate Program through 2028, increase the funding cap for the Film Rebate Project Account, and add administrative penalties for violations of Film Commission program requirements.
New Business
Approval of a lease agreement with Thomas Cook Airlines Limited for flight operations at San Francisco International Airport.
The Board approved a resolution approving a 2011 Lease and Use Agreement No. 18-0086 between Thomas Cook Airlines Limited, and the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission, to conduct flight operations at the San Francisco International Airport, with no change to the term length to expire on June 30, 2021, to commence on the first day of the month following upon approval by the Board of Supervisors.
New Business
Acceptance and expenditure of a grant to develop an Electric Vehicle Ready Blueprint.
The Board approved a resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of the Environment to accept and expend a grant from the California Energy Commission to develop an Electric Vehicle Ready Blueprint to accelerate regional vehicle electrification.
New Business
Approval of a lease amendment for the New Conservatory Theatre Center at 25 Van Ness Avenue.
The Board approved a resolution authorizing a lease amendment to extend space at 25 Van Ness to the New Conservatory Theatre Center for a monthly base rent of $7,983, with the lease running from October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2023.
New Business
Retroactive approval of a contract agreement for gasoline.
The Board approved a resolution retroactively approving the Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Primary Contractor, Western States Oil, and the Secondary Contractor, SC Fuels, for gasoline, for an initial term of three years from September 1, 2018, through August 21, 2021, with two one-year options to extend, for a not to exceed amount of $32,000,000 pursuant to Charter, Section 9.118(b).
New Business
Retroactive approval of contract agreements for behavioral health services.
The Board approved resolutions retroactively approving contract agreements with Baker Places, Inc., Seneca Family of Agencies (dba Seneca Center), and Health RIGHT 360 for behavioral health services.
New Business
Retroactive authorization for the District Attorney's Office to accept and expend a grant and in-kind gifts.
The Board approved resolutions retroactively authorizing the Office of the District Attorney to accept and expend a grant increase from the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services for the County Victim Services Program and in-kind gifts from the Urban Institute and Code for America.
New Business
Passed on first reading an ordinance amending the Building Code regarding the review of legislation proposed by the Board of Supervisors.
The Board passed on first reading an ordinance amending the Building Code to establish a process for review by the Building Inspection Commission and Code Advisory Committee of legislation proposed by the Board of Supervisors.
New Business
Approval of an amended resolution supporting California State Proposition 10, The Affordable Housing Act.
The Board approved an amended resolution supporting California State Proposition 10, The Affordable Housing Act. The original resolution was amended to remove language affirming the exemption of single-family homes from rent control.
New Business
Passed on first reading an ordinance directing the Arts Commission to erect a work of art depicting Maya Angelou and setting a City policy regarding the depiction of women on City property.
The Board passed on first reading an ordinance directing the Arts Commission to erect a work of art depicting Maya Angelou at the Main Library, setting a City policy that at least 30% of nonfictional figures depicted or commemorated in statues and other works of art on City-owned property, public building names, and street names, be women, and creating a fund to accept gifts to pay for public art depicting historically significant women.
New Business
Passed on first reading an ordinance authorizing the Chief of Police to provide verification of preapplication meetings for neighborhood-restricted liquor licenses.
The Board passed on first reading an ordinance amending the Police Code to authorize the Chief of Police, or their designee, to provide signed verification of preapplication meetings for neighborhood-restricted liquor licenses.
New Business
Passed on first reading an ordinance to establish a Surplus Medication Repository and Distribution Program.
The Board passed on first reading an ordinance amending the Health Code to establish a Surplus Medication Repository and Distribution Program, overseen by the Department of Public Health.
New Business
Approval of a resolution determining that the premise-to-premise transfer of a liquor license to Ichipub will serve the public convenience or necessity.
The Board approved a resolution determining that the premise-to-premise transfer of the Type-48 on-sale general public premises liquor license to Kevin Chi Duong, doing business as Ichipub, located at 1706 Post Street (District 5), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco and requesting that the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control impose conditions on the issuance of the license.
Recognition of Commendations for Police Officers, the Native American community, and a Zoning Administrator.
Supervisor Fewer presented Certificates of Honor to Police Officers Jarrod Yee and Mike Mellone for their heroic rescue of residents from an apartment building. Supervisor Brown presented a Certificate of Honor to the Native American community for their efforts in removing the Early Days Statue at Civic Center. Supervisor Peskin presented a Certificate of Honor to Scott Sanchez, Zoning Administrator, on his retirement.
Hearing on appeal of a Conditional Use Authorization for a project at 143 Corbett Avenue. The appeal was withdrawn, and the hearing was filed.
The Board held a hearing on the appeal of a Conditional Use Authorization for a project at 143 Corbett Avenue. Supervisor Mandelman indicated the appellant withdrew their appeal. President Cohen closed public comment and declared the public hearing heard and filed.
Approval of a motion approving the Conditional Use Authorization after the appeal for 143 Corbett Avenue was withdrawn.
The Board approved Motion No. M18-134 after the prior appeal was withdrawn, moving to approve decision No. 20220 from the Planning Commission authorizing the Conditional Use Authorization for Planning Case No. 2017-009348CUA.
Continued hearing on appeal of a Final Environmental Impact Report Certification for the India Basin Mixed-Use Project to the October 16, 2018, Board of Supervisors meeting for further narrow discussion.
The Board held a hearing on the appeal of a Final Environmental Impact Report Certification for the India Basin Mixed-Use Project, which was met with many speakers from both sides. Concerns were raised regarding air quality impacts, and the hearing was continued open to the Board of Supervisors meeting of October 16, 2018, for further narrow discussion regarding the new air quality mitigation measure, air quality impacts, and any further mitigations.
The Board voted to continue Motions 180842-180844 to the Board of Supervisors meeting of October 16, 2018.
Motions 180842-180844, covering Affirming the Final Environmental Impact Report Certification, Conditionally Reversing the Final Environmental Impact Report Certification, and Preparation of Findings to Reverse the Final Environmental Impact Report Certification, were moved to the October 16th meeting by Supervisors Cohen and Peskin.
Committee Reports
Approval of a resolution authorizing the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development to execute a grant application under the No Place Like Home Program.
The Board approved a resolution authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development, on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco, to execute a grant application under the California Department of Housing and Community Development No Place Like Home Program which provides funding for counties to develop multifamily housing specifically for persons with serious mental illness who are homeless, chronically homeless, or at-risk of chronic homelessness.
Committee Reports
Approval of a resolution declaring the intent of the City to issue residential mortgage revenue bonds for 711 Eddy Street (Eastern Park Apartments).
The Board approved a resolution declaring the intent of the City and County of San Francisco (“City”) to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness; authorizing the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“Director”) to submit an application and related documents to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (“CDLAC”) to permit the issuance of residential mortgage revenue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $95,000,000 for 711 Eddy Street.
Committee Reports
Continued on first reading an ordinance amending the General Plan to reflect the India Basin Mixed-Use Project to the Board of Supervisors meeting of October 16, 2018.
The Board continued on first reading an ordinance amending the General Plan to revise the Bayview Hunters Point Area Plan, and the Urban Design, Commerce and Industry, and Recreation and Open Space Elements, to reflect the India Basin Mixed-Use Project. The project's findings were also delayed until this date as well.
Committee Reports
Continued on first reading the India Basin Special Use District amendment to the Board of Supervisors meeting of October 16, 2018.
The Board continued on first reading an ordinance amending the Planning Code to establish the India Basin Special Use District, located generally at Innes Avenue between Griffith Street and Earl Street, along the India Basin shoreline, in the south-east part of San Francisco; amending the Planning Code by amending the Zoning Map to change zoning designations, height districts, and add the India Basin Special Use District.
Committee Reports
Continued on first reading the Development Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and India Basin Investment LLC to the Board of Supervisors meeting of October 16, 2018.
The Board continued on first reading an ordinance approving a Development Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and India Basin Investment LLC, a California limited liability company, for the India Basin Project at the approximately 28-acre site located at Innes Avenue between Griffith Street and Earl Street, with various public benefits, including 25% affordable housing and 11 acres of parks and open space.
For Adoption Without Committee Reference
Approval of a resolution consolidating the elections scheduled for November 6, 2018.
The Board approved a resolution consolidating various elections scheduled for November 6, 2018, including the State of California General Election, the City and County of San Francisco Municipal Election, and others.
For Adoption Without Committee Reference
Approval of Final Map 9366 for a five residential unit condominium project at 758 Haight Street.
The Board approved Final Map 9366, a five residential unit condominium project, located at 758 Haight Street, and adopted findings pursuant to the General Plan and Planning Code, Section 101.1.
Legislation Introduced
Introduction of ordinances and resolutions related to harassment prevention training, the San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band, minimum compensation, Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board, Civic Center Community Benefit District, JC Decaux San Francisco, the Police Department and Parks and Rec, SFO Museum, and Public Health Managed Care Contracts.
Several new ordinances and resolutions were introduced, including those related to harassment prevention training for City employees, designating the San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band as the official band of the City, increasing the minimum compensation hourly rate for employees, Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board, Civic Center Community Benefit District, JC Decaux San Francisco, the Police Department, Parks and Rec, the SFO Museum, and Public Health Managed Care Contracts.
Requests for Hearing
Requests for hearings on the historic preservation landmarking of 2 Henry Adams Street, discretionary budget spending plans, and StreetTreeSF.
Three hearings were requested: one on the historic preservation landmarking of 2 Henry Adams Street, another to review spending plans for additional discretionary funds distributed to various City departments, and a third to discuss updates and outcomes from Year One of the Bureau of Urban Forestry's StreetTreeSF Program.
Public Testimony
Members of the public shared concerns on topics from disparity in housing costs to mental illness support.
Members of the public shared concerns regarding public participation processes, disparity in the cost of housing, homelessness, Lieutenant Governor Newsom and the need for more affordable housing, various religious concerns, mental illness experiences, and unconstitutional outpatient treatment.