The San Francisco Board of Supervisors convened on September 18, 2018, addressing a diverse range of topics. Key actions included approving the issuance of airport revenue refunding bonds, contract amendments for behavioral health services, and resolutions concerning multifamily housing revenue bonds. The board also engaged in discussions and amendments related to affordable housing projects in Service/Arts/Light Industrial Districts. New legislation introduced covered inclusionary housing, cannabis business regulations, the Reentry Council's reporting duties, and various Planning and Administrative Code updates. Public testimony addressed concerns ranging from racial discrimination to child sexual abuse and climate change.
Consent Agenda
Approval of Planning Code amendments related to fees for certain permits and transportation analysis.
The Board approved Ordinance No. 221-18, amending the Planning Code and associated fees to clarify fees for projects with low construction costs and to change fees for transportation analysis. The ordinance also affirmed the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act and included findings of consistency with the General Plan and public necessity.
Consent Agenda
Final passage of an ordinance setting the property tax rate and establishing a pass-through rate for residential tenants.
Ordinance No. 223-18, sponsored by Supervisor Cohen, was approved. This ordinance levies property taxes at a combined rate of $1.1630 per $100 valuation of taxable property for various districts, including the City and County of San Francisco, school districts, BART, and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. It also establishes a pass-through rate of $0.0675 per $100 of assessed value for residential tenants for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019.
Consent Agenda
Authorization of a settlement in a lawsuit related to an employment dispute.
The Board approved Ordinance No. 222-18, authorizing the settlement of a lawsuit filed by Anita Lofton and Almudena Martin Marcos against the City and County of San Francisco for $60,000. The lawsuit, filed on December 23, 2015, in San Francisco Superior Court (Case No. CGC-15-549595), involved an employment dispute.
Unfinished Business
Final passage of an ordinance establishing sub-project areas for infrastructure financing related to Pier 70.
Ordinance No. 220-18, sponsored by the Mayor and Supervisor Cohen, was finally passed. This ordinance establishes Sub-Project Area G-2, Sub-Project Area G-3, and Sub-Project Area G-4 of City and County of San Francisco Infrastructure Financing District No. 2 (Port of San Francisco, Pier 70). It affirmed the Planning Department's determination and findings under the California Environmental Quality Act and approved other related matters.
Unfinished Business
Discussion and amendment of an ordinance regarding affordable housing projects in Service/Arts/Light Industrial Districts.
Supervisor Kim, seconded by Supervisor Fewer, moved to amend Ordinance 180364 which concerned permitting affordable housing on undeveloped lots in Service/Arts/Light Industrial (SALI) Zoning Districts. Specifically they wanted to change 'structures' to 'buildings' on Page 6, Lines 17, 20, and 21. After that motion carried, Supervisor Kim requested the Ordinance be DUPLICATED AS AMENDED, resulting in File No. 180910.
Then they amended the duplicate, File No. 180910, with Supervisor Kim and Peskin requesting to strike 'as of the effective date of the ordinance enacting Section 846.24, in Board File No.’, and Lines 24-25, by adding ‘(3) On any parcel over 15,000 square feet in size that contains a surface parking lot use, structures that are accessory to a surface parking lot use, and a building that does not exceed 800 square feet in building area.’
Finally Supervisor Peskin, seconded by Supervisor Kim, moved that this Ordinance be RE-REFERRED AS AMENDED to the Land Use and Transportation Committee.
New Business
Adoption of a resolution approving the issuance of airport revenue refunding bonds.
Resolution No. 305-18 was adopted, approving the issuance of up to $2,620,000,000 aggregate principal amount of San Francisco International Airport Second Series Revenue Refunding Bonds. The bonds are intended to refinance existing bonds and related obligations of the Airport Commission. The resolution also approved the form and execution of Continuing Covenant Agreements related to the direct purchase of bonds.
New Business
Approval of a contract amendment for behavioral health services with Positive Resource Center.
Resolution No. 306-18 was adopted, retroactively approving a fourth amendment to the Department of Public Health contract with Positive Resource Center. This amendment extends the contract term by four years, from July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2022, and increases the contract amount by $7,330,597, for a total not to exceed $18,075,044.
New Business
Approval of an original agreement for behavioral health services for children and families with Edgewood Center.
Resolution No. 307-18 was adopted, retroactively approving an original agreement between the Department of Public Health and Edgewood Center for Children and Families for behavioral health services for children, youth, and families. The agreement is for a total contract term of four years, from July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2021, in the not to exceed amount of $24,224,508.
New Business
Approval of resolutions related to multifamily housing revenue bonds for 1990 Folsom Street and 1045 Capp Street.
Resolution No. 309-18 was adopted, approving the issuance and sale of residential mortgage revenue bonds by the City and County of San Francisco in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $76,000,000 for the purpose of providing financing for the construction of a 143-unit multifamily rental housing project at 1990 Folsom Street. Resolution No. 310-18 declared the intent of the City and County of San Francisco to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness. It also authorized the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to submit an application and related documents to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee to permit the issuance of residential mortgage revenue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $20,000,000 for 1045 Capp Street (Abel Gonzales Apartments).
New Business
First reading of an ordinance amending the Planning Code regarding health services in the Ocean Avenue district.
An ordinance (File No. 180483) was passed on first reading, amending the Planning Code to require a Conditional Use authorization for Health Service Uses (Principal or Accessory) on the ground story in the Ocean Avenue Neighborhood Commercial Transit District. Health Service Uses are permitted above the ground story.
New Business
First reading of an ordinance amending the Police Code to require verbal warnings for dispersal orders at reproductive health care facilities.
An ordinance (File No. 180617) was passed on first reading, amending the Police Code to require law enforcement officials to provide a verbal warning, rather than a written warning, prior to issuing a dispersal order to ensure access to a reproductive health care facility. Several Supervisors requested to be added as co-sponsors.
New Business
Approval of resolutions regarding liquor licenses for various establishments.
Resolution No. 303-18 was adopted, determining that the issuance of an extension on premise of a Type-48 on-sale general public premises liquor license to 98 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, Inc., doing business as BIIG, located at 98 Turk Street (District 6), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco. Resolution No. 304-18 determined that the premise-to-premise transfer of a Type-21 off-sale general beer, wine, and distilled spirits liquor license to Giovanni Specialties LLC, doing business as Giovanni Italian Specialties located at 629 Union Street (District 3), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco. Resolution No. 308-18 determined that the issuance of a Type-42 on-sale beer and wine public premises liquor license to Lay Brothers, LLC, doing business as Fig & Thistle, located at 691-14th Street (District 8), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco.
New Business
First reading of ordinances amending the Administrative Code regarding civic design review fees and Arts Commission traveling exhibitions.
Ordinance 180754, sponsored by Peskin and Brown was PASSED ON FIRST READING. It modifies the Civic Design Review fee from a deposit of $2,500 plus the time and materials costs to a flat fee of $12,800 per project, establish a process for an annual cost-of-living fee adjustment, set a timeline for fee payment, describe the method for determining fees for projects involving multiple structures situated together as part of a larger development plan, and describe circumstances that may qualify for fee waiver or reduction.
Also Ordinance 180755, sponsored by Peskin and Brown was PASSED ON FIRST READING. It amends the Administrative Code to authorize the Arts Commission to charge a fee for organizing traveling exhibitions.
New Business
Approval of appointments to the Central Market Street and Tenderloin Area Citizen's Advisory Committee.
Motion No. M18-119 was APPROVED, appointing Bryant Duong and Stephen Tennis to terms ending November 2, 2019, and Sam Dennison and Jonathan Bonato to terms ending January 31, 2021, to the Central Market Street and Tenderloin Area Citizen's Advisory Committee.
New Business
First reading of ordinances amending the Administrative Code regarding labor peace agreements for excursion vessel operations and early care and education.
An ordinance (File No. 180802) was passed on first reading, amending the Administrative Code to require Labor Peace Agreements between employers operating excursion vessels under a Port lease and labor organizations seeking to represent their employees. An ordinance (File No. 180807) was passed on first reading, amending the Administrative Code to establish the Early Care and Education for All Initiative, to be funded by appropriations from the Babies and Families First Fund, including procedures concerning a spending plan and reporting requirements. Supervisor Fewer requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
New Business
Approval of appointments to the Association of Bay Area Governments and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.
Motions No. M18-120 and M18-121 were APPROVED, both related to appointing Supervisor Rafael Mandelman to the Association of Bay Area Governments and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District respectively. Supervisor Mandelman was excused from voting on these files. Supervisor Brown was also excused from voting on File No. 180883 as well. Which was Motion No. M18-122 and was APPROVED as well and appointing Supervisor Vallie Brown, term ending January 31, 2019, to the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District.
Recognition of Commendations
Supervisor Fewer introduced, welcomed, and presented a Certificate of Honor to Meehyang Yoon, Board Chair of the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance, in recognition of her advocacy and efforts relating to the issues of military sexual slavery by Japan.
Committee of the Whole
First reading of an ordinance delegating authority for binding arbitration agreements related to electricity purchases.
An ordinance (File No. 180708) was passed on first reading, delegating authority to the General Manager of the Public Utilities Commission to enter into agreements requiring binding arbitration for purchase of electricity and related products.
Committee of the Whole
Adoption of a resolution approving the sale of an easement on Public Utilities Commission property to Alameda County.
Resolution No. 312-18 was ADOPTED, approving and authorizing the sale to Alameda County for $2,457 of an easement on City and County of San Francisco property under the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. The easement is on and above Calaveras Road in Sunol, California.
Committee of the Whole
Adoption of a resolution regarding an agreement amendment with the California Department of Transportation.
Resolution No. 311-18 was ADOPTED approving the Second Amendment to the Agreement for Maintenance of State Highways in San Francisco between the City and County of San Francisco (“City”) and the State of California Department of Transportation (“Caltrans”).
Public Testimony
Allen Jones shared concerns regarding racial discrimination and the Mayoral appointment and election process. Mr. Wright expressed concerns regarding child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church and the need for additional investigations in San Francisco. Tom Gilberty shared concerns regarding climate change and the potential for disasters due to earthquakes. A speaker shared various religious concerns.
Legislation Introduced
Introduction of an ordinance amending the Planning Code regarding inclusionary housing.
Ordinance 180911, sponsored by the Mayor, was introduced amending the Planning Code to modify the date by which projects that are eligible for the temporary inclusionary housing requirements must obtain a building or site permit. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Transportation Committee.
Legislation Introduced
Introduction of an ordinance amending the Police and Health Codes regarding regulation of cannabis businesses.
Ordinance 180912, sponsored by the Mayor, Mandelman and Cohen was introduced amending the Police and Health Codes regarding regulation of cannabis businesses. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee.
Legislation Introduced
Introduction of an ordinance amending the Administrative Code regarding the Reentry Council.
Ordinance 180913, sponsored by Fewer, was introduced amending the Administrative Code to revise the reporting duties of the Reentry Council; and extend the sunset date of the Council by five years to June 1, 2024. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Rules Committee.
Legislation Introduced
Introduction of an ordinance amending the Planning Code regarding the Better Streets Plan and curb cut restrictions.
Ordinance 180914, sponsored by Kim, was introduced amending the Planning Code to add new items to the list of standard required streetscape improvements under the Better Streets Plan; modifying the triggers that would require project sponsors to construct streetscape improvements in the public right-of-way; clarifying the recommended sidewalk width for street types; expanding curb cut restrictions for off-street parking and loading to most zoning districts and certain designated streets. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Transportation Committee.
Legislation Introduced
Introduction of an ordinance amending the Planning Code regarding residential care facilities.
Ordinance 180915, sponsored by Mandelman and Yee, was introduced amending the Planning Code to allow Residential Care Facilities with seven or more persons as a principally permitted use in RH-3 (Residential House, Three-Family), RC (Residential Commercial), RM (Residential Mixed), and RTO (Residential Transit Oriented) Districts, in Neighborhood Commercial Districts, and in certain Mixed Use Districts. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Transportation Committee.
Legislation Introduced
Introduction of an ordinance amending the Planning and Administrative Codes regarding zoning controls and fees in the C-3-R district.
Ordinance 180916, sponsored by Peskin, was introduced amending the Planning Code to change zoning controls for Non-Retail Sales and Service Uses in the C-3-R (Downtown Retail) Zoning District; amending the Planning and Administrative Codes to create the Union Square Park, Recreation, and Open Space Fund and Fee. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Transportation Committee.
Legislation Introduced
Introduction of an ordinance amending the Planning Code regarding small family child care.
Ordinance 180917, sponsored by Yee, was introduced amending the Planning Code to permit an affordable dwelling unit with a State-licensed Small Family Child Care Home on the ground floor on certain commercial streets; excluding certain Child Care units from the calculation of maximum density permitted on the site. ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Transportation Committee.
Legislation Introduced
Introduction of a resolution to apply for a grant from the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
Resolution 180918, sponsored by the Mayor, was introduced authorizing the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to apply for the California Emergency Solutions and Housing Program from the California Department of Housing and Community Development. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.
Legislation Introduced
Introduction of a resolution to accept and expend a grant from the California Department of Justice.
Resolution 180919, sponsored by Cohen, was introduced retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant from California Department of Justice to participate in a program, entitled “Proposition 56 Tobacco Law Enforcement Grant Program,” in the amount of $1,753,378 for the period of June 1, 2018, through June 30, 2020. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.
Legislation Introduced
Introduction of a resolution to accept and expend a grant from the California State Water Resources Control Board.
Resolution 180920, sponsored by Tang, was introduced retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant from the California State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality Beach Safety Program, to participate in a program, entitled “Public Beach Safety Grant Program,” in the amount of $30,000 for the period of July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.
Legislation Introduced
Approval of a 90-Day Extension for the Planning Commission Review of a Planning Code and Zoning Map Amendment Rezoning 1650-1680 Mission Street (File No. 180474)
Resolution 180921, sponsored by Tang, was introduced retroactively extending by 90 days the prescribed time within which the Planning Commission may render its decision on an Ordinance (File No. 180474) amending the Planning Code to revise the Zoning Map to rezone 1650, 1660, and 1670 Mission Street, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 3512, Lot Nos. 005, 006, and 008, from their current designation as NCT-3 (Moderate-Scale Neighborhood Commercial Transit District) to C-3-G (Downtown General Commercial), and to rezone 1680 Mission Street, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 3512, Lot Nos. 009 and 010, from its current designation as P (Public) to C-3-G; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and making findings of public necessity, convenience, and general welfare under Planning Code, Section 302. REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING.
Hearing on the juvenile justice system and closure of Log Cabin Ranch.
A hearing (File No. 180922), sponsored by Fewer, was requested to discuss the juvenile justice system and strategies, including Juvenile Hall and the closure of Log Cabin Ranch, as well as community-based alternatives to detention; and requesting the Juvenile Probation Department to report. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee.
Hearing to discuss updates from the Work Group to Re-Envision the Jail Project.
A hearing (File No. 180923), sponsored by Mandelman, was requested to discuss updates from the Work Group to Re-Envision the Jail Project; and requesting the Sheriff's Department, Department of Public Health, and San Francisco Taxpayers for Public Safety to report. RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee.