
San Francisco County

Meeting on Teleconferencing and Ratifying the Declaration of a Local Health Emergency Regarding the Monkeypox Virus.

The Board of Supervisors met in a special session on August 8, 2022. The Board approved findings allowing teleconferenced meetings to continue under California Government Code, Section 54953(e). Additionally, the Board ratified the San Francisco Health Officer’s Declaration of a Local Health Emergency regarding the outbreak of the Monkeypox virus after hearing from the Department of Public Health and public comments both for and against.

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The Board approved findings to allow teleconferenced meetings under California Government Code, Section 54953(e) due to the declared emergency.

President Walton opened discussions on the motion to allow teleconferenced meetings (File No. 220872). Since there were no speakers from the public, the President closed the public comment period. Ultimately, Motion No. M22-139 was approved by a vote of 10-0, with Supervisor Ronen excused.

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The Board ratified the San Francisco Health Officer’s Declaration of a Local Health Emergency regarding the outbreak of the Monkeypox virus.

President Walton opened discussions on the motion to ratify the Declaration of Local Health Emergency regarding the Monkeypox virus (File No. 220908). Dr. Grant Colfax, Director, and Dr. Susan Phillip from the Department of Public Health presented information and answered questions. Multiple members of the public spoke in support of the legislation, including Ms. Liu, Jessica, Silvia, Jan, Yan, Akash Singh, Shu Mei Liu, Andy Stone, Mark Lam, Patricia, Vinny Eng, and Blake Scott. Other members of the public raised concerns regarding the legislation including Gary McCoy, Francisco Da Costa, and Kristen Evans. Public comment was then closed and Motion No. M22-140 was approved by a vote of 10-0, with Supervisor Ronen excused.