
San Francisco County

Meeting on Budget, Housing, Central SoMa Plan, and Park Code Updates

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors convened on July 17, 2018, addressing a wide range of issues including budget appropriations, housing regulations, and updates to the park code. Newly elected Supervisors Brown and Mandelman were sworn in and provided opening remarks. Mayor Breed addressed the board regarding the mental health crisis and homelessness. Several key decisions were made: approval of tennis center fees at Golden Gate Park, continued discussion on zoning changes in Burnett Avenue, and an amendment to affordable housing project review processes. The board also recognized Officer Joshua Olson for heroism and Carlos Francisco Gutierrez posthumously for his advocacy work. Several ordinances related to the budget were continued for further review, while others pertaining to Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and the HOME-SF program were amended and passed on first reading. Public testimony covered varied concerns including taxation, accessibility, and racial discrimination. New legislation was introduced covering the Early Care and Education Commercial Rents Tax, fire safety, massager regulations, commemorative street plagues, and the historical designation of buildings.

Search for Specific Moments


Declaration of June 5, 2018 Election results and introduction of new Supervisors.

Clerk Angela Calvillo stated for the record that on July 10, 2018, the Board of Supervisors declared the June 5, 2018, Election results, signed that same day by Former Mayor Mark Farrell, certifying the candidate for Member of the Board of Supervisors representing District 8, Rafael Mandelman, and London Breed for the Office of Mayor for the City and County of San Francisco. Clerk Calvillo further informed the Board that she was in receipt of resignation letters from former District 8 Supervisor Jeff Sheehy, and the former District 5 Supervisor, now Honorable Mayor London Breed. Subsequent to the resignations, Mayor London Breed appointed Vallie Brown to serve as the District 5 Supervisor. Finally, Clerk Calvillo confirmed that the two newest Members of the Board had been officially sworn in, are both Bonded as required by the San Francisco Administrative Code, Section 16.122(b), and are prepared to vote at today’s meeting. Supervisors Brown and Mandelman expressed their gratitude and provided opening remarks.

Committee of the Whole

Approval of the June 12, 2018, Board Meeting Minutes.

The Board approved the minutes from the June 12, 2018, meeting after a motion by Supervisor Yee and seconded by Supervisor Tang. No corrections were made.

Committee of the Whole

Mayor Breed addresses the Board on mental health crisis, Senate Bill 1045, and homelessness services.

Mayor London Breed addressed the Board of Supervisors regarding the mental health crisis in San Francisco, the need for California Senate Bill 1045, and the services being provided to those who struggle with homelessness. This occurred after no questions were submitted from Supervisors representing District 5, 6, 7 or 8. Following public comment this matter was filed. No further action was taken.

Consent Agenda

Ordinance amending the Park Code to establish rates for reserving courts at the Golden Gate Park Tennis Center.

The Board approved Ordinance No. 180-18, amending the Park Code to establish rates for reserving courts at the Golden Gate Park Tennis Center upon completion of its renovation. It also authorizes the General Manager to set rates for other tennis-related services and items based on certain factors, and to repeal rates for tennis lessons offered by third-party professional instructors on park property, affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.

Consent Agenda

Ordinance amending the Planning Code to rezone a parcel on Burnett Avenue from Public to Residential, Mixed Districts, Low Density.

File No. 171013 was severed and the Board continued Ordinance amending the Planning Code by revising Zoning Map Sheet ZN06 to rezone Assessor’s Parcel Block No. (AB) 2719C, Lot No. 023, located at Burnett Avenue and Burnett Avenue North, from Public (P) to Residential, Mixed Districts, Low Density (RM-1); rezoning a portion of Burnett Avenue North generally bounded by AB 2745, Lot No. 036, and AB 2719C, Lot No. 023, to RM-1; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and adopting findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302. Supervisor Mandelman and Ronen motions to continue to July 31st.

Consent Agenda

Ordinance ordering the summary street vacation of a portion of Burnett Avenue North.

File No. 180517 was severed. The Board continued Ordinance ordering the summary street vacation of a portion of Burnett Avenue North, generally bounded by Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 2719C, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 2745, and Burnett Avenue, subject to specified conditions; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; adopting findings of consistency with the General Plan, and eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and authorizing official acts taken in connection with this Ordinance, as defined herein. Motioned by Mandelman and Ronen to continue to July 31st.

Unfinished Business

Ordinance amending the Planning Code to streamline affordable housing project review and notification requirements.

The Board approved Ordinance No. 179-18, amending the Planning Code to streamline affordable housing project review by eliminating a Planning Commission Discretionary Review hearing for 100% affordable housing projects upon delegation by the Planning Commission; to provide for Planning Department review of large projects located in C-3 (Downtown Commercial) Districts and for certain minor alterations to Historical Landmarks and in Conservation Districts; to consolidate, standardize, and streamline notification requirements and procedures, including required newspaper notice, in Residential, Commercial, and Mixed-Use Districts; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and adopting findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302.

New Business

Ordinances related to the city budget for FYs 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 are continued.

Files 180574, 180575, 180580, 180583, 180585, 180586, 180587. The Board continued on the following items to the Board of Supervisors meeting of July 24, 2018. These items related to the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 annual city budget.

New Business

Other budget and finance ordinances and resolutions are continued.

Files 180577, 180579, 180589, 180590, 180591, 180592, 180593 and 180594. The board voted to continue to the Board of Supervisors meeting of July 24th. The items were budget and finance related resolutions and ordinances.

New Business

Ordinance to de-appropriate and re-appropriate $800,000 for participatory budgeting projects in Districts 7, 8, and 10 is passed on first reading.

The Board passed Ordinance No. 180520 on first reading, de-appropriating $800,000 from Districts 7, 8, and 10 Board Projects in General City Responsibility and appropriating $800,000 to various departments to support Districts 7, 8, and 10 Participatory Budgeting projects in FY2017-2018.

New Business

Ordinance amending the Planning Code regarding Accessory Dwelling Units is amended and passed on first reading.

The Board amended and passed on first reading Ordinance No. 180268, amending the Planning Code regarding Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). Amendments included striking language referencing the ‘in-lieu fee’ for Street Trees; adding restrictions and requirements related to building height, notification, and pre-application meetings.

New Business

Ordinance amending the Planning Code regarding Accessory Dwelling Units is re-referred to committee.

The Board amended and re-referred Ordinance No. 180752 to the Land Use and Transportation Committee. This Ordinance amended the Planning Code to allow payment of an in-lieu fee for an ADU’s street tree requirement.

New Business

Ordinance amending the Planning Code regarding the HOME-SF Program is amended and passed on first reading.

The Board amended and passed on first reading Ordinance No. 180456, amending the Planning Code regarding the Housing Opportunities Mean Equity-San Francisco (HOME-SF) Program. Amendments included establishing duties for the Inclusionary Housing Technical Advisory Committee.

Committee of the Whole

Recognition of Officer Joshua Olson and posthumous commendation of Carlos Francisco Gutierrez.

The Board suspended Rule 5.36 to grant privilege of the floor. Supervisor Peskin presented a Certificate of Honor to Officer Joshua Olson for his heroic actions. Supervisor Ronen presented a posthumous Certificate of Honor to the children of Carlos Francisco Gutierrez in recognition of his lifetime of accomplishments and advocacy.


Hearing on appeal of the Final Environmental Impact Report Certification for the Central SoMa Plan is continued.

The Board continued the hearing on the appeal of the Final Environmental Impact Report Certification for the Central SoMa Plan to the Board of Supervisors meeting of September 4, 2018. Public comment was taken regarding the continuance. Laura Clark; Corey Smith; Angelica Cabande; Theresa Flandrick; spoke on various concerns regarding the continuance.

New Business

Motions related to the Central SoMa Plan are continued.

Motions 180652, 180653, 180654. The Board motions were moved to the September 4th meeting.

Committee Reports

Ordinance adopting a question to appear on the November 6, 2018 ballot regarding the proposed ordinance to incur $425,000,000 of bonded debt for the Embarcadero Seawall and other critical infrastructure is passed on first reading.

The Board passed on first reading Ordinance No. 180571, adopting a question to appear on the November 6, 2018 ballot regarding the proposed ordinance to incur $425,000,000 of bonded debt of the City and County to finance the construction, reconstruction, acquisition, improvement, demolition, seismic strengthening and repair of the Embarcadero Seawall and other critical infrastructure.

Committee Reports

Ordinance amending the Park Code to permit the Recreation and Park Department General Manager to set all golf course fees is passed on first reading.

The Board passed on first reading Ordinance No. 180582, amending the Park Code to permit the Recreation and Park Department General Manager to set all golf course fees and charges other than resident rates and certain tournament rates by flexible pricing based on certain factors.

Committee Reports

Ordinance approving Health Service System plans and contribution rates for calendar year 2019 is passed on first reading.

The Board passed on first reading Ordinance No. 180661, approving Health Service System plans and contribution rates for calendar year 2019.

Committee Reports

Ordinance amending the Planning Code to allow Catering as an Accessory Use to Limited Restaurants under certain conditions.

This item (180320) was not sent as a committee report. This ordinance was for Catering as an Accessory Use.

Committee Reports

Charter Amendment to adopt a Privacy First Policy is continued.

The Board continued Charter Amendment No. 180545 to the Board of Supervisors meeting of July 24, 2018. This Charter Amendment (Second Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to adopt a Privacy First Policy.

Public Testimony

Members of the public share their concerns.

Members of the public shared concerns regarding various topics, including attention by Board Members, tax breaks for tech companies, accessibility of the San Francisco Public Library, racism within the Recreation and Park Department, the HIV Pandemic, a Planning Commission determination, the World Cup, the press room and politics, unconstitutional outpatient treatment, and funding for Citywide Case Management/Community Focus.

Committee of the Whole

Resolution commending LaborFest on its 25th Anniversary is adopted.

The Board adopted Resolution No. 237-18, commending LaborFest on the occasion of its 25th anniversary.

Committee of the Whole

Motion approving Final Map No. 9294 for a mixed-use condominium project at 369-18th Avenue is approved.

The Board approved Motion No. M18-095, approving Final Map No. 9294, being a four lot vertical subdivision, 43 residential unit, five commercial unit, and 43 parking space condominium mixed-use project, located at 369-18th Avenue.

Committee of the Whole

Motion to convene in closed session to discuss anticipated litigation regarding tax measures is approved.

The Board approved Motion No. M18-096, to convene in closed session on July 24, 2018, to discuss anticipated litigation regarding Proposition C and Proposition G.

Committee of the Whole

Motion concurring in the continuation of the Declaration of Local Emergency affecting the SFPUC’s Moccasin Reservoir is approved.

The Board approved Motion No. M18-097, concurring in the continuation of the Declaration of Local Emergency affecting the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission's Moccasin Reservoir in Tuolumne County.

Committee of the Whole

Motion approving Final Map 8615 for a residential condominium project at 2468A-2472B Bush Street is continued.

The Board continued to the Board of Supervisors meeting of July 24, 2018 Motion No. 180730, approving Final Map 8615, a six unit residential condominium project, located at 2468A-2472B Bush Street.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code to administer the Early Care and Education Commercial Rents Tax is introduced.

Ordinance No. 180753 was introduced, amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code to add provisions to administer the Early Care and Education Commercial Rents Tax.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to modify the Civic Design Review fee is introduced.

Ordinance No. 180754 was introduced, amending the Administrative Code to modify the Civic Design Review fee.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to authorize the Arts Commission to charge a fee for organizing traveling exhibitions is introduced.

Ordinance No. 180755 was introduced, amending the Administrative Code to authorize the Arts Commission to charge a fee for organizing traveling exhibitions.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance amending various codes to require new or upgraded fire safety systems in multi-unit residential buildings with recurring fire hazards is introduced.

Ordinance No. 180756 was introduced, amending the Building, Housing, Fire, and Administrative Codes to authorize the Building and Fire Departments to require the installation of a new fire safety system or the improvement or upgrade of an existing system to current code requirements in a residential building of three or more dwelling units to remedy recurring or continuing fire hazards.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance amending the Health Code to comprehensively revise the regulation of massage practitioners and businesses is introduced.

Ordinance No. 180757 was introduced, amending the Health Code to comprehensively revise the regulation of massage practitioners, massage establishments, massage outcall services, and sole practitioner massage establishments.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution authorizing the placement of a street plaque commemorating Tina Modotti at 1952 Taylor Street is introduced.

Resolution No. 180758 was introduced, authorizing the placement of a street plaque commemorating Tina Modotti at 1952 Taylor Street.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution urging divestment by insurance companies from coal and tar sands industries is introduced.

Resolution No. 180759 was introduced, urging industry companies to divest from coal and tar sands industries.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution retroactively extending the Planning Commission review of 2101 Lombard Street Special Use District is introduced.

Resolution No. 180760 was introduced, retroactively extending the Planning Commission review of 2101 Lombard Street Special Use District.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution retroactively extending the Planning Commission review of Planning Code and Zoning Map changes on 19th Avenue between Quintara and Rivera Streets is introduced.

Resolution No. 180761 was introduced, retroactively extending the Planning Commission review of Planning Code and Zoning Map changes on 19th Avenue between Quintara and Rivera Streets.

Legislation Introduced

Request for Closed Session regarding tax measures on the June 5, 2018, ballot is introduced.

Request for Closed Session No. 180762 was introduced, regarding tax measures on the June 5, 2018, ballot.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance to designate 228-248 Townsend Street (aka New Pullman Hotel) as a Landmark is introduced.

Ordinance No. 180720 was introduced, amending the Planning Code to designate 228-248 Townsend Street (aka New Pullman Hotel) as a Landmark.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance to designate 457 Bryant Street (aka Piledrivers, Bridge, and Structural Ironworkers Local No. 77 Union Hall) as a Landmark is introduced.

Ordinance No. 180721 was introduced, amending the Planning Code to designate 457 Bryant Street (aka Piledrivers, Bridge, and Structural Ironworkers Local No. 77 Union Hall) as a Landmark.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance to designate 500-504-4th Street (aka Hotel Utah) as a Landmark is introduced.

Ordinance No. 180722 was introduced, amending the Planning Code to designate 500-504-4th Street (aka Hotel Utah) as a Landmark.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance to create the Clyde and Crooks Warehouse Historic District is introduced.

Ordinance No. 180723 was introduced, amending the Planning Code to add a new Appendix O to Article 10, Preservation of Historical, Architectural, and Aesthetic Landmarks, to create the Clyde and Crooks Warehouse Historic District.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance to create the Mint-Mission Conservation District is introduced.

Ordinance No. 180724 was introduced, amending the Planning Code to add a new Appendix K to Article 11, Preservation of Buildings and Districts of Architectural, Historical, and Aesthetic Importance in the C-3 (Downtown Commercial) Districts, to create the Mint-Mission Conservation District.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance to designate various properties as Significant and Contributory in the C-3 District is introduced.

Ordinance No. 180725 was introduced, amending the Planning Code to change the designation of these properties located in the C-3 (Downtown Commercial) District from no rating to Category 1 (Significant) and Category III (Contributory) pursuant to Article 11 of the Planning Code.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance to amend the Kearny-Market-Mason-Sutter Conservation District and Article 11 Designation of 55-5th Street is introduced.

Ordinance No. 180726 was introduced, amending the Planning Code to amend Appendix E to Article 11, Preservation of Buildings and Districts of Architectural, Historical, and Aesthetic Importance in the C-3 (Downtown Commercial) Districts to expand the boundaries of the Kearny-Market-Mason-Sutter Conservation District and to designate 55-5th Street as a Contributory Building-Category IV.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance authorizing settlement of a lawsuit filed by Anita Lofton and Almudena Martin Marcos against the City and County of San Francisco for $60,000 is introduced.

Ordinance No. 180727 was introduced, authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Anita Lofton and Almudena Marcos Martin against the City and County of San Francisco for $60,000.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution approving an agreement for behavioral health services for children, youth and families between the Department of Public Health and Edgewood Center for Children and Families is introduced.

Resolution No. 180728 was introduced, retroactively approving an original agreement for behavioral health services for children, youth and families between the Department of Public Health and Edgewood Center for Children and Families.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution approving Modification No. 5 to Airport Contract No. 8768.41, Project Management Support Services for the Airport Hotel Program, with PGH Wong-MCK JV, is introduced.

Resolution No. 180729 was introduced, approving Modification No. 5 to Airport Contract No. 8768.41, Project Management Support Services for the Airport Hotel Program, with PGH Wong-MCK JV.