
San Francisco County

Meeting on the Seawall Bond, Budget, Infrastructure, and Legislation Introduced

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors held a regular meeting on June 12, 2018, covering a range of topics including budget approvals, infrastructure projects, and new legislation. Key actions included the approval of several ordinances authorizing revenue bonds and appropriations for the Public Utilities Commission, approval of a transportation sustainability fee increase, and initial steps toward a $425 million bond measure for the Embarcadero Seawall, which was scheduled for a Committee of the Whole hearing. The board also considered and introduced legislation related to zoning, refuse management, and support for state bills. Additionally, the Board of Supervisors recognized World War II Veterans Allen W. Luu, Ron Wong, and Dale King for their lifetime accomplishments.

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Approval of Meeting Minutes

Approval of the May 8, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes.

The Board approved the minutes from the May 8, 2018, meeting after President Breed inquired about corrections and there were none. Supervisor Peskin seconded by Supervisor Safai moved to approve after general public comment. The motion carried with a vote of 10 ayes and 1 absent (Sheehy).

Unfinished Business

Approval of several ordinances related to revenue bonds and appropriations for the Public Utilities Commission.

President Breed requested File Nos. 180450, 180451, 180449, 180452, 180447, and 180448 be called together. These ordinances authorized the issuance and sale of revenue bonds for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) and appropriated funds for various capital improvement projects. Each ordinance was passed by a vote of 11 ayes. Specifically, File No. 180450 authorized power revenue bonds not exceeding $154,928,059, File No. 180451 authorized water revenue bonds not exceeding $478,440,136, File No. 180449 appropriated $1,217,658,494 for wastewater capital improvements, File No. 180452 authorized wastewater revenue bonds not exceeding $987,414,494, File No. 180447 appropriated $340,106,949 for the Hetch Hetchy Capital Improvement Program, and File No. 180448 appropriated $483,137,393 for water capital improvements and re-appropriated $15,958,031 for the same purpose.

Unfinished Business

Approval of an ordinance increasing the Transportation Sustainability Fee for Large Non-Residential Projects.

Ordinance 180117, sponsored by Supervisors Peskin and Ronen, was about amending the Planning Code to increase the Transportation Sustainability Fee by $5 (to $24.04) for Non-Residential Projects larger than 99,999 gross square feet, except in the Central South of Market Area Plan area, where the fee for such projects would be increased by $2 (to $21.04). The board affirmed the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act and made findings of public necessity, convenience and welfare, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. It passed with 11 ayes

New Business

Resolution to authorize a bond for $425 million for the sea wall and other critical infrastructure.

President Breed requested File Nos. 180462, 180461, and 180454 be called together. These items pertained to a general obligation bond for the Embarcadero Seawall and other critical infrastructure. Resolution 183-18, File No. 180462, declared the public necessity for the improvements and the need for bonded indebtedness, passing with 11 ayes. Resolution 182-18, File No. 180461, amended the ten-year capital expenditure plan to increase the proposed Seawall Bond from $350,000,000 to $425,000,000, also passing with 11 ayes. Supervisor Safai was added as a co-sponsor to these resolutions. Ordinance 180454 called for a special election on November 6, 2018, for voters to consider the $425,000,000 bond. It was amended by Supervisor Peskin (seconded by Supervisor Yee) to include language about the Seawall's historic significance and minimizing construction disruption, and to clarify language regarding the use of bond proceeds, passing with 11 ayes. The ordinance was then continued as amended to a Committee of the Whole hearing on June 19, 2018.

New Business

Ordinance to support new Production, Distribution, and Repair space development.

Ordinance 180187, sponsored by Supervisor Cohen, aimed to reauthorize provisions that support the development of new Production, Distribution, and Repair (PDR) space in specified PDR Zoning Districts. The board also affirmed that the Planning Department’s determination complied with the California Environmental Quality Act; and made findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302. It was PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote: Ayes: 11 - Breed, Cohen, Fewer, Kim, Peskin, Ronen, Safai, Sheehy, Stefani, Tang, Yee.

Special Order

Recognition of Commendations for World War II Veterans.

Supervisor Yee moved to suspend Rule 5.36 to grant privilege of the floor to guests. The motion carried. Supervisor Yee then introduced, welcomed, and presented Certificates of Honor to World War II Veterans, Allen W. Luu, Ron Wong, and Dale King, in recognition of their honorable service to the United States of America and their many lifetime accomplishments.

Public Testimony

Public comment on various issues including elections, mental health, and affordable housing.

Members of the public shared their concerns and support for different issues. Abdalla Megahed spoke on the election of a new Mayor, Wynship W. Hillier discussed Citywide Case Management/Community Focus and the legal rights of mental health patients. Manny Lum, Raymond Wong, Calvin Tang, Hubert Lee, and Richard Lau expressed support for the Resolution calling for Congress to award Chinese American World War II Veterans with the Congressional Gold Medal (File No. 180627). Roger Brendan shared concerns about the cost of affordable housing, and Charlie Walker shared concerns about the lack of African-American representation. Tom Gilberty shared excerpts from a specific book and the importance of protecting democracy, while another speaker shared various religious concerns.

Consent Agenda

Resolution opposing a proposed California ballot measure requiring supermajority approval for new revenue measures.

Resolution 180625, sponsored by Supervisors Ronen, Fewer, Sheehy, Cohen, and Yee, was about opposing the proposed California state ballot measure expanding the requirement for supermajority approval to enact new revenue measures. Supervisor Yee requested to be added as a co-sponsor. Resolution No. 185-18 was ADOPTED.

Consent Agenda

Approval of Final Maps for condominium projects on Bay Street, Lombard Street, and Market Street.

Motions 180605, 180606, and 180607 approved Final Maps 9028, 9478, and 9081, respectively, for condominium projects at 1598 Bay Street, 1463-1465 Lombard Street, and 2238-2254 Market Street. Each motion adopted findings pursuant to the General Plan and the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. The votes were unanimous with all supervisors voting Ayes: 11 - Breed, Cohen, Fewer, Kim, Peskin, Ronen, Safai, Sheehy, Stefani, Tang, Yee.

Consent Agenda

Resolution supporting California State Senate Bill No. 1186, the Stop Secret Surveillance Act.

Resolution 180551, sponsored by Supervisors Peskin and Cohen, concerned declaring support for California State Senate Bill No. 1186 (SB 1186), the Stop Secret Surveillance Act, authored by Senator Jerry Hill, requiring law enforcement agencies to hold public hearings and generate Surveillance Use Policies governing the information collected by surveillance technology. Supervisor Cohen requested to be added as a co-sponsor. Resolution No. 184-18 was ADOPTED with a vote of Ayes: 10 - Breed, Cohen, Fewer, Kim, Peskin, Ronen, Safai, Sheehy, Tang, Yee. Noes: 1 - Stefani.

Consent Agenda

Resolution reaffirming commitment to women's access to affordable reproductive, family planning, and sexual health services.

Resolution 180626, sponsored by Supervisors Tang, Ronen, Fewer, Kim, Stefani, Cohen, Breed, Yee, and Safai, denounced President Trump's proposed Title X funding prohibition for federally funded clinics that provide abortions or abortion-related services and affirmed San Francisco's commitment to protect and maintain an individual’s choice to receive access to critical women’s health services. Supervisor Safai requested to be added as a co-sponsor. Resolution No. 186-18 was ADOPTED by the following vote: Ayes: 11 - Breed, Cohen, Fewer, Kim, Peskin, Ronen, Safai, Sheehy, Stefani, Tang, Yee.

Consent Agenda

Resolution urging support for honoring Chinese American World War II Veterans with a Congressional Gold Medal.

Resolution 180627, sponsored by Supervisors Yee, Tang, Fewer, Kim, Peskin, Ronen, Safai, Sheehy, Stefani, Breed, and Cohen, called on the United States Congress to award Chinese American World War II Veterans with the Congressional Gold Medal. Supervisors Peskin, Ronen, Safai, Sheehy, Stefani, Breed, and Cohen requested to be added as co-sponsors. Resolution No. 187-18 was ADOPTED by the following vote: Ayes: 11 - Breed, Cohen, Fewer, Kim, Peskin, Ronen, Safai, Sheehy, Stefani, Tang, Yee.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance to create the Design Professional Special Use District.

Ordinance 180644, sponsored by Supervisor Cohen, proposed amending the Planning Code and Zoning Map to create the Design Professional Special Use District at 2 Henry Adams Street, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 3910, Lot No. 001, to allow for Design Professional uses above the second story in a PDR-1-D (Production, Distribution, and Repair Design) zoning district with a Conditional Use Authorization; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and findings of public necessity, convenience, and general welfare under Planning Code, Section 302. It was assigned to the Land Use and Transportation Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance to rezone and designate a building for preservation purposes.

Ordinance 180645, sponsored by Supervisor Kim, proposed amending the Planning Code and Zoning Map to rezone the building at 175 Golden Gate Avenue (De Marillac Academy), Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 0349, Lot No. 011, from RC-4 (Residential-Commercial, High Density) to C-3-G (Commercial, Downtown General); designating the building for preservation purposes as a Category III, Contributory Building; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302. The bill was assigned to the Land Use and Transportation Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance to require audits of large refuse generators for refuse separation compliance.

Ordinance 180646, sponsored by Supervisor Safai, proposed amending the Environment Code to require audits every two years of large refuse generators for compliance with refuse separation requirements, and to establish enforcement measures applicable to large refuse generators that have been noncompliant for nine or more consecutive months; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act. It was assigned to the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution authorizing the acceptance and expenditure of funds for street resurfacing projects.

Resolution 180647, sponsored by the Mayor, authorized the acceptance and expenditure of California State Senate Bill 1 Local Partnership Program formulaic funding in the amount of $4,189,000 for San Francisco Public Works’ street resurfacing projects for FYs 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. The resolution was assigned to the Government Audit and Oversight Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution affirming and approving the Dignity Fund Community Needs Assessment.

Resolution 180648, sponsored by Supervisor Cohen, affirmed and approved the 2017-2018 Dignity Fund Community Needs Assessment. It was assigned to the Budget and Finance Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Motion concurring in the continuation of the Declaration of Local Emergency affecting the Moccasin Reservoir.

Motion 180649 concerned concurring in the continuation of the Declaration of Local Emergency by the Mayor and in the actions taken to meet the emergency of flooding affecting the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission's Moccasin Reservoir in Tuolumne County. It was referred for adoption without committee reference at the next board meeting.

Legislation Introduced

Request for a Committee of the Whole hearing regarding the General Obligation Bond Election for the Seawall.

Request 180642 scheduled a Committee of the Whole hearing on June 19, 2018, at 3:00 p.m., to consider Ordinance 180454, which called for a special election on November 6, 2018, for voters to consider a $425,000,000 bond for the Embarcadero Seawall and other critical infrastructure. The hearing was scheduled pursuant to a motion made during the meeting.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinances authorizing the settlement of lawsuits.

Ordinances 180595, 180596, and 180597 concerned settlements of lawsuits. Ordinance 180595 authorized settlement of a lawsuit filed by Kevin Castain and Melina Castain for $850,000. Ordinance 180596 authorized settlement of a lawsuit filed by Luis Adolfo Marquez for $150,000. Ordinance 180597 authorized settlement of a lawsuit filed by Pacific Bell Telephone Company for $67,500. All three were assigned to the Government Audit and Oversight Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolutions regarding settlement of an unlitigated claim and lease agreements at the airport.

Resolutions 180598, 180599, 180600, 180601, and 180602 involved the settlement of an unlitigated claim and several lease agreements at the airport. Resolution 180598 approved the settlement of unlitigated claims filed by CM Bivens for $45,000. Resolutions 180599, 180600, and 180601 approved Terminal 2 Specialty Retail Concession Leases with Canonica New York, LLC, Brookstone SFO T-2, LLC, and Avila Retail Development & Management, LLC, respectively. Resolution 180602 approved a Terminal 2 Casual Dining Food & Beverage Concession Lease with SSP America, Inc. All five resolutions were assigned to the Government Audit and Oversight Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolutions approving contract amendments for the Central Subway Project.

Resolutions 180603 and 180604 retroactively approved and approved contract amendments with HNTB-B&C JV and Central Subway Design Group for the Central Subway Project. Resolution 180603 approved Amendment No. 6 to Contract CS-155-3 with HNTB-B&C JV for $1,269,472 to redesign the trackway alignment and analyze impacts to ventilation systems; and provide design and construction support for specialized communication and video systems, with no change to the length of the 10-year term to expire April 27, 2020, for a total contract amount not to exceed $34,930,020. Resolution 180604 retroactively approved Amendment No. 1 and approved Amendment No. 4 to Contract CS-155-2 with Central Subway Design Group to increase the contract amount by $1,010,600 for Amendment No. 1 for designs to lower the Chinatown Station, and $6,323,936 for Amendment No. 4 for additional work necessary to provide engineering services through completion of the Central Subway Project stations construction, with no change to the length of the 10-year term to expire on April 4, 2020, for a total amended contract amount not to exceed $47,900,606. Both resolutions were assigned to the Government Audit and Oversight Committee.


In Memoriams for Yok Jun Lau, Paolo Caltagirone, and Geraldine Washburn.

Supervisors Peskin, Sheehy, and Stefani offered in memoriams for Yok Jun Lau, Paolo Caltagirone, and Geraldine Washburn, respectively.