The San Francisco Board of Supervisors convened on June 4, 2024, to address a range of issues, including budget appropriations, homelessness services, and various code updates. The board approved several grant agreement amendments to support organizations providing homelessness services, including Urban Alchemy and Episcopal Community Services. They also authorized settlements for multiple lawsuits involving personal injuries and claims against the city, and amended the planning code regarding parcel delivery services. The board also recognized community members for their achievements and contributions to the city. Proposed legislation included ordinances related to budget, fees, grants, and other administrative matters, as well as an ordinance related to Administrative code for the use of unassisted aerial vehicles
Consent Agenda
Approved funding to address increased police overtime expenditures.
The Board approved Ordinance No. 112-24, de-appropriating $4,750,000 from permanent salaries and allocating it to overtime in the Airport Division of the Police Department, addressing projected increases in overtime for Fiscal Year 2023-2024, as required by Administrative Code, Section 3.17. This action was recommended by the Budget and Finance Committee.
Consent Agenda
Authorized settlements for multiple lawsuits involving personal injuries and claims against the city.
The Board passed several ordinances related to lawsuit settlements, including an ordinance authorizing the settlement of a lawsuit filed by Mary Manning and Richard Manning against the City and County of San Francisco for $299,999 (Case No. CGC-22-599750). The lawsuit involved an alleged personal injury on a City sidewalk. Additionally, ordinances were passed authorizing settlement offers to Michael Christopher Daniel for up to $350,000 (Case No. 22-cv-011434), Helen Mattson for $190,000 (Case No. CGC-21-596901), and Jane Swigart for $150,000 (Case No. CGC-22-598721), all involving alleged personal injuries on City sidewalks. These actions were recommended by the Government Audit and Oversight Committee.
Consent Agenda
Approved resolutions for settlements of unlitigated claims involving tax refunds and property damage.
The board adopted Resolution No. 312-24 approving the settlement of unlitigated claims filed by Eastern Investment Management Co. for $124,669.74, involving a refund of gross receipts and commercial rents taxes. Resolutions No. 313-24 and 314-24 were also adopted, approving the settlements of unlitigated claims filed by Walid Zaki Nijem for $28,732.50, arising from a car accident involving a City fire truck, and Jason Shah for $33,384.31, involving property damage from a water main rupture. These resolutions were recommended by the Government Audit and Oversight Committee.
Consent Agenda
Amended the planning code regarding parcel delivery services and approved a commemorative plaque for Peter Gabel.
The Board passed Ordinance No. 113-24, amending the Planning Code to require Conditional Use authorizations for establishing Parcel Delivery Service uses, prohibit Non-Cannabis Parcel Delivery Service as an accessory use, and revise zoning control tables. The Board also passed Ordinance No. 114-24, designating a portion of the sidewalk on 24th Street between Sanchez and Vicksburg Streets for a commemorative plaque in honor of Peter Gabel. These actions were recommended by the Land Use and Transportation Committee.
Consent Agenda
Approved a surveillance technology policy for the Human Services Agency and updated housing needs report frequency.
The Board passed Ordinance No. 110-24, approving the Surveillance Technology Policy for Human Services Agency use of Call Recording Technology. Additionally, Ordinance No. 109-24 was passed, amending the Administrative and Business and Tax Regulations Codes to change the frequency of the Housing Needs Overview for Seniors and People with Disabilities and update references to the Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS). These actions were recommended by the Rules Committee.
New Business
Approved grant agreement amendments for Urban Alchemy and Episcopal Community Services to support homelessness services.
The Board adopted Resolution No. 302-24, approving the first amendment to the grant agreement between Urban Alchemy and the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH) for shelter services at 711 Post Street, extending the term and increasing the amount by $3,509,506. Resolution No. 301-24 was also adopted, approving the second amendment to the grant agreement between Urban Alchemy and HSH for the 33 Gough Cabin Program, extending the term and increasing the amount by $2,146,990. Additionally, Resolution No. 300-24 was adopted, approving the second amendment to the grant agreement between Episcopal Community Services and HSH for the Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool program, extending the term and increasing the amount by $19,623,174. Finally, Resolution No. 299-24 was adopted approving a 6,738,079 dollar grant for the Episcopal Community Services and the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing for continued administration of the Housing Navigation program. These items were called together by President Peskin and recommended by the Budget and Finance Committee.
New Business
Approved a lease agreement for a museum store at Harvey Milk Terminal 1 and a lease amendment for a concession at Terminal 3.
The Board adopted Resolution No. 315-24, approving the Harvey Milk Terminal 1 Museum Store Lease between Love From USA Group, Inc. and the City and County of San Francisco. Resolution No. 316-24 was also adopted, approving Amendment No. 3 to the Terminal 3 Coffee and Quick Serve Concession Lease - Lease No. 18-0346, between Elevate Gourmet Brands, Inc., and Aimhigh ESG, LLC, dba Elevate Gourmet Brands - SFO Group and the City and County of San Francisco. These items were called together by President Peskin and recommended by the Budget and Finance Committee.
New Business
Authorized the adoption of the Mental Health Services Act Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan.
The board authorized adoption of the San Francisco Mental Health Services Act Three-Year Program and Expenditure (Integrated Plan) for Fiscal Years (FYs) 2023-2026. (Public Health Department) Resolution number 317-24.
New Business
Approved real property leases for the San Francisco Law Library and the Health Service System at 1145 Market Street.
The board authorized approved real property leases with trinity center LLC for both the San Francisco Law Library and the Health Service System. The San Francisco Law Library will be leasing for a term of 15 years with a five year option to extend at an initial rent of $599,000 per year with 3% annual rent increases. the Health Service System lease covers a portion of the real property located at 1145 Market Street for an initial term of 10 years with one five year extension option to renew, at an initial annual base rent of $588,787.05 with 3% annual increases.
New Business
Approved an amendment to a grant agreement with SF New Deal for small business grant payment support.
The board approved an amendment to a grant agreement between the office of Economic and Workforce Development and SF New Deal for management of the Small Business Grant Payment Support Program with a $2,455,000 increase.
New Business
Voted to approve the first reading of an ordinance amending the Administrative Code to amend the Language Access Ordinance.
The Board considered item 230868 regarding the Language Access Ordinance. The bill was proposed in order to provide a high level of language service across San Francisco county by imposing new requirements on departments to translate signage, provide feedback processes for members of the public, and budgeting for language access services.
New Business
Voted to approve the first reading of SFPUC Capital Projects Budget and other financial ordinances.
The Board considered a series of financial items related to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. All of these bills were passed on the first reading. 240452 was an ordinance appropriating estimated Capital Projects receipts and all estimated Capital Projects expenditures for the Public Utilities Commission for the Fiscal Year (FY) ending June 30, 2025, and the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2026. 240453 involved the authorization of the issuance and sale of tax-exempt or taxable Wastewater Revenue Bonds. 240454 also authorized the issuance and sale of tax-exempt or taxable Power Revenue Bonds.
New Business
Adjusted surcharges and fees for the Board of Appeals and Department of Building Inspection.
The board amended the Administrative Code and Building Code to adjust surcharges and fees to ensure that the costs of the Board of Appeals' services are recovered. 240457 in particular adjusted fees charged by the Department of Building Inspection
New Business
Approved grants for the San Francisco Public Library and the Port of San Francisco.
The board approved funds for the San Francisco Public Library for up to $1,080,375 and the Port of San Francisco for 118,314 retroactively through the Department of Homeland Security's 2021 Port Security Grant Program.
New Business
Approved certifications of outsourced department services.
The board approved the outsourcing of services for security, information and guest services, parking operations, shuttle bus services, citations, paratransit, parking meter collections, towing, transit shelter cleaning services, janitorial and security services, and security services.
New Business
Received annual reports for the Central Market and Civic Center Community Benefit Districts.
The Board approved the receipt of an annual report for the Central Market Community Benefit District and the Civic Center Community Benefit District for Calendar Year (CY) 2022
New Business
Designated the Gregangelo Museum as a Landmark and affirmed support for electric vehicle charging initiatives.
The board approved the item to designate The Gregangelo Museum, located at 225 San Leandro Way, as a Landmark. They also affirmed support of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) and San Francisco Environment Department (SFE) for electric vehicle charging initiatives in SF. They also approved a project list for the California Senate Bill 1 Local Streets and Road Program
New Business
Approved the Surveillance Technology Policy for the SFMTA's Automated Speed Enforcement System and approved a mayoral reappointment.
The Board approved the Surveillance Technology Policy for the SFMTA's Automated Speed Enforcement System as well as motion M24-052 which allowed for the Mayoral reappointment of Mark Dunlop to the Treasure Island Development Authority Board of Directors, for a term ending February 26, 2028.
New Business
Approved motion M24-053 to excuse Supervisor Stefani from voting on the reappointment to the Reentry Council.
The Board approved the motion to excuse Supervisor Stefani from voting on the reappointment to the Reentry Council due to a conflict of interest as well as her reappointment in the process.
Recognized Amy Gubser, Seve Ghose, Carol Tang, Donna Sachet, Gary Virginia and Jerry Coleman.
Amy Gubser received a Certificate of Honor for her open-water marathon swim. Seve Ghose and Carol Tang received Certificates of Honor for their work on the Climate Youth Summit. Donna Sachet and Gary Virginia were recognized for organizing the PRIDE brunch. Jerry Coleman was recognized for her work assisting immigrants.
Committee Reports
Streamlined contracting for Vision Zero projects.
The item regarding streamlined contracting for Vision Zero transportation projects by authorizing the Municipal Transportation Agency and the Department of Public Works to enter into and amend contracts without adhering to the Environment Code or to provisions relating to competitive bidding, equal benefits, local business enterprise utilization, and other requirements, for construction work and professional and other services relating to Vision Zero projects, was moved for consideration.
Committee Reports
Modified the Planning Code and Local Coastal Program regarding the Wawona Street and 45th Avenue Cultural Center Special Use District.
The board considered an ordinance modifying the Planning Code and Local Coastal Program for Wawona Street, by amending the Local Coastal Program to designate the principal permitted use within the City’s Coastal Zone for purposes of appeal to the California Coastal Commission. This item has been co-sponsored by Supervisor Mandelman.
Committee Reports
Amended the Planning Code regarding liquor stores in the Divisadero Street Neighborhood Commercial Transit District.
The board amended the Planning Code to permit liquor stores in the buildings located on Assessor’s Block, 1215 Lots 018-089 within the Divisadero Street Neighborhood Commercial Transit District.
Committee Reports
Waived Administrative Code requirements for a shared space parklet on Clipper Street.
The board is waiving specified requirements in the Administrative Code to allow a curbside shared space occupying both the parking lane and sidewalk space on the 100 Block of Clipper Street, at the intersection with Church Street, to be defined as a curbside shared space, subject to certain requirements
Public Testimony
Received public comment on various issues, including childcare support and transportation agency decisions.
During the public comment period, several individuals expressed support for the Resolution urging expansion of childcare support for workforce retention and economic revitalization. Concerns were also raised regarding decisions by the Municipal Transportation Agency, with possible appeals to the Board of Supervisors being discussed.
New Business
Adopted a resolution supporting California State Assembly Bill No. 1975 (Bonta) - Medi-Cal: Medically Supportive Food and Nutrition Interventions].
The board adopted a resolution supporting AB 1975, introduced by Assembly Member Mia Bonta, that would help make medically supportive food and nutrition interventions a covered benefit under the Medi-Cal program.
New Business
Adopted a resolution supporting AB 2913 (Gipson) - California Homicide Victims’ Families’ Rights Act].
The board adopted a resolution supporting AB 2913, introduced by Assembly Member Mike Gipson, to require a law enforcement agency to review, upon request, any unsolved murder investigation case file to determine if reinvestigation of the case would result in probative investigative leads.
New Business
Adopted a resolution supporting AB 3024 (Ward) - The Stop Hate Littering Act].
The board adopted a resolution supporting AB 3024, introduced by Assembly Member Chris Ward, to expand the definition of “intimidation by threat of violence” under the Ralph Civil Rights Act of 1976 and address the distribution of hateful materials on private property without authorization.
New Business
Adopted a resolution urging Department of Early Childhood to Expand Childcare Support for Workforce Retention and Economic Revitalization.
The board is urging the Department of Early Childhood to implement a bold strategy to expand its investments in early care and education to support economic revitalization and workforce retention.
Legislation Introduced
Proposed several ordinances and resolutions related to budget, fees, grants, and other administrative matters.
The board introduced a series of proposed ordinances including a proposed interim budget and appropriation ordinance for departments, a proposed interim annual salary ordinance, and a budget and appropriation ordinance for departments. The ordinances also touched topics of County Clerk's fees, the Patient Rates for Fiscal Years, Public Works code fees, Recreation Program Fees, etc. Additionally, there were a few resolutions proposed that involve items such as Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure budgets, the Department of Elections, Security Services, etc.
Legislation Introduced
Introduced several ordinances related to homelessness, hotel waivers and mission bay parks.
The board introduced several ordinances related to homelessness, including Agreement Amendments for the Cova Hotel, Adante Hotel, and Monarch Hotel, to increase the amount of funds going into the programs. The other bill regarded Mission Bay parks P22 and P19 Acceptance as related to San Francisco Port Commission assets.
Legislation Introduced
Introduced an ordinace regarding Administrative code for the use of unassisted aerial vehicles.
The board is introducing ordinances regarding Administrative code for the use of unassisted aerial vehicles.
Legislation Introduced
Introducing code changes to deal with large residence sizes
The board is introducing code changes to deal with large residence sizes by way of expanding Central Neighborhoods Large Residence Special Use District.
Legislation Introduced
Introduced ordinances to support local business and financing.
The board proposed a new bill amending the Administrative Code to provide for Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District Public Financing Authority No. 1 to act as the governing body of multiple enhanced infrastructure financing districts.
Legislation Introduced
Introduced ordinaces for Tax and Code changes.
The board proposed and introduced new changes to tax code and zoning around Transient Occupancy Tax and Laboratory zoning laws.
Legislation Introduced
Proposed code designation of trees as landmark status.
The board introduced a bill on designating trees as landmark status.
Legislation Introduced
The council is considering proposals related to the upcoming budget as well as other ordinances.
The council is considering proposals related to the upcoming budget and is considering proposals related to the upcoming budget as well as other ordinances.
Legislation Introduced
Proposed bills for improving the quality of life.
The council is proposing bills for improving the quality of life in San Fransico through parks projects and financial relief.
Requests for Hearing
Set hearing dates for the Mayor's proposed budget, administrative provisions, and civil grand jury report.
The Board has scheduled hearing meetings for the departments of San Francisco to discuss proposed interim budgets.
In Memoriams
The board took a moment to acknowledge and remember individuals who are recently deceased.
The board has scheduled hearing meetings for the departments of San Francisco to discuss proposed interim budgets.