The San Francisco Board of Supervisors meeting on May 4, 2021, addressed a range of issues including approving settlements for several lawsuits, advancing affordable housing projects, and allocating funds for park renovations. The Board also showed support for the Asian American and Pacific Islander community through resolutions recognizing their heritage month and denouncing the rise in violence against them. Several new ordinances and resolutions were introduced covering topics from shared spaces to health care security for teleworking employees. Public comment addressed concerns about zoning, accessibility, and the pandemic recovery process, including outdoor space access. A closed session addressed the Recology San Francisco litigation, leading to a settlement agreement.
Consent Agenda
Approval of settlements for multiple lawsuits against the City and County of San Francisco.
The Board approved settlements for several lawsuits. Frank Villa will receive $64,250 for a fall in a City parking lot. Luis Angel Garcia Valencia will receive $41,000 for injuries from a vehicle collision. Jennifer Galarza will receive $100,000 related to an employment dispute. Elena Ruiz-Diaz and Mercedes Arroyo will receive $600,000 for medical negligence and elder neglect/abuse at Laguna Honda Hospital. Armin Abdollahvand will receive $50,000 for injuries from a rear-end automobile collision involving a City employee. Ramsey Abouremeleh will receive $275,000 related to an employment dispute.
Consent Agenda
Amendment to the Housing Code regarding community kitchens in group housing.
The Board approved an ordinance amending the Housing Code to prohibit the removal of existing community kitchens in group housing. Supervisor Chan requested to be added as a co-sponsor.
Unfinished Business
Discussion and tabling of an emergency ordinance regarding enforcement of workplace ventilation standards related to COVID-19 in high-rise buildings.
The Board discussed an emergency ordinance requiring property owners of high-rise buildings with 50,000 square feet or more of nonresidential floor area that use mechanical ventilation systems, to certify that such systems are operating in compliance with applicable laws and other stipulations. The Board then voted to table this ordinance.
New Business
Approval to accept and expend a grant for the 900 Innes Boatyard Park Expansion Project.
The Board approved a resolution authorizing the Recreation and Park Department to retroactively accept and expend a grant of $8,500,000 from the California Department of Parks and Recreation for the 900 Innes Boatyard Park Expansion Project.
New Business
Acceptance and expenditure of a grant for the Esprit Park Renovation Project.
The Board approved a resolution authorizing the Recreation and Park Department to accept and expend a cash grant of $4,165,000 from the University of California Board of Regents for the Esprit Park Renovation Project.
New Business
Acceptance and expenditure of an in-kind grant for design services for the Esprit Park renovation project, which will be continued.
The Board discussed a resolution retroactively authorizing the Recreation and Park Department to accept and expend an in-kind grant valued at approximately $835,000 from the Dogpatch and Northwest Potrero Hill Green Benefit District of design services for the Esprit Park renovation project. After discussion and an initial failed motion to continue to May 11, 2021, a motion to rescind the previous vote carried, and the resolution was CONTINUED to the Board of Supervisors meeting of May 11, 2021.
New Business
Approval of an amendment to a lease at the airport.
The Board approved a resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to the Boarding Area E Newsstand Lease, a Small Business Enterprise Set-Aside Lease No. 13-0136, between Skyline Concessions, Inc., as tenant, and the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission, as landlord, to extend the Lease by two years and six months, for an extension of the term to no later than June 30, 2023, with a condition that the Airport Director, at his sole and absolute discretion, may terminate earlier by providing six months’ advance written notice, with no change to the current minimum annual guarantee.
New Business
Approval of a lease extension modification with various airlines at the airport.
The Board discussed a resolution approving a Lease Modification to the 2011 Lease and Use Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission, and 39 various Signatory Airlines, extending the term for two years from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2023. The Board then voted to CONTINUED the resolution to the Board of Supervisors meeting of May 18, 2021.
New Business
Approval of an amendment to a grant agreement with the Institute on Aging.
The Board approved a resolution approving a third amendment to the grant agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Institute on Aging for the provision of the Community Living Fund, to extend the grant term by two years from the period of July 1, 2021, for a total term of July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2023, and to increase the amount of the grant by $10,767,634 for a revised total amount not to exceed $22,408,928.
New Business
Approval to accept and expend a grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for a Department of Public Health program.
The Board approved a resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $113,581 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases through Research Triangle Institute International for participation in a program, entitled “AMBER Statement of Work - San Francisco Department of Public Health,” for the period of December 15, 2020, through July 31, 2025.
New Business
Approval of an amendment to a contract for paratransit services.
The Board approved a resolution approving the Sixth Amendment to Contract No. SFMTA-2016-17, Paratransit Broker and Operating Agreement, with Transdev Services, Inc., to exercise the option to extend the term by five years to June 30, 2026, and to increase the amount of the Contract by $165,368,919 for a total Contract amount not to exceed $308,271,023.
New Business
Approval for the acquisition of real property at 4840 Mission Street for affordable housing.
The Board approved a resolution approving and authorizing the acquisition of real property at 4840 Mission Street from 4840 Mission Housing Associates LP for $0 in exchange for a $8,150,000 credit, to be used for constructing affordable housing, and other arrangements.
New Business
Authorization for the execution and delivery of a multifamily housing revenue note for the 4840 Mission Apartments project.
The Board approved a resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a multifamily housing revenue note in one or more series in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $75,000,000 for the purpose of providing financing for the construction of a 137-unit multifamily rental housing project known as “4840 Mission Apartments.”
New Business
Planning Code Amendment - Landmark Designation - Lyon-Martin House, 651 Duncan Street.
The board passed an ordinance amending the Planning Code to designate Lyon-Martin House, 651 Duncan Street as a Landmark.
New Business
Resolution supporting California State Senate Bill No. 110 (Wiener) - Recovery Incentives Act.
The board voted to support CA State Senate Bill No. 110, Recovery Incentives Act to legalize the substance use disorder treatment known as contingency management.
New Business
Liquor License Transfer - 535 Scott Street - Lucinda’s Deli & More.
A resolution was passed determining that the transfer of a Type-20 off-sale beer and wine liquor license to Lucinda's Deli and More, LLC, doing business as Lucinda's Deli & More, located at 535 Scott Street (District 5), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco, in accordance with California Business and Professions Code, Section 23958.4; and requesting that the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control impose conditions on the issuance of the license.
New Business
Liquor License Issuance - 2166 Market Street - The Academy.
A resolution was passed determining that the issuance of a Type-57 special on-sale general beer, wine, and distilled spirits liquor license to Two Gents, LLC, to do business as The Academy located at 2166 Market Street (District 8), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco, in accordance with California Business and Professions Code, Section 23958.4; and requesting that the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control impose conditions on the issuance of the license.
New Business
Resolution Supporting California State Senate Bill No. 299 (Leyva) - Victim Compensation: Use of Force by a Peace Officer.
The board supported a California State Senate Bill No. 299 to remove barriers faced by victims and families of peace officer violence with the California Victim Compensation Board Fund.
New Business
Appointment, Health Officer - Susan Philip, MD.
Motion passed to appoint Susan Philip, MD, to the position of Health Officer for the City and County of San Francisco.
New Business
Appointments, African American Reparations Advisory Committee - Multiple Members.
Motion passed to appoint multiple members for indefinite terms, to the African American Reparations Advisory Committee.
Committee Reports
Resolution supporting California State Senate Bill No. 37 (Cortese) - Contaminated Sites.
Resolution supporting California State Senate Bill No. 37, Contaminated Sites: The Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup and Safety Act, authored by Senator David Cortese, expressly prohibiting the use of the common sense exemption to be applied to construction projects located on contaminated sites identified on the state’s Cortese List was passed.
Public Testimony
Public comment on various issues.
Members of the public expressed concerns regarding various zoning changes, accessibility for pedestrians, limited library access, seats on the Behavioral Health Commission, and the need to reopen outdoor spaces.
Closed Session
Closed session regarding existing litigation with Recology San Francisco.
The Board convened in closed session to confer with the City Attorney regarding existing litigation relating to the lawsuit filed by the City and County of San Francisco against Recology San Francisco, Sunset Scavenger Company, and Golden Gate Disposal and Recycling Company for payment of at least $94,520,000 in restitution and related interest as well as $7,000,000 in civil penalties. No action was taken, and it was decided not to disclose closed session deliberations.
New Business
Approval of a settlement with Recology San Francisco.
The board passed a settlement with Recology San Francisco for payment of at least $94,520,000 in restitution and related interest as well as $7,000,000 in civil penalties.
New Business
Resolution recognizing May 2021 as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.
Resolution recognizing and celebrating May 2021 as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in the City and County of San Francisco and honoring the significant contributions of the Asian Pacific American community was adopted.
New Business
Resolution denouncing the rise in violence against the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community.
Resolution denouncing the rise in violence against the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community was adopted.
New Business
Resolution supporting California State Senate Bill No. 321.
Resolution supporting California State Senate Bill No. 321, authored by State Senator Maria Elena Durazo, The Health and Safety for All Workers Act, which would eliminate the exclusion of household domestic service from Cal/OSHA workplace health and safety protections and ensure that domestic workers have access to health and safety training, information about risks in the workplace, and necessary protective equipment was adopted.
New Business
Resolution declaring April 21, 2021, as Petra DeJesus Day.
Resolution declaring April 21, 2021, as Petra DeJesus Day in the City and County of San Francisco was adopted.
New Business
Resolution Recognizing the One-Year Anniversary of Unidos En Salud.
Resolution recognizing the one-year anniversary of Unidos En Salud, a partnership between the University of California San Francisco and the Latino Task Force on COVID-19, and expressing gratitude for lifesaving service to the people of San Francisco was adopted.
New Business
Resolution Commending Maribel Jaldon.
Resolution commending and honoring Maribel Jaldon for her 36 years of distinguished service with the City and County of San Francisco was adopted.
New Business
Resolution designating Public Works Week.
Resolution commending the staff of San Francisco Public Works and declaring May 17, 2021, through May 21, 2021, as Public Works Week in the City and County of San Francisco was adopted.
New Business
Adoption of Findings Related to Conditional Use Authorization - 590 Second Avenue.
The Board adopts findings in support of the Board of Supervisors’ disapproval of the decision of the Planning Commission regarding the Conditional Use Authorization identified as Planning Case No. 2019-015984CUA, which approved the installation of a wireless telecommunications facility consisting of ten panel antennae, for a proposed project at 590 Second Avenue.
New Business
Resolution regarding the use of the San Francisco Police Department insignia for the Nash Bridges television series.
Resolution approving the use of the San Francisco Police Department insignia on uniforms and vehicles for the television series, Nash Bridges, was adopted with amendments regarding the series being an all-union production and the enhancement of San Francisco's image as a premier location for film and television productions.
Legislation Introduced
Ordinance amending the Administrative, Public Works, and Transportation Codes regarding Shared Spaces.
Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to rename and modify the Places for People Program as the Shared Spaces Program, and to clarify the roles and responsibilities of various departments regarding activation and use of City property and the public right-of-way, streamline the application process, specify minimum programmatic requirements such as public access, setting permit and license fees, and provide for the conversion of existing Parklet and Shared Spaces permittees to the new program requirements.
Legislation Introduced
Ordinance amending the Police Code to remove the sunset clause from the article imposing a fee cap and other regulations on Third-Party Food Delivery Services.
Ordinance amending the Police Code to remove the sunset clause from the article imposing a fee cap and other regulations on Third-Party Food Delivery Services was introduced.
Legislation Introduced
Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to provide that employees are covered by the Health Care Security Ordinance when they are teleworking.
An ordinance was introduced amending the Administrative Code to provide that employees are covered by the Health Care Security Ordinance when they are teleworking during the time period that City health orders place restrictions on onsite work and/or encourage employees to telework during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Legislation Introduced
Ordinance amending the Administrative Code regarding Consultation Regarding Filing of Juvenile Delinquency Cases.
Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to require the Police Department to consult with the District Attorney ("DA") on all juvenile delinquency cases under California Welfare and Institutions Code, Section 651, and provide the DA the opportunity to commence proceedings in the juvenile delinquency court in the San Francisco Superior Court was introduced.
Legislation Introduced
Ordinance designating the Canary Island Pine (Pinus canariensis) tree located at 2251 Filbert Street as a landmark tree pursuant to the Public Works Code.
Ordinance designating the Canary Island Pine (Pinus canariensis) tree located at 2251 Filbert Street as a landmark tree pursuant to the Public Works Code was introduced.
Legislation Introduced
Ordinance amending the Health Code to repeal the requirement that advertisements for sugar-sweetened beverages include a warning.
Ordinance amending the Health Code to repeal the requirement that advertisements for sugar-sweetened beverages include a warning about the potentially harmful health effects of consuming such beverages was introduced.
Legislation Introduced
Ordinance amending the Planning Code and Zoning Map to eliminate the Life Science and Medical Special Use District.
An ordinance was introduced amending the Planning Code and Zoning Map to eliminate the Life Science and Medical Special Use District.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution retroactively authorizing the Recreation and Park Department to apply for, accept and expend a grant for the Playground at India Basin Shoreline Park.
Resolution retroactively authorizing the Recreation and Park Department to apply for, accept and expend a grant for the Playground at India Basin Shoreline Park was proposed.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant from the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation.
Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant from the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation was proposed.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution approving a fourth amendment to an emergency agreement between the Office of Contract Administration and 1231 Market Street Owner L.P.
Resolution approving a fourth amendment to an emergency agreement between the Office of Contract Administration and 1231 Market Street Owner L.P. was proposed.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution approving the first amendment between the City and County of San Francisco and Five Keys Schools and Programs.
Resolution approving the first amendment between the City and County of San Francisco and Five Keys Schools and Programs was proposed.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of multifamily housing revenue notes for Balboa Park Upper Yard.
Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of multifamily housing revenue notes for Balboa Park Upper Yard was proposed.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution approving the Director of Property and the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to enter into a Ground Lease for Real Property owned by the City and located at 2340 San Jose Avenue.
Resolution approving the Director of Property and the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to enter into a Ground Lease for Real Property owned by the City and located at 2340 San Jose Avenue was proposed.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to execute a grant application, and the City to assume joint liability for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program.
Resolution authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to execute a grant application, and the City to assume joint liability for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program was proposed.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to execute a grant application, and the City to assume joint liability for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program.
Resolution authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to execute a grant application, and the City to assume joint liability for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program was proposed.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to execute a grant application, and the City to assume joint liability for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program.
Resolution authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to execute a grant application, and the City to assume joint liability for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program was proposed.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to execute a grant application, and the City to assume joint liability for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program.
Resolution authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to execute a grant application, and the City to assume joint liability for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program was proposed.
Legislation Introduced
Issuance of Special Tax Bonds - Improvement Area No. 1 of the City and County of San Francisco Community Facilities District No. 2016-1 (Treasure Island).
Resolution supplementing Resolution No. 12-17 authorizing the issuance and sale of one or more series of Special Tax Bonds for City and County of San Francisco Community Facilities District No. 2016-1 (Treasure Island) with respect to its Improvement Area No. 1 was proposed.
Legislation Introduced
Purchase Option Agreement - Prologis, L.P. - 1236 Carroll Avenue.
Resolution approving a Purchase Option Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and Prologis, L.P. that provides the City with a unilateral right to exercise an option to purchase property located at 1236 Carroll Avenue at any time prior to June 1, 2022 was proposed.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution recognizing the Asian Art Museum.
Resolution recognizing the Asian Art Museum was proposed for adoption without committee reference.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution commending James W. Chow on the occasion of his 100th birthday.
Resolution commending James W. Chow on the occasion of his 100th birthday was proposed for adoption without committee reference.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution reaffirming the importance of Angel Island State Park and the Angel Island Immigration Station.
Resolution reaffirming the importance of Angel Island State Park and the Angel Island Immigration Station was proposed for adoption without committee reference.
Legislation Introduced
Accept and Expend; Grant Agreement Amendment - Retroactive - Trust for Public Land - Buchanan Street Mall Renewal Project.
Resolution retroactively authorizing the Recreation and Park Department to enter into an agreement with the Trust for Public Land to accept and expend in-kind and cash grant funding in the amount of up to $7,100,000 for the Buchanan Mall Renewal Project was proposed.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution supporting California State Senate Bill No. 617 (Wiener) - Residential Solar Energy Systems: Permitting.
Resolution supporting California State Senate Bill No. 617 for solar system permitting was proposed.
Legislation Introduced
Resolution supporting California State Senate Bill No. 693 (Stern) - The Never Again Education Act.
Resolution supporting CA State Senate Bill No. 693 concerning education on genocide and the Holocaust was proposed.