
San Francisco County

Meeting on Street Vending, Golden Gate Park, and Emergency Tenderloin Services

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors convened for a regular meeting on March 15, 2022, addressing a range of issues from street vending regulations to affordable housing code enforcement, as well as the ongoing local emergency in the Tenderloin due to drug overdoses. Key actions included the approval of new regulations for street vendors, designation of historic landmarks, amendments to grant agreements for various programs, and discussion surrounding Golden Gate Park access. The board also held a public hearing on the Tenderloin local emergency and considered the status of a contested housing project. Several items were introduced, including measures related to cyber security, public works documentation, and support for affordable housing initiatives.

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Approval of February 8, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

The Board approved the minutes from the February 8, 2022, meeting. Supervisor Mar moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Supervisor Mandelman. There were no corrections requested. The motion carried with a vote of 11 ayes.

Consent Agenda

Ordinance amending the Public Works Code to regulate street vendors.

This ordinance amends the Public Works Code to regulate vending, requiring permits and authorizing fees and enforcement. It also amends other codes to conform and merges the Port Code's permit program with Public Works. Reporting provisions from the Health Code are repealed. It was sponsored by the Mayor and Supervisors Safai, Ronen, Mar, and Haney, and passed as Ordinance No. 044-22.

Consent Agenda

Acceptance and expenditure of a grant for the Jail and Reentry Services Program.

The San Francisco Public Library is authorized to accept and expend a $2,000,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for the Jail and Reentry Services Program, covering January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2023. The ordinance also amends the Annual Salary Ordinance to add three grant-funded full-time positions at the Public Library. This passed as Ordinance No. 048-22.

Consent Agenda

Landmark designation for 447 Battery Street (Jones-Thierbach Coffee Company Building).

This ordinance amends the Planning Code to designate 447 Battery Street as a Landmark, consistent with Planning Code Article 10. The Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act is affirmed. The ordinance passed as Ordinance No. 043-22, sponsored by Supervisor Peskin.

Consent Agenda

Landmark designation for 1801 Green Street (Golden Gate Valley Carnegie Library).

The Planning Code is amended to designate 1801 Green Street as a Landmark under Article 10. The Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act is affirmed. The ordinance, sponsored by Supervisor Stefani with co-sponsors Peskin and Mandelman, passed as Ordinance No. 047-22.

Unfinished Business

Amending the Park Code to waive admission fees for San Francisco residents and Veterans at the Gardens of Golden Gate Park.

This ordinance amends the Park Code to waive fees for SF residents and veterans at the Japanese Tea Garden and the Conservatory of Flowers, and authorizes the Recreation and Park Department to waive or discount other fees. Funding is provided by reauthorizing the department to set admission fees for non-resident adults through flexible pricing. It passed as Ordinance No. 045-22, with 10 ayes and 1 no (Peskin).

Unfinished Business

Acceptance and expenditure of a grant for the Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program.

The Office of Cannabis is authorized to accept and expend a $3,075,769 grant from the Department of Cannabis Control for the Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program, covering January 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025. The ordinance also amends the Annual Salary Ordinance to add five grant-funded positions at the Office of Cannabis. This passed as Ordinance No. 046-22.

New Business

Amendment to the Salary Ordinance for the Human Services Agency for FY2021-2022.

This ordinance amends the Salary Ordinance to reflect the addition of 16 positions (5.328 FTEs) in the Human Services Agency in FY2021-2022, for the period of April 1, 2022, to June 30, 2022. It was passed on first reading.

New Business

Appropriation of State and Federal Revenues to the Human Services Agency for various programs.

An ordinance appropriating $37,627,023 of State and Federal Revenues to the Human Services Agency for various programs, including Shelter in Place housing, Adult Protective Services, and housing support programs. It requires a two-thirds vote. It was passed on first reading.

New Business

Appropriation from the General Reserve to the Municipal Transportation Agency for Portsmouth Square Garage parking and transit fares.

An ordinance appropriating $554,000 from the General Reserve to the Municipal Transportation Agency to support free parking in the Portsmouth Square Garage and transit fares in February of FY2021-2022. Supervisors Preston and Walton were added as co-sponsors. It was passed on first reading.

New Business

Acceptance and expenditure of an in-kind gift of consulting services for the Office of Civic Innovation's Civic Bridge program.

The Department of Technology, through its Office of Civic Innovation’s Civic Bridge program, is authorized to accept an in-kind gift of consulting services valued at $1,490,720 from various providers from March 2021 to February 2022. This was adopted as Resolution No. 088-22.

New Business

Approval of an amendment to the grant agreement with Meals on Wheels of San Francisco.

An amendment to the grant agreement between the City and Meals on Wheels of San Francisco is approved, extending the grant term by three years and increasing the grant amount by $22,908,619, for a total not to exceed amount of $31,480,409, for the Home-Delivered Meal (HDM) Nutrition Services to Older Adults program. This was adopted as Resolution No. 089-22.

New Business

Approval of an amendment to the grant agreement with Children's Council of San Francisco.

A second modification of the grant between the City and Children’s Council of San Francisco is approved for the provision of Early Care and Education Integrated Services, increasing the amount by $17,680,287 for a revised total grant amount not to exceed $393,732,732. This was adopted as Resolution No. 090-22.

New Business

Approval of an amendment to the grant agreement with Wu Yee Children's Services.

A third modification of the grant between the City and Wu Yee Children’s Services is approved for the provision of Early Care and Education Integrated Services, increasing the grant amount by $5,234,074 resulting in a revised total grant amount of $81,044,162. This was adopted as Resolution No. 091-22.

New Business

Approval of an agreement with Complete Coach Works for mid-life overhaul services for coaches.

An agreement between the City and Complete Coach Works is approved to perform mid-life overhaul services for up to 219 coaches, in an amount not to exceed $101,659,122.25 for a term not to exceed five years. This was adopted as Resolution No. 092-22, sponsored by the Mayor and Supervisors Safai, Mar, and Haney.

New Business

Acceptance of an in-kind gift from Tipping Point Community for consulting services for the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing.

The Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing is authorized to accept an in-kind gift for continued strategic and operational consulting services related to the Shelter-in-Place Winddown and Rehousing Process, valued not to exceed $67,500 from Tipping Point Community. This was adopted as Resolution No. 093-22.

New Business

Ordinance amending the Planning Code to revise the definition of Group Housing.

This ordinance amends the Planning Code to revise the definition of Group Housing. Supervisors Ronen, Melgar, and Preston requested to be added as co-sponsors. Aaron Starr from the Planning Department responded to questions. It was passed on first reading.

New Business

Ordinance amending the Administrative and Public Works Codes regarding permit review and fines for Shared Spaces violations.

This ordinance amends the Administrative and Public Works Codes to urge departments to review permits within 30 days and limit fines for violations of shared spaces requirements until April 1, 2023, with exceptions for accessibility, safety, and removal of abandoned structures. Departments are directed to wind down the temporary program no later than March 31, 2023. Supervisors Chan, Mar, and Safai requested to be added as co-sponsors. The ordinance was amended and passed on first reading as amended.

New Business

Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to establish the Office of Cyber Security and the position of Chief Information Security Officer.

This ordinance amends the Administrative Code to establish the Office of Cyber Security and the position of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). It requires departments to appoint a Department Information Security Officer, adds the CISO as a member of the Committee on Information Technology (COIT), and names the City Administrator as Chair of COIT. It was passed on first reading.

New Business

Approval of the Mayor's appointment of Alex Ludlum to the Successor Agency Commission.

The Mayor’s nomination for appointment of Alex Ludlum to the Successor Agency Commission is approved, with a term expiring November 3, 2022. This was approved as Motion No. M22-038.


Conditional Use Appeal regarding 3832-18th Street

The Board held a hearing regarding an appeal of a Conditional Use Authorization approval for a project at 3832-18th Street. Athanassios (Thanos) Diacakis, the appellant, provided an overview of the appeal, with supporters Robin Lewis; Citizen 22; Gary Peddler; Kay Koehneke; Jacque Mondavi; Julie Wong; Lewis Porter; Elizabeth Batey; Chris Rudy and other speakers expressing support. Richard Sucre and Jeffrey Horn from the Planning Department provided an overview of the Planning Department's decision. Ryan Patterson (Project Sponsor) gave an overview of the project, with supporters Michael Trellis; Amy Watts; Adam; Robert Fuqman; Jonathan Randolph; Mike Chen; and Martin Mills speaking in favor. The public hearing was heard and filed.

New Business

Approving Conditional Use Authorization for 3832-18th Street.

The Board approved the decision of the Planning Commission approving a Conditional Use Authorization for a project at 3832-18th Street as Motion No. M22-039.

New Business

Conditionally Disapproving the Conditional Use Authorization for 3832-18th Street.

The Board tabled motion 211189 that was regarding conditionally disapproving the Conditional Use Authorization for 3832-18th Street

New Business

Preparation of Findings Related to Conditional Use Authorization for 3832-18th Street.

The Board tabled motion 211190 that was regarding the preparation of findings related to Conditional Use Authorization for 3832-18th Street.

Committee of the Whole

Hearing on the Proclamation of a Local Emergency Relating to Drug Overdoses in the Tenderloin.

The Board convened as a Committee of the Whole to hold a public hearing on the Mayor's Proclamation of a Local Emergency Relating to Drug Overdoses in the Tenderloin. Maryellen Carroll and Victor Lim (Department of Emergency Management), Chief Cristel Tullock (Adult Probation Department), Dr. Hillary Kunins (Department of Public Health), Emily Cohen (Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing), Peg Stevenson (Office of the City Controller), Tom Paulino (Mayor’s Office), and Captain Chris Canning, Commander Raj Vaswani, and Diana Oliva-Aroche (Police Department) provided an overview. Speakers Joe Cutler and Kristy Schamela supported continuing concurrence, while Jordan Davis and Gilbert Crisswell supported withdrawing concurrence. The hearing was heard and filed.

New Business

Motion regarding concurrence in the Proclamation of Local Emergency in the Tenderloin.

A motion to either concur with or withdraw concurrence in the Mayor's Proclamation regarding the Local Emergency in the Tenderloin was referred to the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance amending the Park Code to adopt the Golden Gate Park Access and Safety Plan.

This ordinance amends the Park Code to adopt the Golden Gate Park Access and Safety Plan, including restrictions on private vehicles on certain streets in Golden Gate Park, making streets one-way, and establishing bicycle lanes. It was assigned to the Land Use and Transportation Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance amending the Planning and Administrative Codes regarding affordable housing code enforcement.

This ordinance amends the Planning Code to permit the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to enforce affordable housing provisions and amends the Administrative Code to allow MOHCD to use the Affordable Housing Enforcement Fund for Planning Code enforcement activities. It was assigned to the Land Use and Transportation Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance amending the Administrative Code regarding documentation of acceptance of public works construction projects.

This ordinance amends the Administrative Code to require public works departments to maintain documentation of all applicable inspections and approvals upon final acceptance of a public work or improvement. It was assigned to the Land Use and Transportation Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance amending the Planning Code regarding adult sex venues.

This ordinance amends the Planning Code to define Adult Sex Venue and permit, conditionally permit, or prohibit them in various districts. It was assigned to the Land Use and Transportation Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant from the Stupski Foundation for the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Serious Illness Care Program.

This resolution retroactively authorizes the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a $248,924 grant from the Stupski Foundation through the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation for participation in the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Serious Illness Care Program. It was assigned to the Budget and Finance Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the Closing the Gap with Social Determinants of Health Accelerator Plans program.

This resolution retroactively authorizes the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a $125,000 grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for participation in the Closing the Gap with Social Determinants of Health Accelerator Plans program. It was assigned to the Budget and Finance Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution retroactively authorizing the Police Department to accept and expend an in-kind gift of Naloxone through the Naloxone Distribution Project.

This resolution retroactively authorizes the Police Department to accept and expend an in-kind gift of 900 units of Naloxone valued at $66,600 through the Naloxone Distribution Project. It was assigned to the Budget and Finance Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of the Environment to accept and expend a grant from the California Energy Commission to implement an Electric Vehicle Ready Blueprint.

This resolution retroactively authorizes the Department of the Environment to accept and expend a $2,384,797 grant from the California Energy Commission to implement an Electric Vehicle Ready Blueprint. It was assigned to the Budget and Finance Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant increase from the National Institutes of Health through Heluna Health for the Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)-3D program.

This resolution retroactively authorizes the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant increase from the National Institutes of Health through Heluna Health for the Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)-3D program. It was assigned to the Budget and Finance Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to accept and expend a grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the Southern Skyline Boulevard Ridge Trail Extension Project.

This resolution authorizes the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to accept and expend a $1,000,000 grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the Southern Skyline Boulevard Ridge Trail Extension Project. It was assigned to the Budget and Finance Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant from the Alliance and Safety Justice through the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation for the Trauma Recovery Center - National Learning Collaborative for Trauma Recovery Centers program.

This resolution retroactively authorizes the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a $135,000 grant from the Alliance and Safety Justice through the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation for the Trauma Recovery Center - National Learning Collaborative for Trauma Recovery Centers program. It was assigned to the Budget and Finance Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution denouncing anti-Asian rhetoric and the use of racial campaign antics.

This resolution denounces anti-Asian rhetoric and the use of racial campaign antics. It was referred for adoption without committee reference at the next board meeting.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution supporting California State Assembly Bill No. 2053, the Social Housing Act.

This resolution supports California State Assembly Bill No. 2053, the Social Housing Act. It was referred for adoption without committee reference at the next board meeting.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution urging expedited processing of eligible Special Immigrant Juvenile visas and ensure the provision of employment documents for all abused, neglected, or abandoned children and youth.

This resolution urges the Biden Administration to expedite the processing of all eligible Special Immigrant Juvenile visas and to ensure the provision of employment documents for all abused, neglected, or abandoned children and youth. It was referred for adoption without committee reference at the next board meeting.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution initiating landmark designation of the Mother's Building within the San Francisco Zoo.

This resolution initiates landmark designation of the Mother’s Building, situated within the San Francisco Zoo. It was assigned to the Land Use and Transportation Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution declaring March 13th as Burma Human Rights (Ko Phone Maw) Day in the City and County of San Francisco.

This resolution declares March 13th as Burma Human Rights (Ko Phone Maw) Day in the City and County of San Francisco. It was referred for adoption without committee reference at the next board meeting.

Legislation Introduced

Motion concurring in actions to meet the local emergency related to drug overdoses in the Tenderloin.

This motion concurs in actions taken by the Mayor in the Third Supplement to the Proclamation of Emergency to meet the local emergency related to drug overdoses in the Tenderloin. It was referred for adoption without committee reference at the next board meeting.

Legislation Introduced

Motion for the Board of Supervisors to convene in closed session on March 22, 2022, to confer regarding negotiations with labor unions representing City employees.

This motion requests that the Board of Supervisors convene in closed session on March 22, 2022, to confer regarding negotiations with labor unions representing City employees. It was referred for adoption without committee reference at the next board meeting.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution to Adopted without Committee Reference

This resolution urges the authorization of the installation of an enduring Yellow Brick Road on the sidewalks of 17 blocks within the Tenderloin District

Legislation Introduced

Resolution to Adopted without Committee Reference

The Board adopted a resolution that celebrates and recognizes the cultural contributions of Persian culture and history to modern society on the occasion of the celebration of Nowruz, the Persian New Year

Legislation Introduced

Legislation Introduced to be Adopted without Committee Reference

This was a motion to reappoint Juliet Rothman to the Commission on the Aging Advisory Council.

Legislation Introduced

Adoption of Resolutions that do not Require Committee Reference

The Board passed Resolution No. 095-22 opposing California State Assembly Bill No. 2063, authored by Assembly Member Marc Berman, and urging the San Francisco Legislative Delegation to amend Assembly Bill No. 2063, in recognition of San Francisco’s local planning and affordable tools.