The San Francisco Board of Supervisors meeting on March 12, 2019, involved discussions on homelessness, violence prevention, and budget priorities, including the Mayor's shelter crisis legislation and youth job opportunities. They addressed a variety of topics, including adopting a short-term loan program for federal employees, establishing the Our City, Our Home Oversight Committee, and event-related cannabis permits. Additionally, there were discussions about a citywide survey of historic resources, and the review of the Memorandum of Understanding between the San Francisco Unified School District and the Police Department pertaining to arrests on and off campus.
The Mayor appeared before the board for policy discussions.
Mayor London Breed addressed the Board of Supervisors to discuss the City’s response to homelessness, her upcoming shelter crisis legislation to improve shelter efficiency and service delivery, and the identification of potential shelter locations across different districts. Supervisor Walton questioned the timeline for appointing a point person to coordinate city-wide violence prevention services, to which Mayor Breed responded that it would happen in the next few weeks, along with proposed policies for street safety. Walton also inquired about job opportunities for youth through the “Opportunities for All” program, and Mayor Breed mentioned 1,000 new slots targeting younger individuals, as well as cadet programs and tech sector jobs. Supervisor Safai questioned how the budget priorities would reflect the needs of the African American community. Mayor Breed emphasized investing in opportunities to ensure the success of African American children and holding organizations accountable. Safai then inquired about retaining the African American population in San Francisco, and Mayor Breed suggested creative policy decisions and better investments to reach underserved African Americans.
Consent Agenda
The board approved a short-term loan program for federal employees.
The board approved Ordinance 056-19 authorizing the Treasurer to secure a short-term line of credit or partner with financial institutions to provide emergency loans for federal employees impacted by government shutdowns. It also approved Ordinance 057-19 appropriating $20,000,000 of short-term loan proceeds to the Treasurer’s and Tax Collector’s Office and authorizing repayment via individual loan repayments and up to $500,000 from the General Fund interest earnings.
Consent Agenda
The board approved the creation of an oversight committee for the Our City, Our Home Fund.
The board passed Ordinance 051-19 amending the Administrative Code to establish the Our City, Our Home Oversight Committee, an advisory body to monitor the City’s use of tax revenue from Proposition C (Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax), advise the Board and Mayor, and recommend ways to reduce barriers to exiting homelessness.
Consent Agenda
The board approved the street vacation of portions of Bradford Street and Ogden and Crescent Avenues for property transfer.
Ordinance 050-19 was passed, ordering the summary street vacation of portions of Bradford Street, Ogden Avenue, and Crescent Avenue within the Alemany Farmers’ Market perimeter. The board also approved jurisdictional property transfers at the Market site and affirmed the Planning Department’s environmental determination.
Consent Agenda
The board approved updated regulations for vacant or abandoned commercial storefronts.
Ordinance 052-19 was passed amending the Building Code to require annual registration fees and inspections for vacant commercial storefront owners, updating the penalty for violations and affirming the Planning Department’s environmental determination.
Consent Agenda
The board approved expanded eligibility for County Adult Assistance Programs.
The board passed Ordinance 053-19 amending the Administrative Code to expand eligibility for the PAES, CALM, and SSIP programs to adults ineligible for CalWORKs due to lifetime limits or because their children are no longer minors or under their care.
Unfinished Business
The board approved accepting and expending a grant for leveraging collaboration to end domestic violence.
The board passed Ordinance 055-19 retroactively authorizing the Department on the Status of Women to accept and expend a $384,562 grant from the Blue Shield of California Foundation for the Leveraging Collaboration to End Domestic Violence program. The ordinance also amends the Annual Salary Ordinance to add one part-time Junior Administrative Analyst position (0.5 FTE) from January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2020.
Unfinished Business
The board approved amending the General Plan to include 175 Golden Gate Avenue in the Downtown Area Plan.
The board passed Ordinance 054-19 amending the General Plan to include 175 Golden Gate Avenue (Assessor's Parcel Block No. 0349, Lot No. 11) in the C-3-G (Downtown General Commercial District) area. The board also made environmental findings and affirmed consistency with the General Plan and priority policies.
Unfinished Business
The board approved rezoning and preservation designation for 175 Golden Gate Avenue.
The board passed Ordinance 049-19 amending the Planning Code and Zoning Map to rezone the building at 175 Golden Gate Avenue (De Marillac Academy) from RC-4 to C-3-G, and designating the building for preservation purposes as a Category III Contributory Building. The Planning Department’s determination under CEQA was affirmed, and the board made findings of consistency with the General Plan and priority policies.
New Business
The board discussed event-related cannabis permits and application fees.
The board discussed Ordinance 190109, which would amend the Police Code to establish procedures for the Office of Cannabis to issue permits for cannabis sales or consumption in connection with temporary events, and provide for temporary waivers of City laws restricting smoking or cannabis consumption. It would also amend the Business and Tax Regulations Code to establish an application fee for such permits, and amend the Transportation Code to allow for temporary waivers of Article 19L of the Health Code for events approved by the Interdepartmental Staff Committee on Traffic and Transportation. An amendment to limit the permits to cannabis sales only and strike authorization to allow cannabis smoking during temporary events failed. The Ordinance ultimately passed on first reading.
New Business
The board approved a real property lease extension for 1360 Mission Street.
Resolution 119-19 was adopted approving Amendment No. 1 authorizing the Director of Real Estate to extend a lease of real property located at 1360 Mission Street with SFP2 1360 Mission St., LLC, as landlord, for a total term of May 11, 2011, through September 21, 2020, with one extension option from September 22, 2020, through September 21, 2021, at the monthly base rent of $26,397 for an initial annual base rent of $321,300 with a 3% annual increase.
New Business
The board approved a real property lease for 729 Filbert Street.
Resolution 120-19 was adopted authorizing the Director of Real Estate to enter into a Lease of real property located at 729 Filbert Street with William J. Piedmonte, as landlord, for a five-year term to commence upon approval by the Board of Supervisors, at the monthly base rent of $44,268 for a total annual base rent of $531,216.
New Business
The board approved an agreement amendment for Conard House for behavioral health services.
Resolution 121-19 was adopted approving Amendment No. 1 to the agreement between Conard House and the Department of Public Health for behavioral health services, to increase the agreement amount by $36,323,985 for an amount not to exceed $44,862,764; and to extend the term by four years from June 30, 2019, for a total agreement term of July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2023.
New Business
The board approved accepting and expending a grant from FEMA for a rescue boat.
Resolution 122-19 was adopted authorizing the Fire Department to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $399,562 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to purchase a rescue boat, for the period of September 1, 2018, through August 31, 2021, and waiving indirect costs.
New Business
The board approved accepting and expending a grant from FEMA for rescue tools and defibrillators.
Resolution 123-19 was adopted authorizing the Fire Department to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $2,733,591 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to purchase rescue tools and defibrillators, for the period of September 14, 2018, through September 13, 2019, and waiving indirect costs.
New Business
The board approved accepting and expending a gift for the Fire Department Training Division.
Resolution 124-19 was adopted authorizing the Fire Department to accept and expend a donation of a roof training prop valued at $24,417 from JNJ Roof Prop for the Fire Department’s Training Division.
New Business
The board approved accepting and expending a gift for Laguna Honda Hospital.
Resolution 125-19 was adopted retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a monetary gift in the amount of $141,000 from the Friends of Laguna Honda to the Laguna Honda Hospital Gift Fund for the purchase of equipment materials, supplies, and services for residents at Laguna Honda who are otherwise unable to obtain them, for the period of July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019.
New Business
The board approved a contract agreement with Dominion Voting Systems, Inc.
Resolution 127-19 was adopted retroactively approving a contract agreement between the City and County of San Francisco, by and through its Department of Elections, and Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., for the lease of a voting system, a license to use the voting system software, and related maintenance and support services, for four years for a contract term from January 1, 2019, through March 31, 2023, for an amount not to exceed $8,460,000 and with two one-year options to extend, in a total contract amount not to exceed $12,660,000.
New Business
The board nominated Supervisor Peskin for reappointment to the California Coastal Commission.
Resolution 126-19 was adopted nominating Supervisor Aaron Peskin for the North Coast Central seat on the California Coastal Commission.
New Business
The board approved appointments to the Park, Recreation, and Open Space Advisory Committee.
Motion M19-048 was approved appointing Roisin Isner and Richard Rothman, term ending February 1, 2021, to the Park, Recreation and Open Space Advisory Committee.
Committee of the Whole
The board recognized commendations.
Supervisor Walton presented a Certificate of Honor to Sasanna Yee, granddaughter of Yik Oi Huang, for her efforts in creating unity between communities following an unfortunate crime. Supervisor Mandelman presented a Certificate of Honor to Karen Lee for her advocacy against displacement and organizing tenants against unfair evictions. Supervisor Ronen presented a Certificate of Honor to the In Defense of Prostitute Women’s Safety Project for providing public awareness and education on violence against sex workers and increasing women’s safety.
Committee Reports
The board discussed the settlement of a lawsuit regarding 1049 Market Street.
The board discussed Ordinance 190163, which would authorize settlement of multiple lawsuits filed by 1049 Market Street, LLC, against the City and County of San Francisco. The settlement would legalize commercial use of portions of the building, provide fifteen units of affordable housing with priority for artists through the purchase and retrofit of the building’s second floor by Tenderloin Housing Clinic (“THC”), and provide a $2,400,000 loan from the City to THC. The ordinance passed on first reading.
Public Testimony
Members of the public provided feedback on various issues.
Members of the public voiced concerns and opinions on issues including the need for oversight of the Sheriff’s Department, outmigration of African Americans, problems with the Housing Authority, the need for protected bicycle lanes, government lobbying and transparency, the seizing of property from the homeless, and a project developer's construction site.
Committee of the Whole
The board held a closed session for labor negotiations.
The Board convened in closed session to discuss negotiations with labor unions representing City employees.
Committee of the Whole
The board urged the United States Department of Health and Human Services to Rescind New Title X Regulations.
Resolution 129-19 was adopted urging the United States Department of Health and Human Services to rescind the new Title X regulations.
Committee of the Whole
The board declared March 24, 2019, as Lawrence Ferlinghetti Day.
Resolution 131-19 was adopted declaring March 24, 2019, as Lawrence Ferlinghetti Day in the City and County of San Francisco.
Committee of the Whole
The board urged Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. to Engage in Good-Faith Negotiations - United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, Local 648, Members.
Resolution 132-19 was adopted urging Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. to engage in good-faith negotiations and quickly reach a fair and equitable contract with the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, Local 648, employed by Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc.
Committee of the Whole
The board adopted findings related to Conditional Use Authorization for the 3637-3657 Sacramento Street Project.
Motion M19-049 was approved adopting findings in support of the Board of Supervisors’ disapproval of Planning Commission Motion No. 20336 approving a Conditional Use Authorization identified as Planning Case No. 2007.1347CUA for a proposed project at 3637-3657 Sacramento Street, and the Board’s approval of a Conditional Use Authorization for the same Planning Case and property with different conditions.
Committee of the Whole
The board supported California State Senate Bill No. 281 (Wiener) - Cow Palace Joint Powers Authority.
Resolution 128-19 was adopted supporting California State Senate Bill No. 281, prohibiting the sales of firearms and ammunition at the Cow Palace and requiring the formation of the Cow Palace Joint Powers Authority.
Committee of the Whole
The board declared San Francisco an “Open to All” City.
Resolution 130-19 was adopted stating the City and County of San Francisco’s support of the national “Open to All” campaign, urging businesses to sign the “Open to All” Pledge, declaring the City an “Open to All” City, and urging the California State Legislature to enact legislation in support of the campaign.
Legislation Introduced
An ordinance was introduced amending the Administrative Code to update and revise the legislative findings in support of Indigenous Peoples Day.
Ordinance 190285 was introduced by Supervisor Brown and assigned to the Rules Committee.
Legislation Introduced
An ordinance was introduced to de-appropriate and re-appropriate funds for the Public Utilities Commission Water Enterprise Fund to pay an unlitigated claim.
Ordinance 190286, sponsored by Supervisor Mandelman, was introduced de-appropriating $124,523.97 from the Wastewater Enterprise Fund Balance and re-appropriating it to the Water Enterprise Fund Balance to fund the settlement of Sambou Makalou's unlitigated claim. It was assigned to the Government Audit and Oversight Committee.
Legislation Introduced
An ordinance was introduced amending the Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code to modify the deadline for participation in public financing and the operation of expenditure ceilings.
Ordinance 190287, sponsored by Supervisor Mar, was introduced to amend the Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code. It was assigned to the Rules Committee.
Legislation Introduced
An ordinance was introduced to accept and expend a grant for the Safety and Justice Challenge and amend the Annual Salary Ordinance.
Ordinance 190288, sponsored by Supervisor Ronen, was introduced retroactively authorizing the Office of the District Attorney to accept and expend a $2,000,000 grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for the Safety and Justice Challenge, and amending the Annual Salary Ordinance to add grant-funded positions at the District Attorney's Office, Department of Public Health, and Sheriff’s Department. It was assigned to the Budget and Finance Sub-Committee.
Legislation Introduced
A resolution was introduced authorizing the execution and delivery of a multifamily housing revenue note for the 691 China Basin Apartments project.
Resolution 190289, sponsored by the Mayor and Supervisor Haney, was introduced authorizing the execution and delivery of a multifamily housing revenue note not to exceed $68,000,000 for the 691 China Basin Apartments project, and approving related agreements and actions. It was received and assigned to the Budget and Finance Sub-Committee.
Legislation Introduced
A resolution was introduced to retroactively accept and expend an in-kind gift of consulting services from City Innovate.
Resolution 190290, sponsored by the Mayor, was introduced retroactively authorizing the Department of Technology to accept an in-kind gift of consulting services from City Innovate, valued at $125,000. It was received and assigned to the Budget and Finance Sub-Committee.
Legislation Introduced
A resolution was introduced to retroactively accept and expend a grant for the Homeless Mentally Ill Outreach and Treatment program.
Resolution 190291, sponsored by the Mayor and Supervisors Mandelman and Stefani, was introduced retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a $3,179,000 grant from the California Department of Health Care Services for the Homeless Mentally Ill Outreach and Treatment program. It was received and assigned to the Budget and Finance Sub-Committee.
Legislation Introduced
A resolution was introduced to retroactively accept and expend a grant for the California Perinatal Equity Initiative.
Resolution 190292, sponsored by the Mayor and Supervisor Walton, was introduced retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a $402,768 grant from the California Department of Public Health for the California Perinatal Equity Initiative. It was received and assigned to the Budget and Finance Sub-Committee.
Legislation Introduced
A resolution was introduced to declare official intent to reimburse expenditures related to the Mission Rock Project with tax-exempt debt.
Resolution 190293, sponsored by the Mayor and Supervisor Haney, was introduced declaring official intent to reimburse expenditures related to the Mission Rock Project from the proceeds of bonds and other debt. It was received and assigned to the Budget and Finance Sub-Committee.
Legislation Introduced
A resolution was introduced to declare official intent to reimburse expenditures related to the development of Pier 70 with tax-exempt debt.
Resolution 190294, sponsored by the Mayor and Supervisor Walton, was introduced declaring official intent to reimburse expenditures related to the development of Pier 70, including affordable housing costs, from the proceeds of bonds and other debt. It was received and assigned to the Budget and Finance Sub-Committee.
Legislation Introduced
A resolution was introduced supporting United States House Resolution No. 1384 - The Medicare For All Act.
Resolution 190295, sponsored by Supervisor Fewer, was introduced supporting United States House Resolution No. 1384, The Medicare For All Act. It was referred for adoption without committee reference at the next board meeting.
Legislation Introduced
A resolution was introduced urging installation of battery energy storage systems by C-10 Electrical Contractor License-Holders.
Resolution 190296, sponsored by Supervisor Peskin, was introduced urging the Contractors State Licensing Board to ensure that battery energy storage systems are installed by valid C-10 Electrical Contractor License-holders. It was referred for adoption without committee reference at the next board meeting.
Legislation Introduced
A resolution was introduced approving a 90-Day Extension for Planning Commission Review of District 11 Large Residence Special Use District.
Resolution 190297, sponsored by Supervisor Safai, was introduced extending by 90 days the prescribed time within which the Planning Commission may render its decision on an Ordinance (File No. 180939) amending the Planning Code and Zoning Map to create the District 11 large residence Special Use District. It was referred for adoption without committee reference at the next board meeting.
Legislation Introduced
A resolution was introduced urging the State to Increase Funding and supporting California Assembly Bill No. 1603 - California Violence Intervention and Prevention Grant Program.
Resolution 190298, sponsored by Supervisor Stefani, was introduced urging the state to increase funding to the California Violence Intervention and Prevention Program (CalVIP) and supporting California Assembly Bill No. 1603. It was referred for adoption without committee reference at the next board meeting.
Legislation Introduced
A motion was introduced appointing Supervisor Hillary Ronen to the Association of Bay Area Governments and Metropolitan Transportation Commission Legislative Task Force.
Motion 190299 was introduced to appoint a Member of the Board of Supervisors, for an indefinite term, to the Association of Bay Area Governments and Metropolitan Transportation Commission Legislative Task Force and assigned to the Rules Committee.
A hearing was requested on the impacts of expected Initial Public Offerings of San Francisco Based Companies.
Hearing request 190300, sponsored by Supervisor Mar, requesting on the impacts of multiple San Francisco based companies reportedly planning to hold initial public offerings in the near future, including impacts on business tax revenue, housing costs, and gentrification, and requesting the Controller, Treasurer and Tax Collector, and the Office of Economic and Workforce Development to report, and assigned to the Government Audit and Oversight Committee.
A hearing was requested for a Citywide Survey of Historic Resources.
Hearing request 190301, sponsored by Supervisor Peskin, to receive a status report and updated work plan for a Citywide Survey of Historic Resources in San Francisco, including the methodology and staffing resources required, and requesting the Planning Department to report, and assigned to the Land Use and Transportation Committee.
A hearing was requested regarding the Memorandum of Understanding between the San Francisco Unified School District and the Police Department pertaining to arrests on and off campus.
Hearing request 190302, sponsored by Supervisor Safai, to review the Memorandum of Understanding between the San Francisco Unified School District and the Police Department pertaining to arrests on and off campus, and requesting the San Francisco Unified School District and the Police Department to report, and assigned to the Government Audit and Oversight Committee.
Legislation Introduced
An ordinance was introduced to the Plumbing Code - Placement and Minimum Size of Building Traps.
Ordinance 190237, proposed by the Building Inspection Commission, to amend the Plumbing Code and was assigned under 30 DAY RULE to Land Use and Transportation Committee.
Legislation Introduced
An ordinance was introduced to regarding a Settlement of Lawsuit - Peter Dayton - $60,000.
Ordinance 190238, proposed by the City Attorney, authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Peter Dayton against the City and County of San Francisco for $60,000, and assigned to Government Audit and Oversight Committee.
Legislation Introduced
An ordinance was introduced to regarding a Partial Settlement of Lawsuit - Chris Tilton and Blane Bachelor - $301,000.
Ordinance 190239, proposed by the City Attorney, authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Chris Tilton and Blane Bachelor against the City and County of San Francisco for $301,000, and assigned to Government Audit and Oversight Committee.
Legislation Introduced
An ordinance was introduced to regarding a Settlement of Lawsuit - Hanover Insurance Company a/s/o YWX Holdings, Inc. - $62,500.
Ordinance 190240, proposed by the City Attorney, authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Hanover Insurance Company a/s/o YWX Holdings, Inc. against the City and County of San Francisco for $62,500, and assigned to Government Audit and Oversight Committee.
Legislation Introduced
A resolution was introduced to regarding a Settlement of Unlitigated Claim - Kim Du Truong - $36,090.
Resolution 190241, proposed by the City Attorney, approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim filed by Kim Du Truong against the City and County of San Francisco for $36,090, and assigned to Government Audit and Oversight Committee.
Legislation Introduced
A resolution was introduced to regarding an Agreement Amendment - San Francisco AIDS Foundation - HIV Prevention - City-Wide Syringe Access and Disposal Services - Not to Exceed $35,608,159.
Resolution 190242, proposed by the Public Health Department, approving Amendment No. 2 to the agreement between the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the Department of Public Health and assigned to Budget and Finance Sub-Committee.
Legislation Introduced
A resolution was introduced to Apply for, Accept, and Expend Funds - Retroactive - California Secretary of State - Voting System Replacement Activities - $3,011,500.
Resolution 190243, proposed by the Elections Department, retroactively authorizing the Department of Elections to apply for, accept, and expend funds allocated by the California Secretary of State and assigned to Budget and Finance Sub-Committee.
Legislation Introduced
A resolution was introduced to Accept and Expend Grant - The Workers Lab - Workers Fund - $150,000.
Resolution 190244, proposed by the Treasurer-Tax Collector, authorizing the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector to accept and expend a grant and assigned to Budget and Finance Sub-Committee.