
San Francisco County

Meeting on Affordable Housing Initiatives, Budget Approvals, and Code Amendments

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors met to address a wide range of issues, with a strong focus on affordable housing initiatives. Key actions included approving a substantial $75 million appropriation for affordable housing development, authorizing settlements for various lawsuits, and extending the termination date for Department of Public Health managed care contracts. The board also considered the establishment of the SoMa West Community Benefit District, heard public comments on topics ranging from homelessness to public banking, and continued a closed session for labor negotiations. Several new ordinances and resolutions were introduced, covering areas such as tenant preferences, housing for vehicularly housed persons, building energy performance, and various appointments to boards and committees.

Search for Specific Moments

Consent Agenda

Approval of $75,000,000 appropriation from Seismic Safety Retrofit and Affordable Housing Loan Program for housing development.

The Board approved Ordinance No. 029-19, appropriating $75,000,000 from the Seismic Safety Retrofit and Affordable Housing Loan Program, Series 2019A, to the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development. This funding will support loan programs for acquiring, improving, and rehabilitating at-risk multi-unit residential buildings, converting them into permanent affordable housing to prevent displacement of long-term residents. The funds are placed on Controller's Reserve pending bond sale.

Consent Agenda

Authorization of $600,000 settlement of lawsuit filed by Sentinel Insurance Company, Ltd.

Ordinance No. 027-19 was approved, authorizing a $600,000 settlement for a lawsuit filed by Sentinel Insurance Company, Ltd. against the City and County of San Francisco (Case No. CGC-17-561235). The lawsuit alleges damages from a leaking San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) pipe. The payment is funded from the Public Utilities Commission Water Enterprise fund balance.

Consent Agenda

Approval of $105,000 settlement of unlitigated claims filed by Sherry Jackson regarding sewer flooding.

The Board approved Ordinance No. 028-19, settling unlitigated claims filed by Sherry Jackson against the City and County of San Francisco for $105,000. The claims, filed on May 1, 2018, involve alleged property damages due to sewer flooding. The settlement payment will be appropriated from the Public Utilities Commission Wastewater Enterprise fund balance.

Consent Agenda

Amendment of planning and administrative codes related to zoning controls and fees in the C-3-R district.

Ordinance No. 023-19 was approved, amending the Planning Code to change zoning controls for Non-Retail Sales and Service Uses in the C-3-R (Downtown Retail) Zoning District. The ordinance also amends the Planning and Administrative Codes to create the Union Square Park, Recreation, and Open Space Fund and Fee. The Board affirmed the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act, made findings of consistency with the General Plan and priority policies, and found public necessity, convenience, and welfare.

Consent Agenda

Extension of the termination date for Department of Public Health managed care contracts.

The Board approved Ordinance No. 024-19, amending the Administrative Code to extend the termination date of managed care contracts approved under Section 21A.3 from December 31, 2020, to December 31, 2025. These contracts fall under the purview of the Public Health Department.

Consent Agenda

Extension of the sunset date for the Graffiti Advisory Board and require annual reports.

The Board approved Ordinance No. 025-19, amending the Administrative Code to extend the sunset date of the Graffiti Advisory Board for three years to March 1, 2022. The ordinance also mandates the Advisory Board to submit annual reports to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors instead of biannual reports.

Unfinished Business

Approval of street vacation for various streets within the Sunnydale HOPE SF Project.

Ordinance No. 022-19 was passed, ordering the vacation of streets and certain easements within the Sunnydale HOPE SF Project site. The vacated streets include Sunnydale Avenue, Blythdale Avenue, Brookdale Avenue, and Santos Street. The City is reserving public utility and access easement rights and authorizing a quitclaim of its interest in the vacation areas to the Housing Authority. The Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act was affirmed, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and priority policies were adopted.

Unfinished Business

Affirmation of categorical exemption for project at 3637-3657 Sacramento Street.

Motion No. M19-016 was approved, affirming the Planning Department's determination that the proposed project at 3637-3657 Sacramento Street is categorically exempt from further environmental review.

Unfinished Business

Tabled motion to conditionally reverse categorical exemption for 3637-3657 Sacramento Street.

The motion to conditionally reverse the Planning Department's determination on the categorical exemption for the project at 3637-3657 Sacramento Street (File No. 181235) was tabled.

Unfinished Business

Tabled motion to prepare findings to reverse categorical exemption for 3637-3657 Sacramento Street.

The motion directing the Clerk of the Board to prepare findings reversing the Planning Department's categorical exemption determination for the project at 3637-3657 Sacramento Street (File No. 181236) was tabled.

Unfinished Business

Continuation of motion regarding conditional use authorization for 3637-3657 Sacramento Street to February 12, 2019.

The motion approving the Planning Commission's decision to approve a Conditional Use Authorization (Planning Case No. 2007.1347CUA) for the project at 3637-3657 Sacramento Street (File No. 181238) was continued to the February 12, 2019 Board of Supervisors meeting.

Unfinished Business

Continuation of motion regarding conditional disapproval of conditional use authorization for 3637-3657 Sacramento Street to February 12, 2019.

The motion conditionally disapproving the Planning Commission's decision on the Conditional Use Authorization for the project at 3637-3657 Sacramento Street (File No. 181239) was continued to the February 12, 2019 Board of Supervisors meeting.

Unfinished Business

Continuation of motion to prepare findings related to the Conditional Use Authorization appeal for 3637-3657 Sacramento Street to February 12, 2019.

The motion directing the Clerk of the Board to prepare findings supporting the Board of Supervisors' disapproval of the Conditional Use Authorization for the project at 3637-3657 Sacramento Street (File No. 181240) was continued to the February 12, 2019 Board of Supervisors meeting.

Unfinished Business

Authorization of grant agreements related to the Public Utilities Commission Green Infrastructure Grant Program.

Ordinance No. 026-19 was passed, delegating authority to the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to enter into grant agreements with terms of 20 years under the SFPUC’s Green Infrastructure Grant Program, subject to specified conditions and a July 1, 2020, sunset date.

New Business

Appropriation of funds from Lease Revenue Bond Reserves for the Rossi Pool Project and Golden Gate Park Golf Course Clubhouse Project.

The ordinance appropriates $4,000,000 from 2006 and 2007 Lease Revenue Bond Reserves to the Recreation and Park Department to support the Rossi Pool Project. It also de-appropriates $4,000,000 of Open Space funding from the Rossi Pool Project and re-appropriates it to the Golden Gate Park Golf Course Clubhouse Project in FY2018-2019.

New Business

Continuation of Resolution authorizing an agreement amendment with the State Department of Health Care Services for substance use disorder services.

Resolution File No. 181133 authorizing the Department of Public Health, Behavioral Health Services, to enter into Amendment No. A02 with the State Department of Health Care Services for $144,811,227 for substance use disorder services from June 15, 2017, through June 30, 2019, was continued to the Board of Supervisors meeting of February 12, 2019. Laurel Snead, Kavoos Bassiri (Department of Public Health), and Jon Givner (Office of the City Attorney) answered questions.

New Business

Approval of an emergency declaration to repair the Southeast Treatment Plant Final Effluent Force Main.

Resolution No. 059-19 approves an emergency declaration of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to repair the Southeast Treatment Plant Final Effluent Force Main, with a total estimated cost not to exceed $4,912,000. John Scarpulla (Public Utilities Commission) answered questions raised.

New Business

Approval of an emergency declaration to repair ventilation ducts at the Oceanside Treatment Plant.

Resolution No. 060-19 approves an emergency declaration of the SFPUC to repair the Oceanside Treatment Plant Ventilation Ducts, with a total estimated cost not to exceed $3,000,000.

New Business

Approval of a contract agreement with Southern California Edison Company for renewable energy for CleanPowerSF.

Resolution No. 061-19 retroactively approves a contract agreement with Southern California Edison Company for renewable energy for CleanPowerSF, for a contract term of one year, from January 1, 2019, through December 1, 2019, in an amount not to exceed $24,000,000. John Scarpulla (Public Utilities Commission) answered questions raised.

New Business

Approval of multiple lease agreements and modifications at the San Francisco International Airport.

A series of resolutions were approved regarding lease agreements and modifications at San Francisco International Airport (SFO): Resolution No. 056-19 approved a Terminal 1 Retail Concession Lease 1 with Inmotion Entertainment Group, LLC, with a minimum annual guarantee of $405,000. Resolution No. 057-19 approved the Electronics Stores Lease in Terminal 3 Boarding Areas E and F with InMotion Entertainment Group, LLC, with a minimum annual guarantee of $500,000. Resolution No. 058-19 approved the Electronics Store Lease in International Terminal Boarding Area A with InMotion Entertainment Group, LLC, with a minimum annual guarantee of $340,000. Resolution No. 062-19 retroactively approved Modification No. 1 to a lease with the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, increasing the annual rent to $615,384.57. Cathy Widener (San Francisco International Airport) answered questions. Resolution No. 063-19 approved a Terminal 1 Retail Concession Lease 4 with L’Occitane Airport Venture, LLC, with a minimum annual guarantee of $135,000. Resolution No. 064-19 approved a Terminal 3 Boarding Area E and International Terminal Boarding Area G Wellness Concession Lease with Spa BR SFO, LLC, with a minimum annual guarantee of $250,000. Resolution No. 065-19 approved a Terminal 1 Retail Concession Lease 5 with Marshall Retail Group, LLC, with a minimum annual guarantee of $440,000. Resolution No. 066-19 approved a Terminal 1 Retail Concession Lease 7 with Skyline Concessions, Inc., with a minimum annual guarantee of $220,000. Resolution No. 067-19 approved a Terminal 1 Retail Concession Lease 6 with RAKH, Inc., with a minimum annual guarantee of $126,000. Resolution No. 068-19 approved a Terminal 1 Retail Concession Lease 2 with Paradies Lagardere @ SFO 2018, LLC, with a minimum annual guarantee of $700,000.

New Business

Authorization for execution and delivery of a multifamily housing revenue note for construction of a 143-unit housing project at 1990 Folsom Street.

Resolution No. 069-19 authorizes the execution and delivery of a multifamily housing revenue note not exceeding $62,132,500 for financing the construction of a 143-unit multifamily rental housing project known as “1990 Folsom.”

New Business

Approval of Vertical Disposition and Development Agreement for Parcel K North/Pier 70.

Resolution No. 040-19 approves a Vertical Disposition and Development Agreement between the Port and a joint venture between TMG Partners and Presidio Bay Ventures for the sale of Parcel K North (20th Street and Illinois Street). The Board adopted findings under the California Environmental Quality Act and found consistency with the General Plan and priority policies.

New Business

First reading of an ordinance amending the Public Works Code regarding Major Encroachment Permit Revocation Hearings.

An ordinance amending the Public Works Code to allow five members of the Board of Supervisors to schedule an administrative hearing before the Board regarding potential revocation of a major encroachment permit when the Director of Public Works has not taken timely steps to schedule and hold a hearing or issue a decision regarding the revocation was passed on first reading.

New Business

First reading of an ordinance amending the Planning Code to designate 22 Beaver Street as a Landmark.

An ordinance amending the Planning Code to designate 22 Beaver Street (Benedict-Gieling House) as a Landmark under Article 10 of the Planning Code was passed on first reading.

New Business

Appointments to various boards and authorities, with supervisors recused from voting on their own appointments.

Supervisor Haney was appointed to the Association of Bay Area Governments Executive Board, the Transbay Joint Powers Authority, and the San Francisco Local Agency Formation Commission. Supervisor Stefani was appointed as an alternate member to the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. Supervisor Walton was appointed to the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District Board of Directors. Supervisor Mar was appointed to the San Francisco Local Agency Formation Commission. Each supervisor was recused from voting on their own appointments.

New Business

Appointments to the Shelter Monitoring Committee.

Diana Almanza and Traci Watson were appointed to the Shelter Monitoring Committee, with terms ending January 1, 2020, and Gabriela Avalos and Vixen Yvonne were appointed, with terms ending January 1, 2021.


Recognition of commendations to Bevan Dufty, Anne Cervantes, and David Churton for supporting homeless children and families.

Supervisor Ronen presented Certificates of Honor to Bevan Dufty, Anne Cervantes, and David Churton for their efforts in supporting homeless children and families in the Mission.


Continuation of hearing regarding the appeal of a tentative map approval for 630 Natoma Street.

The hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the decision of Public Works approving a Tentative Map for a three-unit condominium project at 630 Natoma Street was continued to the Board of Supervisors meeting of March 5, 2019. Aaron Starr (Planning Department) provided information and Katherine Weiss spoke on various concerns related to the appeal.


Continuation of motions related to the tentative map for 630 Natoma Street.

The motion approving the decision of Public Works and approving the Tentative Map for a three-unit condominium project at 630 Natoma Street was continued to the Board of Supervisors meeting of March 5, 2019. The motion conditionally disapproving the decision of Public Works and disapproving the Tentative Map for a three-unit condominium project at 630 Natoma Street was also continued to the Board of Supervisors meeting of March 5, 2019. Similarly, the motion directing the Clerk of the Board to prepare findings relating to the Board of Supervisors' decision to disapprove the Tentative Map for a three-unit condominium project at 630 Natoma Street was continued to the Board of Supervisors meeting of March 5, 2019.

Committee of the Whole

Hearing regarding the establishment of the SoMa West Community Benefit District.

The Board of Supervisors sat as a Committee of the Whole to consider the establishment of a property-based assessment district known as the SoMa West Community Benefit District. Chris Corgas (Mayor's Office of Economic and Workforce Development) provided an overview, and numerous individuals spoke both in support and opposition to the proposed CBD. The hearing was declared heard and filed, and the Committee of the Whole adjourned and reported.

New Business

Continuation of Resolution to establish the SoMa West Community Benefit District.

The Resolution to establish the SoMa West Community Benefit District (CBD), ordering the levy and collection of assessments against property located in that district for 15 years, commencing with FY2019-2020, subject to conditions was continued to the Board of Supervisors meeting of March 5, 2019. The weighted ballots voting for the Western SoMa Community Benefit District was 56.17%, and the returned weighted ballots voting against the Western SoMa Community Benefit District was 43.83%; indicating there was no majority protest.

Public Testimony

Public comment on various issues, including homelessness, gasoline additives, housing legislation, senior housing, and public banking.

Members of the public offered comments on a range of topics. Concerns were raised about the state of the government and homelessness. Concerns were shared regarding the use of ethanol in gasoline. Concerns were shared regarding state legislation that will affect local control over housing. Support for the creation of a public banking charter (File No. 190118) was expressed by many speakers. Concerns were shared regarding the need for senior housing. Various concerns were shared related to the San Francisco Public Library.

Closed Session

Continuation of closed session for labor negotiations to March 5, 2019.

The Board recessed to convene in closed session for labor negotiations with labor unions representing City employees. The closed session was continued to the Board of Supervisors meeting of March 5, 2019. The Board elected not to disclose its closed session deliberations.

New Business

Adoption of amended Resolution urging California State Legislators to allow for the creation of a Public Banking Charter.

The resolution urging state lawmakers to allow for the creation of public banks was passed and amended to requests the Mayor to direct the County’s lobbyists in Sacramento to create a pathway for a public banking charter in the state of California. This Resolution is specific to the creation of a state charter mechanism for public banks, and does not commit the City and County to a position on any other provisions that may be included in such legislation.

New Business

Approval of Final Transfer Map 9597 for portions of Pier 70.

Motion No. M19-024 was approved, regarding Final Transfer Map 9597, a 52 lot merger and subdivision of Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 4052, Lot No. 001, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 3941, Lot No. 001, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 4046, Lot Nos. 001 and 002, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 4111, Lot Nos. 003 and 004; and adopting findings pursuant to the General Plan, and the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.

Legislation Introduced

Introduction of ordinances related to tenant preferences, housing for vehicularly housed persons, building energy performance, and signage at Harvey Milk Terminal.

Several ordinances were introduced: one amending the Administrative Code to expand the Displaced Tenant Preference in City Affordable Housing Programs (File No. 190140); one amending the Administrative Code to establish programs and a fund for vehicularly housed persons (File No. 190141); one amending the Environment Code to require building energy performance and benchmarking (File No. 190142); and one amending the Administrative Code to set the minimum size of lettering for exterior signage for the Harvey Milk Terminal at SFO (File No. 190143).

Legislation Introduced

Introduction of resolutions related to loan agreements for affordable housing projects.

Several resolutions related to loans and housing projects were introduced: a resolution approving a Loan Agreement with 735 Davis Senior, L.P. for a 100% affordable senior housing development (File No. 190144); a resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a multifamily housing revenue note for 735 Davis Senior Apartments (File No. 190145); a resolution approving a Loan Agreement with 88 Broadway Family, L.P. for a 100% affordable family housing development (File No. 190146); and a resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a multifamily housing revenue note for 88 Broadway Family Apartments (File No. 190147).

Legislation Introduced

Introduction of resolutions related to multifamily housing revenue bonds and grants.

Several resolutions related to multifamily housing revenue bonds and grants were introduced: a resolution related to multifamily housing revenue bonds for 22, 102, and 106 South Park Street (File No. 190148); a resolution to apply for a grant application regarding Noncompetitive Alternative Process County Designation to the California Department of Housing and Community Development for the No Place Like Home Grant Program (File No. 190149); a resolution to apply for a grant application regarding Alternative Process County Competitive Allocation Funds from the California Department of Housing and Community Development for the No Place Like Home Grant Program (File No. 190150); and a resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute agreements related to the Jefferson Street Improvements, Phase II, for the amount of $6,782,000 (File No. 190151).

Legislation Introduced

Introduction of resolutions related to grants and state support for disability services.

Several resolutions related to grants and state support for disability services: authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $467,082 from the California Department of Public Health to participate in a program, entitled “HIV Prevention State Grant No. 18-10590,” for the period of July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019; Approval of a 90-Day Extension for Planning Commission Review of Planning, Building Codes - Controls on Residential Demolition, Merger, Conversion, and Alteration (File No. 181216); authorizes the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $271,200 from the California Department of Rehabilitation to participate in a program, entitled "State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program," for the period of July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2022; urges the Board of Supervisors to support California State Assembly Bill 50, Medi-Cal: Assisted Living Waiver program expansion statewide and advocate for greater slots to be allocated to San Francisco residents.

Legislation Introduced

Introduction of motions regarding closed sessions, hearings, and support for legislation in Oakland

Introduced a motion regarding closed sessions for ongoing litigation; and a motion supporting the naming of Oscar Grant Way at Fruitvale BART Station in Oakland, California, (File No. 190158) and introduced requests for hearings regarding department contract approval procedures (File No. 190156) and the Shelter Monitoring Committee Annual Report (File No. 190157).

Legislation Introduced

Introduction of ordinance and resolutions related to department proposed settlements, donations and public auctions

There were proposed settlements of Lawsuits from the City Attorney for Satinder Singh and Brandon Simpson; A proposed resolution for the Fire Department to donate a retired ambulance to the San Francisco Unified School District; a resolution to allow the Tax Collector to sell parcels of tax defaulted real property at public auction.

Legislation Introduced

Introduction of agreements and ammendments related to behavior health intermidiary services

Introduced ammendments related to behavior health fiscal intermidiary services for Community Awareness and Treatment Services, and Conard House for public health services