
San Francisco County

Meeting on Budget, Land Use, and Charter Amendments

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors convened on January 30, 2018, addressing a variety of issues including budget appropriations, land use planning, and charter amendments. Supervisor Catherine Stefani was welcomed as a new member. Key actions included approving appropriations for various city departments and projects, settling lawsuits, and amending the Planning Code. The board also debated and ultimately passed an ordinance declaring Indigenous Peoples Day. Several items were introduced for future consideration, including measures related to the Mission Rock project, hotel tax allocations, and hearings on street safety and gang injunctions. Public testimony covered a range of concerns, from citywide case management to library RFID usage.

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Supervisor Catherine Stefani was welcomed and addressed the board.

President Breed welcomed Supervisor Stefani, who was newly appointed to fill the District 2 Supervisor vacancy. Supervisor Stefani addressed the Board, expressing her commitment to serving San Francisco and focusing on public safety during her term.

Consent Agenda

Appropriation of funds for Geneva Car Barn and Powerhouse capital improvements.

The Board approved an ordinance appropriating $11,048,767 to the Recreation and Park Department for funding received from CAST Powerhouse QALICB, LLC, including a state grant, tax credit investments, private funding from the Community Arts Stabilization Trust (CAST), and existing city appropriations for Geneva Car Barn and Powerhouse capital improvements in FY2017-2018. The funds were placed on the Controller's reserve pending receipt of the grant award and documentation of CAST equity and tax credit investments.

Consent Agenda

Appropriation of funds for San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency's street and transit projects.

The Board approved an ordinance appropriating $177,000,000 from General Obligation Bonds to fund the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency's street and transit projects in FY2017-2018. The appropriations were placed on the Controller's Reserve pending receipt of proceeds of indebtedness.

Consent Agenda

Appropriation of funds for Recreation and Park Department renovation, repair, and construction of parks and open spaces.

The Board approved an ordinance appropriating $76,710,000 from the third issuance of the 2012 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks General Obligation Bond to the Recreation and Park Department to support the renovation, repair, and construction of parks and open spaces. The funds were placed on the Controller's Reserve pending receipt of proceeds of indebtedness in FY2017-2018.

Consent Agenda

Appropriation of funds for Public Works street cleaning program from cigarette litter abatement fees.

The Board approved an ordinance appropriating $300,000 of cigarette litter abatement fees to Public Works for the street cleaning program in FY2017-2018. Sponsors were Mayor and Peskin.

Consent Agenda

Amending the Health Code to impose an annual license fee for a Cannabis Smoking Consumption permit.

The Board approved an ordinance amending the Health Code to impose an annual license fee of $1,200 for a Cannabis Smoking Consumption permit. The sponsor was the Mayor.

Consent Agenda

Authorizing settlement of a lawsuit filed by Greg Blatman against the City and County of San Francisco.

The Board approved an ordinance authorizing the settlement of a lawsuit filed by Greg Blatman against the City and County of San Francisco for $225,000. The lawsuit, filed in San Francisco Superior Court (Case No. CGC 14-541248), involved an employment dispute. The City Attorney handled the case.

Consent Agenda

Authorizing settlement of a lawsuit filed by Lai King Tam against the City and County of San Francisco.

The Board approved an ordinance authorizing the settlement of a lawsuit filed by Lai King Tam against the City and County of San Francisco for $142,500. The lawsuit, filed in San Francisco Superior Court (Case No. CGC-16-552527), involved personal injury allegedly caused by the dangerous condition of a City sidewalk. The City Attorney handled the case.

Consent Agenda

Authorizing settlement of a lawsuit filed by Patricia Burley against the City and County of San Francisco.

The Board approved an ordinance authorizing the settlement of a lawsuit filed by Patricia Burley against the City and County of San Francisco for $100,000. The lawsuit, initially filed in San Francisco Superior Court (Case No. CGC-16-554887) and later removed to United States District Court (Case No. 16-cv-06762 JCS), involved an employment dispute. The City Attorney handled the case.

Consent Agenda

Amending the Planning Code to revise the definition of Gross Floor Area.

The Board approved an ordinance amending the Planning Code to revise the definition of Gross Floor Area, deleting the reference to accessory buildings, exempting required car-share spaces, removing redundant off-street loading provisions, and modifying provisions regarding accessory and non-accessory parking. The Planning Commission was involved.

Consent Agenda

Amending the Planning Code to correct typographical errors, clarify nighttime entertainment restrictions, and update inclusionary affordable housing requirements.

The Board approved an ordinance amending the Planning Code to correct typographical errors, clarify nighttime entertainment restrictions, and update inclusionary affordable housing requirements. The Planning Department made a determination under the California Environmental Quality Act, and the Planning Commission was involved.

Consent Agenda

Amending the Planning Code to prohibit Non-Retail Professional Services uses, limit lot mergers, and allow Arts Activities and Catering uses within the Mission Street Neighborhood Commercial Transit District.

The Board approved an ordinance amending the Planning Code to prohibit Non-Retail Professional Services uses, limit lot mergers, and allow Arts Activities and Catering uses within the Mission Street Neighborhood Commercial Transit District. The Planning Commission made a determination under the California Environmental Quality Act. Ronen was the sponsor.

Consent Agenda

Appointment of members to the Ballot Simplification Committee.

The Board approved a motion appointing Scott Patterson and Betty Packard to the Ballot Simplification Committee, with terms ending November 30, 2018. This was a recommendation of the Rules Committee.

Unfinished Business

Charter Amendment regarding appointed board members and commissioners seeking elective office.

The Board ordered submitted to the voters at an election to be held on June 5, 2018 a Charter Amendment to provide that appointed members of boards and commissions under the Charter forfeit their offices upon filing a declaration of candidacy for state or local elective office. Peskin, Kim, Safai and Yee were sponsors.

Unfinished Business

Charter Amendment regarding the Retirement Board composition and disclosure requirements was re-referred to the Rules Committee.

The Board voted to re-refer a Charter Amendment to the Rules Committee. The amendment proposed to reduce Mayoral appointments to the Retirement Board from three to two, require the City Attorney to appoint one member subject to Board approval, change the terms of Mayor-appointed members, and require the Retirement Board to disclose certain investment information biannually. Peskin was the sponsor.

Unfinished Business

Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to declare the second Monday in October to be Indigenous Peoples Day was finally passed.

The Board passed an ordinance amending the Administrative Code to declare the second Monday in October to be Indigenous Peoples Day. A motion to refer it to the Rules Committee failed. Cohen was the sponsor.

New Business

Resolution regarding a liquor license transfer for Gum Hua Lee.

The Board adopted a resolution determining that the premise-to-premise transfer of a Type-21 off-sale general beer, wine, and distilled spirits liquor license to Jennie Jie Chen and Michael Jian Hua Ye, doing business as Gum Hua Lee located at 915 Stockton Street (District 3), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco, in accordance with California Business and Professions Code, Section 23958.4. A previous vote was rescinded before the resolution was adopted. This was sponsored by the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee.

New Business

Recognition of Commendations for Enoch Yee-Ching Fung and the SoMa West CBD Steering Committee.

The Board presented a Certificate of Honor to Enoch Yee-Ching Fung on his retirement from the Chinatown Community Development Center, recognizing his accomplishments in raising the quality of life and empowering low-income San Franciscans. They also presented Certificates of Honor to James Spinello, Debra Benedict, Tim Figueras, Eric Lopez, Brendan Tobin, Alex Ludlum and Ryan Jackson of the SoMa West CBD Steering Committee for their efforts to improve the Western SoMa neighborhood’s safety, health, economic vitality, and aesthetics. Peskin and Kim introduced the Certificates.

Committee Report

Resolution approving a lease for the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing.

The Board approved a resolution approving a lease of property at 125 Bayshore Blvd for use by the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing for emergency shelter purposes. The lease is with W.Y.L. Orion Properties, LLC, for an initial six-month term plus five one-year annual renewals, with rent commencing around April 1, 2018, at an initial annual rent of $489,000 with 3% annual increases. The property is approximately 31,200 square feet. The sponsor was the Mayor and this item came from the Budget and Finance Committee.

Public Testimony

Various members of the public shared their concerns and suggestions with the Board.

Members of the public spoke on various issues, including concerns about Citywide Case Management, religious concerns, thoughts and experiences, concerns regarding the process used to appoint the successor Mayor, concerns regarding the Public Library and use of RFID, a request for the resignation of the City Attorney, suggestions on naming Embarcadero Center, and support for allocating surplus funds citywide for street enhancements and cleaning. Also mentioned were musical selections and the resignation of board members due to concerns regarding Citywide Case Management.

New Business

Declaration of Support for the XXIII Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, the Republic of Korea.

The Board adopted a resolution declaring San Francisco’s support of having the XXIII Winter Olympics hosted in PyeongChang, the Republic of Korea. The sponsor was Kim.

New Business

Declaration of February 2, 2018, as Enoch Yee-Ching Fung Day.

The Board adopted a resolution declaring February 2, 2018, as Enoch Yee-Ching Fung Day in the City and County of San Francisco. The sponsor was Peskin.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance amending the Planning Code and the Zoning Map to add the Mission Rock Special Use District.

An ordinance was introduced to amend the Planning Code and the Zoning Map to add the Mission Rock Special Use District. The ordinance will now be reviewed by the Land Use and Transportation Committee. The sponsors were the Mayor and Kim.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance appropriating funds for the Sutter Stockton Garage parking management operations.

An ordinance appropriating $7,145,350 of San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)-Sutter Stockton Garage operating and retail rentals revenues to the SFMTA Sustainable Streets operating fund for the Sutter Stockton Garage parking management operations in FY2017-2018 was introduced. This ordinance will be reviewed by the Budget and Finance Committee. The sponsor was the Mayor.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance de-appropriating and re-appropriating funds for Police Department overtime expenses at the Airport Bureau.

An ordinance was introduced to de-appropriate $926,000 of permanent salaries budget and re-appropriate $926,000 to the Police Department's overtime budget to support increased overtime expense for security services at the Airport Bureau in FY2017-2018. This requires a two-thirds vote and will be reviewed by the Budget and Finance Committee. The sponsor was the Mayor.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance amending the Planning Code and Zoning Map for the San Francisco Conservatory of Music Project.

An ordinance was introduced to amend the Planning Code to authorize a height limit exception for the San Francisco Conservatory of Music Project at 200-214 Van Ness Avenue and amend the Zoning Map to change the height designation. The ordinance will be reviewed by the Land Use and Transportation Committee. The sponsor was Kim.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance approving a Development Agreement for the San Francisco Conservatory of Music Project.

An ordinance was introduced approving a Development Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and San Francisco Conservatory of Music for the project at 200-214 Van Ness Avenue, including various public benefits. It will be reviewed by the Land Use and Transportation Committee. The sponsor was Kim.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance appropriating funds for a Public Works Street & Sidewalk Cleaning Pilot Enhancement Project.

An ordinance appropriating $2,500,000 to the Department of Public Works for funding a Street & Sidewalk Cleaning Pilot Enhancement Project in FY2017-2018 was introduced. It will be reviewed by the Budget and Finance Committee. The sponsors were Kim, Fewer, and Ronen.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance amending the Planning Code to increase the Transportation Sustainability Fee for large Non-Residential Projects.

An ordinance was introduced to amend the Planning Code to increase the Transportation Sustainability Fee by $5 for Non-Residential Projects larger than 99,999 gross square feet. It will be reviewed by the Land Use and Transportation Committee. The sponsor was Peskin.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution authorizing the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to apply for, accept, and expend a grant for the No Place Like Home 2017 Technical Assistance Grant.

A resolution was introduced authorizing the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to apply for, accept, and expend a grant for the No Place Like Home 2017 Technical Assistance Grant. It was assigned to the Budget and Finance Committee. The sponsor was the Mayor.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution authorizing the Fire Department to accept and expend a grant for Fire Equipment and Stress Unit Resources.

A resolution was introduced retroactively authorizing the Fire Department to accept and expend a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to purchase thermal imaging cameras and resources for its Stress Unit. It was assigned to the Budget and Finance Committee. The sponsor was the Mayor.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution authorizing the Fire Department to accept and expend a grant for the Youth Firesetter Program.

A resolution was introduced retroactively authorizing the Fire Department to accept and expend a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for resources related to the Youth Firesetter Prevention & Intervention Program. It was assigned to the Budget and Finance Committee. The sponsor was the Mayor.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution approving a Disposition and Development Agreement for the Mission Rock Project.

A resolution was introduced approving a Disposition and Development Agreement between the Port and Seawall Lot 337 Associates, LLC, for the Mission Rock Project. It was assigned to the Government Audit and Oversight Committee. The sponsors were Breed and Kim.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution approving a Lease Agreement for Pier 48 for the Mission Rock Project.

A resolution was introduced approving a Lease Agreement between the Port and China Basin Ballpark Company, LLC for Pier 48 for the Mission Rock Project. It was assigned to the Land Use and Transportation Committee. The sponsors were Breed and Kim.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution approving a Memorandum of Understanding relating to Mission Rock Special Use District financing districts.

A resolution was introduced approving a Memorandum of Understanding relating to and appointing Port Commission as agent of Mission Rock Special Use District financing districts for the Mission Rock Project. It was assigned to the Government Audit and Oversight Committee. The sponsors were Breed and Kim.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution supporting California State Senate Bill 916 (Wiener) regarding vehicle burglary.

A resolution was introduced supporting California State Senate Bill 916, authored by Senator Scott Wiener, to expand the definition of vehicle burglary to include any forced entry. It was referred for adoption without committee reference at the next board meeting. The sponsors were Breed, Tang, Yee, Stefani, Safai, and Cohen.

Legislation Introduced

Motion ordering an Initiative Ordinance to the voters regarding Hotel Tax Allocations.

A motion was introduced ordering submitted to the voters an Ordinance amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code and Administrative Code to allocate a portion of hotel tax revenues for arts and cultural purposes and remove obsolete provisions. It will be reviewed by the Budget and Finance Committee. The sponsors were Tang and Peskin.

Legislation Introduced

Motion adopting findings reversing the determination by the Planning Department that the proposed project at 2417 Green Street is categorically exempt from further environmental review.

A motion was introduced for findings reversing the determination by the Planning Department that the proposed project at 2417 Green Street is categorically exempt from further environmental review and assigned for adoption at the next board meeting.

Legislation Introduced

Hearing on the Impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (Trump Tax Plan).

A hearing was requested on the impacts of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (Trump Tax Plan) on San Francisco residents, small business owners, and homeowners; develop recommendations on how the Board of Supervisors can address these negative impacts; and requesting the Office of the Controller and the Budget and Legislative Analyst to report. It was assigned to the Budget and Finance Federal Select Committee. The sponsor was Breed.

Legislation Introduced

Hearing regarding street safety on Mansell Street at Visitacion Avenue.

A hearing was requested to review street safety on Mansell Street in Visitacion Valley, in the wake of several collisions, including a fatal car accident on January 23, 2018; and requesting Municipal Transportation Agency and Department of Recreation and Parks to report. It was assigned to the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee. The sponsor was Cohen.

Legislation Introduced

Hearing regarding Cigarette-Butt Ashcan Pilot Evaluation.

A hearing was requested to evaluate the impact, success, and effectiveness of the cigarette-butt ashcan pilot program and outreach strategies in District 1 and District 4; and requesting the Department of Environment and Public Works to report. It was assigned to the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee. The sponsor was Fewer.

Legislation Introduced

Hearing regarding San Francisco Gang Injunctions.

A hearing was requested on the efficacy and impact of San Francisco gang injunctions; and requesting the Office of the City Attorney to report. It was assigned to the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee. The sponsors were Fewer and Ronen.

Legislation Introduced

Hearing regarding San Francisco Police Department Traffic Company Enforcement.

A hearing was requested on the enforcement efforts and staffing strategies of the San Francisco Police Department Traffic Company across police precincts and their progress towards achieving San Francisco's Vision Zero goal; and requesting the Police Department to report. It was assigned to the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee. The sponsor was Fewer.

Legislation Introduced

Proposed Ordinance Landmark Designation Wall at the Intersection of Diamond Heights Boulevard and Clipper Street.

An ordinance amending the Planning Code to designate the wall located at the intersection of Diamond Heights Boulevard and Clipper Street (aka Diamond Heights Safety Wall) as a Landmark under Article 10 of the Planning Code. It was assigned to the Land Use and Transportation Committee. The Historic Preservation Commission was responsible for proposing it and the sponsor was Sheehy.

Legislation Introduced

Proposed Resolution Lease Agreement DFS Group, LP - Airport Concession - $42,000,000 Minimum Annual Guarantee.

Resolution approving the International Terminal Duty Free and Luxury Stores Lease No. 17-0303 between DFS Group, LP and the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission, for a 14-year term, to commence following Board approvals, and an initial Minimum Annual Guarantee of $42,000,000. (Airport Commission) 01/19/18; RECEIVED FROM DEPARTMENT. 01/30/18; RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Proposed Resolution Contract Agreement State Department of Health Care Services - Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Services - FYs 2017-2020 - $26,534,856.

Resolution retroactively authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health, Behavioral Health Services to enter into Contract Agreement No. 17-94155 for the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Services for FYs 2017-2018 through 2019-2020, with the California Department of Health Care Services, in the amount of $26,534,856 for a three-year term from July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2020; and authorizing and designating the Department of Public Health County Alcohol and Drug Administrator to sign said Contract and to approve amendments for less than 10% of the contracted amount. (Public Health Department) 01/22/18; RECEIVED FROM DEPARTMENT. 01/30/18; RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.