
San Francisco County

Meeting on Emergency Response, Budget Appropriations, and Legislative Updates

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors meeting on January 4, 2022, covered a range of critical issues including emergency response, budget appropriations, and legislative updates. The board approved several financial measures including appropriations for the Department of Elections and the Fire Department. A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to a public hearing on the Mayor's Proclamation of a Local Emergency in the Tenderloin due to drug overdoses, although a final decision was deferred to a later meeting. The Board approved salary raises for the Fire Department. Furthermore, the board addressed labor issues by supporting the rights of Republic Services workers to unionize and urging California State University to offer a fair contract to faculty. Several pieces of new legislation were introduced, covering topics such as cannabis regulation, affordable housing, and sidewalk safety.

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Consent Agenda

Approval of a portable paid sick leave system for domestic workers.

The Board approved an ordinance to establish a portable Paid Sick Leave (PSL) system for domestic workers in San Francisco. This system requires hiring entities that do not directly provide PSL to make PSL payments to domestic workers through the portable system, ensuring they have access to paid sick leave even when working for multiple employers. The motion was marked FINALLY PASSED after unanimous approval.

Consent Agenda

Approval of salary ordinance amendment for the Fire Department to address paramedic staffing shortages.

The Board approved an ordinance amending the Salary Ordinance to reflect the addition of 50 new positions (13.68 FTEs) in the Fire Department for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-2022. This action aims to address paramedic staffing shortages within the department. The motion was marked FINALLY PASSED after unanimous approval.

Consent Agenda

Settlement of a lawsuit filed by Steven D. Lee against the City and County of San Francisco for $600,000 due to alleged personal injury.

The Board approved an ordinance authorizing the settlement of a lawsuit filed by Steven D. Lee against the City and County of San Francisco for $600,000. The lawsuit, filed on April 29, 2020, in San Francisco Superior Court (Case No. CGC-20-584260), concerned alleged personal injury sustained by Lee on a City street. The motion was marked FINALLY PASSED after unanimous approval.

Consent Agenda

Settlement of a lawsuit filed by Andrea Gansheimer against the City and County of San Francisco for $315,000 due to alleged personal injury from a vehicle collision.

The Board approved an ordinance authorizing the settlement of a lawsuit filed by Andrea Gansheimer against the City and County of San Francisco for $315,000. The lawsuit, filed on January 23, 2020, in San Francisco Superior Court (Case No. CGC-20-582426), concerned alleged personal injury resulting from a vehicle collision. The motion was marked FINALLY PASSED after unanimous approval.

Consent Agenda

Amending the Public Works Code regarding street tree planting and removal regulations.

The Board approved an ordinance amending the Public Works Code to improve regulations regarding street tree planting and removal. The amendments require the Department of Public Works to plant replacement street trees within 120 days of removal. The motion was marked FINALLY PASSED after unanimous approval.

Unfinished Business

Authorizing the Sheriff to contract with private entities to provide supplemental law enforcement services to retail and commercial establishments.

The Board approved an ordinance amending the Administrative Code to authorize the Sheriff to contract with private individuals and private entities to provide supplemental law enforcement services to retail and commercial establishments. Supervisors Preston, Ronen, and Walton voted against it. It was FINALLY PASSED with a vote of 8-3.

Unfinished Business

Appropriating $8,728,755 to the Department of Elections to support additional costs from unforeseen elections in FY2021-2022.

The Board approved an ordinance appropriating $3,630,632 from the General Reserve and $5,098,123 from other revenue to the Department of Elections to support additional costs from unforeseen elections in (FY) 2021-2022. Supervisor Ronen requested that this Ordinance be DUPLICATED ON FINAL PASSAGE. The motion was FINALLY PASSED after unanimous approval.

Unfinished Business

Appropriating $3,244,846 from the General Reserve to the Department of Elections to support additional costs from unforeseen elections for the San Francisco School Board of Education.

The Board amended and approved an ordinance appropriating $3,244,846 from the General Reserve to the Department of Elections to support additional costs from unforeseen elections specifically for the San Francisco School Board of Education. This was duplicated from file No. 211173 and modified to reflect the new allocation. Supervisor Peskin voted against it. The motion PASSED ON FIRST READING AS AMENDED by a vote of 10-1.

Unfinished Business

Appropriating $2,479,218 of General Fund General Reserves to the Fire Department for increased staffing to address paramedic staffing shortages in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-2022.

The Board approved an ordinance appropriating $2,479,218 of General Fund General Reserves to the Fire Department for increased staffing to address paramedic staffing shortages in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-2022. The motion was FINALLY PASSED after unanimous approval.


Public hearing on the Mayor's Proclamation of a Local Emergency Relating to Drug Overdoses in the Tenderloin.

The Board convened as a Committee of the Whole to hold a public hearing on Mayor London Breed’s December 17, 2021, Proclamation of a Local Emergency relating to drug overdoses in the Tenderloin. Several individuals provided an overview of the concurrence in the Local Emergency. Speakers voiced support for and opposition to the concurrence of the Local Emergency declared in the Tenderloin. Supervisor Peskin moved that this Hearing be CONTINUED to a Committee of the Whole at the Board of Supervisors meeting of February 8, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. The motion carried by a vote of 8-3.

New Business

Continuing the motion concurring/withdrawing concurrence in the Proclamation by the Mayor Declaring the Existence of a Local Emergency in connection with the sudden increase in drug overdoses in the Tenderloin to a later date.

The Board voted to continue the motion regarding concurrence in the December 17, 2021, Proclamation by the Mayor Declaring the Existence of a Local Emergency in connection with the sudden increase in drug overdoses in the Tenderloin to a Committee of the Whole at the Board of Supervisors meeting of February 8, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. The motion carried by a vote of 8-3.

Public Testimony

Public comments on various issues including a condominium project, time limits for public comment, domestic worker concerns, MUNI accessibility, and the rent moratorium.

Several members of the public provided comments. Topics included opposition to a final map approving a condominium project at 668-678 Page Street, concerns regarding the time limit for public comment and the Motion to sit as a Committee of the Whole regarding the local emergency in the Tenderloin, various concerns regarding domestic workers, concerns regarding accessibility to Muni and the need to expand the transit lines, support of the Motion to sit as a Committee of the Whole regarding the local emergency in the Tenderloin, and concerns regarding the end of the residential rent moratorium.

New Business

Resolution urging California State University to strengthen student learning and protect faculty working conditions by giving the California Faculty Association a fair contract.

The Board adopted a resolution urging California State University’s Chancellor Joseph I. Castro to strengthen student learning and protect faculty working conditions by giving the California Faculty Association a fair contract that reflects the Bay Area cost of living, minimizes the divide between tenure-track and lecturer faculty, and responds to the faculty’s racial and social justice demands. Supervisor Preston was added as a co-sponsor. This was ADOPTED.

New Business

Resolution supporting the rights of Republic Services workers at the San Francisco Bay Railway to unionize and negotiate a fair contract.

The Board adopted a resolution supporting the rights of Republic Services workers at the San Francisco Bay Railway to unionize and negotiate a fair contract. Supervisor Safai requested to be added as a co-sponsor. This was ADOPTED.

New Business

Motion concurring in actions taken by the Mayor in the Forty-First Supplement to the Proclamation of Emergency to meet the ongoing local emergency related to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

The Board approved a motion concurring in actions taken by the Mayor in the Forty-First Supplement to the Proclamation of Emergency to meet the ongoing local emergency related to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. Motion No. M22-001 was APPROVED.

New Business

Motion approving Final Map No. 9475, a six residential unit condominium project, located at 668-678 Page Street and adopting findings pursuant to the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.

The Board approved a motion CONTINUED to the Board of Supervisors meeting of January 11, 2022. This was in regards to Final Map No. 9475, a six residential unit condominium project, located at 668-678 Page Street, being a subdivision of Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 0843, Lot No. 015; and adopting findings pursuant to the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. Supervisor Preston had this severed.

New Business

Resolution supporting California State Senate Bill No. 237 (Portantino) - Dyslexia-Universal Screening.

The Board ADOPTED this motion in regards to a resolution supporting California State Senate Bill No. 237 (SB 237) introduced by Senate Member Anthony Portantino (SD- 25) on January 21, 2021; SB 237 would require the State Board of Education to establish a list of approved screening instruments to be used by school districts to screen pupils for risk of Dyslexia. Supervisors Chan, Mandelman, Walton, Ronen, Preston, Haney, Melgar, Peskin, Stefani, and Mar were requested to be added as co-sponsors.

New Business

Motion scheduling the Board of Supervisors to sit as a Committee of the Whole on January 4, 2022, at 3:00 p.m., during the regular Board of Supervisors Meeting, to hold a public hearing on the Mayor’s December 17, 2021 Proclamation of a Local Emergency Relating to Drug Overdoses in the Tenderloin.

The Board ADOPTED Motion No. M22-002 regarding a public hearing on the Mayor's local emergency declaration relating to drug overdoses in the Tenderloin. This was approved unanimously.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance amending the Planning Code to exempt proposed new construction for an Institutional Community Use at 1750 Van Ness Avenue, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 0622, Lot No. 019, from nonresidential use limitations of the Van Ness Special Use District.

An ordinance was proposed to amend the Planning Code to exempt proposed new construction for an Institutional Community Use at 1750 Van Ness Avenue, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 0622, Lot No. 019, from nonresidential use limitations of the Van Ness Special Use District. This item was assigned to the Land Use and Transportation Committee, expiring on 2/3/2022.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance authorizing the Office of Cannabis to accept and expend a grant award in the amount of $3,075,769 from the Department of Cannabis Control for the Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program and amending Ordinance No. 109-21.

An ordinance was proposed authorizing the Office of Cannabis to accept and expend a grant award in the amount of $3,075,769 from the Department of Cannabis Control for the Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program for a term of on-or-around February 11, 2022, through March 31, 2025; and amending Ordinance No. 109-21 (Annual Salary Ordinance File No. 210644 for Fiscal Years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023) to provide for the addition of one grant funded Class 1824 Principal Administrative Analyst position (FTE 0.20), one grant funded Class 1823 Senior Administrative Analyst position (FTE 1.0), and three grant funded class 1822 Administrative Analyst positions (FTE 3.0) at the Office of Cannabis for the period of on-or-around February 11, 2022, through March 31, 2025. This was assigned under 30 DAY RULE to Budget and Finance Committee, expires on 2/3/2022.

Legislation Introduced

Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Regina Tatevosyan against the City and County of San Francisco for $60,000.

An ordinance was proposed authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Regina Tatevosyan against the City and County of San Francisco for $60,000; the lawsuit was filed on March 7, 2019, in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC-19-574376; entitled Regina Tatevosyan v. City and County of San Francisco, et al.; the lawsuit involves alleged personal injury on a City sidewalk. This was RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution retroactively approving Amendment No. 2 to the agreement between the Chinese Hospital Association and the Department of Public Health (DPH) for skilled nursing services to provide COVID-19 surge capacity, to increase the agreement by $9,500,000 for a total not to exceed amount of $19,000,000.

A resolution was proposed retroactively approving Amendment No. 2 to the agreement between the Chinese Hospital Association and the Department of Public Health (DPH) for skilled nursing services to provide COVID-19 surge capacity, to increase the agreement by $9,500,000 for a total not to exceed amount of $19,000,000; and to extend the term by one year from December 31, 2021, for a total agreement term of December 1, 2020, through December 31, 2022; and to authorize DPH to enter into amendments or modifications to the contract prior to its final execution by all parties that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the City and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the contract. This was RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to approve the Fourth Amendment to an agreement with IMCO Parking LLC for the management of the 5th and Mission Garage to extend the agreement term by one year from April 30, 2022.

A resolution was proposed authorizing the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to approve the Fourth Amendment to an agreement with IMCO Parking LLC for the management of the 5th and Mission Garage to extend the agreement term by one year from April 30, 2022, for a total term of 11 years from March 1, 2012, through February 28, 2023, and to increase the contract amount by $77,482 for a total amount of $740,217. This was RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to approve the Fifth Amendment to Contract No. SFMTA-2011/12-9 with Imperial Parking (U.S.) LLC to extend the contract term by one year from January 31, 2022.

A resolution was proposed authorizing the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to approve the Fifth Amendment to Contract No. SFMTA-2011/12-9 with Imperial Parking (U.S.) LLC to extend the contract term by one year from January 31, 2022, for a total term of 11 years from February 1, 2012, through January 31, 2023, and to increase the contract amount by $184,466 for a total contract amount of $1,536,324 for the management of the Group A garages comprising the Civic Center Garage, Sutter Stockton Garage, Lombard Street Garage, Performing Arts Garage, Pierce Street Garage, Mission Bartlett Garage, 16th & Hoff Streets Garage, and the 7th & Harrison Parking Lot. This was RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to approve the Seventh Amendment to Contract No. SFMTA-2011/12-10 with IMCO Parking LLC to extend the contract term by one year from January 31, 2022.

A resolution was proposed authorizing the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to approve the Seventh Amendment to Contract No. SFMTA-2011/12-10 with IMCO Parking LLC to extend the contract term by one year from January 31, 2022, for a total term of 11 years from February 1, 2012, through January 31, 2023, and to increase the contract amount by $137,592 for a total contract amount of $1,243,152 for the management of the Group B garages comprising St. Mary’s Square Garage, Portsmouth Square Garage, Golden Gateway Garage, and the Kezar Stadium Parking Lot. This was RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.

Legislation Introduced

Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to approve the Fifth Amendment to Contract No. SFMTA-2011/12-11 with LAZ Parking California LLC to extend the contract term by one year from January 31, 2022.

A resolution was proposed authorizing the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to approve the Fifth Amendment to Contract No. SFMTA-2011/12-11 with LAZ Parking California LLC to extend the contract term by one year from January 31, 2022, for a total term of 11 years from February 1, 2012, through January 31, 2023, and to increase the contract amount by $172,166 for a total contract amount of $1,630,208 for the management of the Group C garages comprising the Union Square Garage, Moscone Center Garage, Ellis-O’Farrell Garage, Polk Bush Garage, North Beach Garage, Vallejo Street Garage, and the Zuckerberg-San Francisco General Hospital Garage. This was RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Budget and Finance Committee.